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Test Coverage
namespace SPHERE\Application\People\Person;

use SPHERE\Application\Contact\Address\Address;
use SPHERE\Application\Contact\Mail\Mail;
use SPHERE\Application\Contact\Phone\Phone;
use SPHERE\Application\Document\Storage\Storage;
use SPHERE\Application\Education\ClassRegister\Absence\Absence;
use SPHERE\Application\Education\Graduation\Gradebook\Gradebook;
use SPHERE\Application\Education\Lesson\Division\Division;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Group\Group;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Group\Service\Entity\TblGroup;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Meta\Club\Club;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Meta\Common\Common;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Meta\Custody\Custody;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Meta\Prospect\Prospect;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Meta\Student\Student;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Meta\Teacher\Teacher;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Person\Service\Data;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Person\Service\Entity\TblPerson;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Person\Service\Entity\TblSalutation;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Person\Service\Entity\ViewPerson;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Person\Service\Setup;
use SPHERE\Application\People\Relationship\Relationship;
use SPHERE\Common\Frontend\Text\Repository\Bold;
use SPHERE\System\Database\Binding\AbstractService;

 * Class Service
 * @package SPHERE\Application\People\Person
class Service extends AbstractService

     * @return false|ViewPerson[]
    public function viewPerson()

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->viewPerson();

     * @param bool $doSimulation
     * @param bool $withData
     * @param bool $UTF8
     * @return string
    public function setupService($doSimulation, $withData, $UTF8)

        $Protocol= '';
            $Protocol = (new Setup($this->getStructure()))->setupDatabaseSchema($doSimulation, $UTF8);
        if (!$doSimulation && $withData) {
            (new Data($this->getBinding()))->setupDatabaseContent();
        return $Protocol;

     * @return bool|TblSalutation[]
    public function getSalutationAll()

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getSalutationAll();

     * int
    public function countPersonAll()

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->countPersonAll();

     * @return bool|TblPerson[]
    public function getPersonAll()

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getPersonAll();

     * @return false|TblPerson[]
    public function getPersonAllBySoftRemove()

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getPersonAllBySoftRemove();

     * @param TblGroup $tblGroup
     * @return int
    public function countPersonAllByGroup(TblGroup $tblGroup)

        return Group::useService()->countMemberByGroup($tblGroup);

     * @param $Person
     * @return bool|TblPerson
    public function createPersonService($Person)
        if (($tblPerson = (new Data($this->getBinding()))->createPerson(
            $this->getSalutationById($Person['Salutation']), $Person['Title'], $Person['FirstName'],
            $Person['SecondName'], $Person['CallName'], $Person['LastName'], $Person['BirthName'])
        )) {
            // Add to Group
            if (isset($Person['Group'])) {
                foreach ((array)$Person['Group'] as $GroupId) {
                    $tblGroup = Group::useService()->getGroupById($GroupId);
                    if ($tblGroup) {
                            $tblGroup, $tblPerson

            return $tblPerson;
        } else {
            return false;

     * @param int $Id
     * @return bool|TblSalutation
    public function getSalutationById($Id)

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getSalutationById($Id);

     * @param        $Salutation
     * @param        $Title
     * @param        $FirstName
     * @param        $SecondName
     * @param        $LastName
     * @param        $GroupList
     * @param string $BirthName
     * @param string $ImportId
     * @param string $CallName
     * @return bool|TblPerson
    public function insertPerson($Salutation, $Title, $FirstName, $SecondName, $LastName, $GroupList, $BirthName = '', $ImportId = '', $CallName = '')

        if (( $tblPerson = (new Data($this->getBinding()))->createPerson(
            $Salutation, $Title, $FirstName, $SecondName, $CallName, $LastName, $BirthName, $ImportId) )
        ) {
            // Add to Group
            if (!empty( $GroupList )) {
                foreach ($GroupList as $tblGroup) {
                        Group::useService()->getGroupById($tblGroup), $tblPerson
            return $tblPerson;
        } else {
            return false;

     * @param $Id
     * @param bool $IsForced
     * @return bool|TblPerson
    public function getPersonById($Id, $IsForced = false)

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getPersonById($Id, $IsForced);

     * @param $ImportId
     * @return bool|TblPerson
    public function getPersonByImportId($ImportId)

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getPersonByImportId($ImportId);

     * @param string $FirstName
     * @param string $LastName
     * @param string $Birthday
     * @return bool|TblPerson
    public function getPersonByNameAndBirthday($FirstName, $LastName, $Birthday)

        $tblPersonList = (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getPersonAllByFirstNameAndLastName($FirstName, $LastName);

        if ($tblPersonList) {
            foreach ($tblPersonList as $tblPerson) {
                $tblCommon = Common::useService()->getCommonByPerson($tblPerson);
                if (!$tblCommon) {
                $tblCommonBirthDates = $tblCommon->getTblCommonBirthDates();
                if (!$tblCommonBirthDates) {

                if ($Birthday == $tblCommonBirthDates->getBirthday()) {
                    return $tblPerson;
        return false;

     * @param string $FirstName
     * @param string $LastName
     * @param string $Birthday
     * @return bool|TblPerson[]
    public function getPersonAllByNameAndBirthday($FirstName, $LastName, $Birthday)

        $result = array();
        if (($tblPersonList = (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getPersonAllByFirstNameAndLastName($FirstName, $LastName))) {
            foreach ($tblPersonList as $tblPerson) {
                $tblCommon = Common::useService()->getCommonByPerson($tblPerson);
                if (!$tblCommon) {
                $tblCommonBirthDates = $tblCommon->getTblCommonBirthDates();
                if (!$tblCommonBirthDates) {

                if ($Birthday == $tblCommonBirthDates->getBirthday()) {
                    $result[] = $tblPerson;

        return empty($result) ? false : $result;

     * @param string $FirstName
     * @param string $LastName
     * @return bool|TblPerson
    public function getPersonByName($FirstName, $LastName)

        $tblPersonList = (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getPersonAllByFirstNameAndLastName($FirstName, $LastName);
            return current($tblPersonList);
        return false;

     * @param string $FirstName
     * @param string $LastName
     * @return bool|TblPerson[]
    public function getPersonAllByName($FirstName, $LastName)

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getPersonAllByFirstNameAndLastName($FirstName, $LastName);

     * @param $Name
     * @return false|TblPerson[]
    public function getPersonListLike($Name)

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getPersonListLike($Name);

     * @param TblPerson $tblPerson
     * @param $Person
     * @return bool
    public function updatePersonService(TblPerson $tblPerson, $Person)
        // SSw-699 Bearbeitung Stammdaten (Anrede -> automatisches Geschlecht)
        $updateGender = false;
        $salutationId = ($tblSalutationOld = $tblPerson->getTblSalutation()) ? $tblSalutationOld->getId() : 0;
        if ($Person['Salutation']
            && $salutationId != $Person['Salutation']
        ) {
            if (($tblSalutationNew = $this->getSalutationById($Person['Salutation']))
                && ($tblCommon = $tblPerson->getCommon())
                && ($tblCommonBirthDates = $tblCommon->getTblCommonBirthDates())
            ) {
                if ($tblSalutationNew->getSalutation() == 'Herr') {
                    if (!($tblCommonGender = $tblCommonBirthDates->getTblCommonGender())
                        || ($tblCommonGender
                            && $tblCommonGender->getName() != 'Männlich')
                    ) {
                        $updateGender = Common::useService()->getCommonGenderByName('Männlich');
                } elseif ($tblSalutationNew->getSalutation() == 'Frau') {
                    if (!($tblCommonGender = $tblCommonBirthDates->getTblCommonGender())
                        || ($tblCommonGender
                            && $tblCommonGender->getName() != 'Weiblich')
                    ) {
                        $updateGender = Common::useService()->getCommonGenderByName('Weiblich');

                // ChangeGender
                if ($updateGender) {

        if ((new Data($this->getBinding()))->updatePerson($tblPerson, $Person['Salutation'], $Person['Title'],
            $Person['FirstName'], $Person['SecondName'], $Person['CallName'], $Person['LastName'], $Person['BirthName'])
        ) {
            // Change Groups
            if (isset($Person['Group'])) {
                // Remove all Groups
                $tblGroupList = Group::useService()->getGroupAllByPerson($tblPerson);
                foreach ($tblGroupList as $tblGroup) {
                    Group::useService()->removeGroupPerson($tblGroup, $tblPerson);
                // Add current Groups
                foreach ((array)$Person['Group'] as $tblGroup) {
                        Group::useService()->getGroupById($tblGroup), $tblPerson
            } else {
                // Remove all Groups
                $tblGroupList = Group::useService()->getGroupAllByPerson($tblPerson);
                foreach ($tblGroupList as $tblGroup) {
                    Group::useService()->removeGroupPerson($tblGroup, $tblPerson);

            return true;

        return false;

     * @param array $ProcessList
    public function updatePersonAnonymousBulk($ProcessList = array())
        (new Data($this->getBinding()))->updatePersonAnonymousBulk($ProcessList);

     * @param TblPerson     $tblPerson
     * @param TblSalutation $tblSalutation
     * @return bool
    public function updateSalutation(TblPerson $tblPerson, TblSalutation $tblSalutation)

        return ( new Data($this->getBinding()) )->updateSalutation($tblPerson, $tblSalutation);

     * @param array $IdArray of TblPerson->Id
     * @return TblPerson[]
    public function fetchPersonAllByIdList($IdArray)

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->fetchPersonAllByIdList($IdArray);

     * @param $FirstName
     * @param $LastName
     * @param $ZipCode
     * @return bool|TblPerson
    public function  existsPerson($FirstName, $LastName, $ZipCode)

        $exists = false;

        if (( $persons = (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getPersonAllByFirstNameAndLastName($FirstName, $LastName) )
        ) {
            foreach ($persons as $person) {
                if (( $addresses = Address::useService()->getAddressAllByPerson($person, true) )) {
                    if ($addresses[0]->getTblAddress()->getTblCity()->getCode() == $ZipCode) {
                        $exists = $person;

        return $exists;

     * @param TblPerson $tblPerson
     * @return bool
    public function destroyPerson(TblPerson $tblPerson)

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->destroyPerson($tblPerson);

     * @param TblPerson $tblPerson
    public function softRemovePersonReferences(TblPerson $tblPerson)
        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->softRemovePersonReferences($tblPerson);

     * @param string $Name
     * @return bool|TblSalutation
    public function getSalutationByName($Name)

        return (new Data($this->getBinding()))->getSalutationByName($Name);

     * @param TblPerson $tblPerson
     * @return array
    public function getDestroyDetailList(TblPerson $tblPerson)

        $list[] = new Bold('Person: ' . $tblPerson->getLastFirstName());
        // Group
        if (($tblGroupList = Group::useService()->getGroupAllByPerson($tblPerson))) {
            foreach ($tblGroupList as $tblGroup) {
                $list[] = 'Personen-Gruppen-Zuordnung: ' . $tblGroup->getName();
        // Common
        if (($tblCommon = Common::useService()->getCommonByPerson($tblPerson))){
            $list[] = 'Personendaten der Person';
        // Prospect
        if (($tblProspect = Prospect::useService()->getProspectByPerson($tblPerson))) {
            $list[] = 'Interessenten-Daten der Person';
        // Teacher
        if (($tblTeacher = Teacher::useService()->getTeacherByPerson($tblPerson))) {
            $list[] = 'Lehrer-Daten der Person';
        // Student
        if (($tblStudent = $tblPerson->getStudent())) {
            $list[] = 'Schülerakten-Daten der Person';
        // Custody
        if (($tblCustody = Custody::useService()->getCustodyByPerson($tblPerson))) {
            $list[] = 'Sorgerecht-Daten der Person';
        // Club
        if (($tblClub = Club::useService()->getClubByPerson($tblPerson))) {
            $list[] = 'Vereinsmitglied-Daten der Person';

        // Address
        if (($tblAddressList = Address::useService()->getAddressAllByPerson($tblPerson))) {
            foreach ($tblAddressList as $tblToPerson) {
                if (($tblAddress = $tblToPerson->getTblAddress())) {
                    $list[] = 'Adresse der Person: ' . $tblAddress->getGuiString();
        // Phone
        if (($tblPhoneList = Phone::useService()->getPhoneAllByPerson($tblPerson))) {
            foreach ($tblPhoneList as $tblToPerson) {
                if (($tblPhone = $tblToPerson->getTblPhone())
                    && ($tblType = $tblToPerson->getTblType())
                ) {
                    $list[] = 'Telefonnummer der Person: ' . $tblPhone->getNumber()
                        . ' (' . $tblType->getName() . ' ' . $tblType->getDescription() . ')';
        // Mail
        if (($tblMailList = Mail::useService()->getMailAllByPerson($tblPerson))) {
            foreach ($tblMailList as $tblToPerson) {
                if (($tblMail = $tblToPerson->getTblMail())
                    && ($tblType = $tblToPerson->getTblType())
                ) {
                    $list[] = 'E-Mail Adresse der Person: ' . $tblMail->getAddress()
                        . ' (' . $tblType->getName() . ')';

        // Person Relationship
        if (($tblRelationshipToPersonList = Relationship::useService()->getPersonRelationshipAllByPerson($tblPerson))){
            foreach($tblRelationshipToPersonList as $tblToPerson){
                if (($personFrom = $tblToPerson->getServiceTblPersonFrom())
                    && ($personTo = $tblToPerson->getServiceTblPersonTo())
                    && ($tblType = $tblToPerson->getTblType())
                ) {
                    if ($personFrom->getId() == $tblPerson->getId()) {
                        $dispLayPerson = $personTo;
                    } else {
                        $dispLayPerson = $personFrom;

                    $list[] = 'Personenbeziehung zu ' . $dispLayPerson->getLastFirstName() . ' (' . $tblType->getName() . ')';
        // Company Relationship
        if (($tblRelationshipToPersonList = Relationship::useService()->getCompanyRelationshipAllByPerson($tblPerson))){
            foreach($tblRelationshipToPersonList as $tblToPerson){
                if (($tblCompany = $tblToPerson->getServiceTblCompany())
                    && ($tblType = $tblToPerson->getTblType())
                ) {
                    $list[] = 'Firmenbeziehung zu ' . $tblCompany->getDisplayName() . ' (' . $tblType->getName() . ')';

        // Division
        if (($tblDivisionList = Division::useService()->getDivisionStudentAllByPerson($tblPerson))) {
            foreach ($tblDivisionList as $tblDivisionStudent) {
                if (($tblDivision = $tblDivisionStudent->getTblDivision())
                    && ($tblYear = $tblDivision->getServiceTblYear())
                ) {
                    $list[] = 'Klassenzuordnung: ' . $tblDivision->getDisplayName()
                        . ' (' . $tblYear->getDisplayName() . ')';
        // Absence
        if (($tblAbsenceList = Absence::useService()->getAbsenceAllByPerson($tblPerson))){
            $list[] = count($tblAbsenceList) . ' Fehlzeiten zur Person';
        // Grades
        if (($tblGradeList = Gradebook::useService()->getGradeAllBy($tblPerson))) {
            $list[] = 'Zugriff auf ' . count($tblGradeList) . ' Zensuren der Person';
        // Certificates
        if (($tblFileList = Storage::useService()->getCertificateRevisionFileAllByPerson($tblPerson))) {
            $list[] = new Bold('Zugriff auf ' . count($tblFileList) . ' Zeugnisse der Person');

        return $list;

     * @param TblPerson $tblPerson
     * @param bool $isRestore
     * @return array
    public function getRestoreDetailList(TblPerson $tblPerson, $isRestore)

        $count = 1;
        $result[] = array(
            'Number' => $count++,
            'Type' => 'Person',
            'Value' => $tblPerson->getLastFirstName(),
            'EntityRemove' => $tblPerson->getEntityRemove()

        if ($isRestore) {
            (new Data($this->getBinding()))->restorePerson($tblPerson);

        // Group
        if (($tblMemberList = Group::useService()->getMemberAllByPerson($tblPerson, true))) {
            foreach ($tblMemberList as $tblMember) {
                if (($tblGroup = $tblMember->getTblGroup())) {
                    $result[] = array(
                        'Number' => $count++,
                        'Type' => 'Gruppen-Mitglied',
                        'Value' => $tblGroup->getName(),
                        'EntityRemove' => $tblMember->getEntityRemove()

                    if ($isRestore) {
        // Common
        if (($tblCommon = Common::useService()->getCommonByPerson($tblPerson, true))){
            $result[] = array(
                'Number' => $count++,
                'Type' => 'Meta-Daten',
                'Value' => 'Personendaten',
                'EntityRemove' => $tblCommon->getEntityRemove()

            if ($isRestore) {
        // Prospect
        if (($tblProspect = Prospect::useService()->getProspectByPerson($tblPerson, true))) {
            $result[] = array(
                'Number' => $count++,
                'Type' => 'Meta-Daten',
                'Value' => 'Interessenten-Daten',
                'EntityRemove' => $tblProspect->getEntityRemove()

            if ($isRestore) {
        // Teacher
        if (($tblTeacher = Teacher::useService()->getTeacherByPerson($tblPerson, true))) {
            $result[] = array(
                'Number' => $count++,
                'Type' => 'Meta-Daten',
                'Value' => 'Lehrer-Daten',
                'EntityRemove' => $tblTeacher->getEntityRemove()

            if ($isRestore) {
        // Student
        if (($tblStudent = $tblPerson->getStudent(true))) {
            $result[] = array(
                'Number' => $count++,
                'Type' => 'Meta-Daten',
                'Value' => 'Schülerakten-Daten',
                'EntityRemove' => $tblStudent->getEntityRemove()

            if ($isRestore) {
        // Custody
        if (($tblCustody = Custody::useService()->getCustodyByPerson($tblPerson, true))) {
            $result[] = array(
                'Number' => $count++,
                'Type' => 'Meta-Daten',
                'Value' => 'Sorgerecht-Daten',
                'EntityRemove' => $tblCustody->getEntityRemove()

            if ($isRestore) {
        // Club
        if (($tblClub = Club::useService()->getClubByPerson($tblPerson, true))) {
            $result[] = array(
                'Number' => $count++,
                'Type' => 'Meta-Daten',
                'Value' => 'Vereinsmitglied-Daten',
                'EntityRemove' => $tblClub->getEntityRemove()

            if ($isRestore) {

        // Address
        if (($tblAddressList = Address::useService()->getAddressAllByPerson($tblPerson, true))) {
            foreach ($tblAddressList as $tblToPerson) {
                if (($tblAddress = $tblToPerson->getTblAddress())) {
                    $result[] = array(
                        'Number' => $count++,
                        'Type' => 'Adresse',
                        'Value' => $tblAddress->getGuiString(),
                        'EntityRemove' => $tblToPerson->getEntityRemove()

                    if ($isRestore) {
        // Phone
        if (($tblPhoneList = Phone::useService()->getPhoneAllByPerson($tblPerson, true))) {
            foreach ($tblPhoneList as $tblToPerson) {
                if (($tblPhone = $tblToPerson->getTblPhone())
                    && ($tblType = $tblToPerson->getTblType())
                ) {
                    $result[] = array(
                        'Number' => $count++,
                        'Type' => 'Telefonnummer',
                        'Value' => $tblPhone->getNumber()
                            . ' (' . $tblType->getName() . ' ' . $tblType->getDescription() . ')',
                        'EntityRemove' => $tblToPerson->getEntityRemove()

                    if ($isRestore) {
        // Mail
        if (($tblMailList = Mail::useService()->getMailAllByPerson($tblPerson, true))) {
            foreach ($tblMailList as $tblToPerson) {
                if (($tblMail = $tblToPerson->getTblMail())
                    && ($tblType = $tblToPerson->getTblType())
                ) {
                    $result[] = array(
                        'Number' => $count++,
                        'Type' => 'E-Mail Adresse',
                        'Value' => $tblMail->getAddress() . ' (' . $tblType->getName() . ')',
                        'EntityRemove' => $tblToPerson->getEntityRemove()

                    if ($isRestore) {

        // Person Relationship
        if (($tblRelationshipToPersonList = Relationship::useService()->getPersonRelationshipAllByPerson($tblPerson, null, true))){
            foreach($tblRelationshipToPersonList as $tblToPerson){
                if (($tblType = $tblToPerson->getTblType())) {
                    if (($personFrom = $tblToPerson->getServiceTblPersonFrom())) {
                        $displayPerson = $personFrom;
                    } elseif (($personTo = $tblToPerson->getServiceTblPersonTo())) {
                        $displayPerson = $personTo;

                    $result[] = array(
                        'Number' => $count++,
                        'Type' => 'Personenbeziehung',
                        'Value' =>  $displayPerson->getLastFirstName() . ' (' . $tblType->getName() . ')',
                        'EntityRemove' => $tblToPerson->getEntityRemove()

                    if ($isRestore) {
        // Company Relationship
        if (($tblRelationshipToPersonList = Relationship::useService()->getCompanyRelationshipAllByPerson($tblPerson, true))){
            foreach($tblRelationshipToPersonList as $tblToCompany){
                if (($tblCompany = $tblToCompany->getServiceTblCompany())
                    && ($tblType = $tblToCompany->getTblType())
                ) {

                    $result[] = array(
                        'Number' => $count++,
                        'Type' => 'Firmenbeziehung',
                        'Value' =>  $tblCompany->getDisplayName() . ' (' . $tblType->getName() . ')',
                        'EntityRemove' => $tblToCompany->getEntityRemove()

                    if ($isRestore) {

        // Division
        if (($tblDivisionList = Division::useService()->getDivisionStudentAllByPerson($tblPerson, true))) {
            foreach ($tblDivisionList as $tblDivisionStudent) {
                if (($tblDivision = $tblDivisionStudent->getTblDivision())
                    && ($tblYear = $tblDivision->getServiceTblYear())
                ) {

                    $result[] = array(
                        'Number' => $count++,
                        'Type' => 'Klassenzuordnung',
                        'Value' =>  $tblDivision->getDisplayName() . ' (' . $tblYear->getDisplayName() . ')',
                        'EntityRemove' => $tblDivisionStudent->getEntityRemove()

                    if ($isRestore) {
        // Absence
        if (($tblAbsenceList = Absence::useService()->getAbsenceAllByPerson($tblPerson, null, true))){
            $result[] = array(
                'Number' => $count,
                'Type' => 'Fehlzeiten',
                'Value' =>  count($tblAbsenceList),
                'EntityRemove' => ''

            foreach ($tblAbsenceList as $tblAbsence) {

        return $result;