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Using the headers of the messages of the threads, this module is used for generating the following statistics can be
helpful in understanding the nature of the discussion threads:
* Distribution of the length (in units of time) of each discussion thread. Since one discussion thread has one
length, we have a distribution of these lengths.
* Distribution of inter-arrival times between the consecutive messages in all discussion threads. This information
would help in determining a possible termination of a discussion thread. If there is no activity on a thread beyond a
reasonable limit (can be mean + 2*S.D), then we can conclude the discussion thread to be dead.
Both these distributions can then be plotted as cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) using the CSV files generated
by this module.
import json
from import *
import os.path
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def inv_func(x, a, b, c):

    The model function used for curve fitting.
    return a/x + b/(x**2) + c

def thread_length_distribution(discussion_graph, foldername):
    Generates distribution of thread lengths and stores it in conversation_length.csv

    :param discussion_graph: Graph for which thread length distribution is generated.
    :param foldername: The mailbox folder.
    :return: A list of Thread lengths in the discussion graph.
    if not os.path.exists(foldername):
    thread_lengths = list()
    for conn_subgraph in nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(discussion_graph):
        time_list = [datetime.datetime.strptime(x , "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
                     for x in nx.get_node_attributes(conn_subgraph, 'time').values()]
        current_thread_length = (max(time_list) - min(time_list)).total_seconds()
        thread_lengths.append((min(conn_subgraph.nodes()), current_thread_length))
    with open(foldername+"conversation_length.csv", mode='w') as dist_file:
        for node, current_thread_length in thread_lengths:
            if current_thread_length > 9:
                dist_file.write("{0};{1}\n".format(node, current_thread_length))
    thread_lengths = [x for (y, x) in thread_lengths if x > 9]
    print("95th Percentile Thread Length:", thread_lengths[95*len(thread_lengths)//100], "secs.",
          "or", thread_lengths[95*len(thread_lengths)//100]/3600, "hrs.")
    print("99th Percentile Thread Length:", thread_lengths[99*len(thread_lengths)//100], "secs.",
          "or", thread_lengths[99*len(thread_lengths)//100]/3600, "hrs.")
    return thread_lengths

def response_time(discussion_graph, json_data, foldername):
    Calculate and store response times from the discussion graph to response_time.csv.

    :param discussion_graph:  Graph for which thread length distribution is generated.
    :param json_data:  The JSON data used to extract the thread attributes.
    :param foldername: The mailbox folder.
    :return: List of response times for the discussion graph.
    response_times = list()
    if not os.path.exists(foldername):
    with open(foldername+"response_time.csv", mode='w') as dist_file:
        for src, dstn in discussion_graph.edges():
            current_response_time = abs(get_datetime_object(json_data[src]['Time']) - get_datetime_object(json_data[dstn]['Time'])).total_seconds()
            if current_response_time > 9:
                dist_file.write("{0};{1};{2}\n".format(src, dstn, current_response_time))
        return response_times

def generate_time_stats_threads(nodelist_filename, edgelist_filename, clean_headers_filename, foldername, time_lbound=None, time_ubound=None, plot=False):
    Generates and plots statistics for inter-arrival of consecutive messages and distribution of length of each disccussion thread.

    :param nodelist_filename: The csv file containing the nodes.
    :param edgelist_filename: The csv file containing the edges.
    :param clean_headers_filename: The JSON file containing the cleaned headers.
    :param foldername: The mailbox folder.
    :param time_lbound: Time limit lower bound can be specified here in the form of a timestamp in one of the identifiable formats
            and all messages that have arrived before this timestamp will be ignored.
    :param time_ubound: Time limit upper bound can be specified here in the form of a timestamp in one of the identifiable formats
            and all messages that have arrived after this timestamp will be ignored.
    :param plot: Plot thread based time statistics if True.

    # If true, then messages that belong to threads that have only a single author are ignored.
    ignore_lat = False
    discussion_graph = nx.DiGraph()
    json_data = dict()

    if time_ubound is None:
        time_ubound = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
    time_ubound = get_datetime_object(time_ubound)

    if time_lbound is None:
        time_lbound = "Sun, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 +0000"
    time_lbound = get_datetime_object(time_lbound)

    msgs_in_range = set()

    print("All messages before", time_ubound, "and after", time_lbound, "are being considered.")
    discussion_graph = nx.DiGraph()
    email_re = re.compile(r'[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+')

    # Add nodes into NetworkX graph by reading from CSV file
    if not ignore_lat:
        with open(nodelist_filename, "r") as node_file:
            for pair in node_file:
                node = pair.split(';', 2)
                if time_lbound <= get_datetime_object(node[2].strip()) < time_ubound:
                    node[0] = int(node[0])
                    from_addr =[1].strip())
                    from_addr = if from_addr is not None else node[1].strip()
                    discussion_graph.add_node(node[0], time=node[2].strip(), sender=from_addr)
        print("Nodes added.")

        lone_author_threads = get_lone_author_threads(save_file=None, nodelist_filename=nodelist_filename, edgelist_filename=edgelist_filename)
        # Add nodes into NetworkX graph only if they are not a part of a thread that has only a single author
        with open(nodelist_filename, "r") as node_file:
            for pair in node_file:
                node = pair.split(';', 2)
                node[0] = int(node[0])
                if time_lbound <= get_datetime_object(node[2].strip()) < time_ubound and node[0] not in lone_author_threads:
                    from_addr =[1].strip())
                    from_addr = if from_addr is not None else node[1].strip()
                    discussion_graph.add_node(node[0], time=node[2].strip(), color="#ffffff", style='bold', sender=from_addr)
        print("Nodes added.")

    if len(msgs_in_range) == 0:
        return "No messages!"

    # Add edges into NetworkX graph only if they are not a part of a thread that has only a single author
    if ignore_lat:
        with open(edgelist_filename, "r") as edge_file:
            for pair in edge_file:
                edge = pair.split(';')
                edge[0] = int(edge[0])
                edge[1] = int(edge[1])
                if edge[0] not in lone_author_threads and edge[1] not in lone_author_threads:
                    if edge[0] in msgs_in_range and edge[1] in msgs_in_range:
        print("Edges added.")
        with open(edgelist_filename, "r") as edge_file:
            for pair in edge_file:
                edge = pair.split(';')
                edge[0] = int(edge[0])
                edge[1] = int(edge[1])
                if edge[0] in msgs_in_range and edge[1] in msgs_in_range:
        print("Edges added.")

    with open(clean_headers_filename, 'r') as json_file:
        for chunk in lines_per_n(json_file, 9):
            json_obj = json.loads(chunk)
            # print("\nFrom", json_obj['From'], "\nTo", json_obj['To'], "\nCc", json_obj['Cc'])
            from_addr =['From'])
            json_obj['From'] = if from_addr is not None else json_obj['From']
            json_obj['To'] = set(email_re.findall(json_obj['To']))
            json_obj['Cc'] = set(email_re.findall(json_obj['Cc'])) if json_obj['Cc'] is not None else None
            # print("\nFrom", json_obj['From'], "\nTo", json_obj['To'], "\nCc", json_obj['Cc'])
            json_data[json_obj['Message-ID']] = json_obj
    print("JSON data loaded.")

    if len(discussion_graph.edges()) == 0:
        return "No messages"

    thread_lengths = thread_length_distribution(discussion_graph, foldername)
    response_times = sorted(response_time(discussion_graph, json_data, foldername))

    if plot:
        thread_lengths = thread_lengths[:int(len(thread_lengths)*0.9)]
        y, x1 = np.histogram(thread_lengths, bins=50)
        y = list(y)
        max_y = sum(y)
        if max_y != 0:
            y = [y1 / max_y for y1 in y]
        x = list()
        for i1 in range(len(x1) - 1):
            x.append((x1[i1] + x1[i1 + 1]) / 2)
        popt, pcov = curve_fit(inv_func, x, y)
        a, b, c = popt
        axes = plt.gca()
        axes.set_xlim([0, max(x)])
        axes.set_ylim([0, max(y)])
        plt.plot(x, y, linestyle='--', color='b', label="Data")
        plt.savefig(foldername + '../plots/thread_length.png')
        x_range = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 500)
        plt.plot(x_range, a / x_range + b / (x_range ** 2) + c, 'r-', label="Fitted Curve")
        plt.savefig(foldername + '../plots/thread_length_inv.png')

        response_times = response_times[:int(len(response_times)*0.9)]
        y, x1 = np.histogram(response_times, bins=50)
        y = list(y)
        max_y = sum(y)
        if max_y != 0:
            y = [y1 / max_y for y1 in y]
        x = list()
        for i1 in range(0, len(x1) - 1):
            x.append((x1[i1] + x1[i1 + 1]) / 2)
        popt, pcov = curve_fit(inv_func, x, y)
        a, b, c = popt
        axes = plt.gca()
        axes.set_xlim([0, max(x)])
        axes.set_ylim([0, max(y)])
        plt.plot(x, y, linestyle='--', color='b', label="Data")
        plt.savefig(foldername + '../plots/response_time.png')
        x_range = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 500)
        plt.plot(x_range, a / x_range + b / (x_range ** 2) + c, 'r-', label="Fitted Curve")
        plt.savefig(foldername + '../plots/response_time_inv.png')
    return None