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# hexlet project brain-games

A set of mini games started from the console

## Install

npm i brain-games-denisbelyy
## List of games
* brain-even
  * Answer "yes" if number even otherwise answer "no".
* brain-calc
  * What is the result of the expression?
* brain-gcd
  * Find the greatest common divisor of given numbers.
* brain-balance
  * Balance the given number.
* brain-progression
  * What number is missing in this progression?
* brain-prime
  * Is this number prime?
## How starting the game
Enter the name of the game in the console

## Examples of games

### brain-even
### brain-calc

### brain-gcd

### brain-balance

### brain-progression

### brain-prime

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
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