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6 days
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import re
import traceback
import pytz
import datetime
import time
import networkx as nx
from itertools import islice, chain

def lines_per_n(f, n):
    Each json object in the headers.json file occupies a set number of lines.
    This function is used to read those set number of lines and return them.
    for line in f :
        yield ''.join(chain([line], islice(f, n-1)))

def get_lone_author_threads(save_file=None, nodelist_filename='graph_nodes.csv', edgelist_filename='graph_edges.csv'):
    This function returns the UID of all the nodes that belong to a thread that has only one author

    :param save_file: If True, the list of UIDs of nodes are saved to a text file
    :param nodelist_filename: The name of the file containing the nodes
    :param edgelist_filename: The name of the file containing the edges
    :return: A set containing the UID of all the nodes that belong to a thread that has a single author
    discussion_graph = nx.DiGraph()
    email_re = re.compile(r'[\w\.-]+@[\w\.-]+')
    lone_author_threads = set()

    # Add nodes into NetworkX graph by reading CSV file
    with open(nodelist_filename, "r") as node_file:
        for pair in node_file:
            node = pair.split(';', 2)
            from_addr =[1].strip())
            from_addr = if from_addr is not None else node[1].strip()
            discussion_graph.add_node(int(node[0]), time=node[2].strip(), sender=from_addr)

    # Add edges into NetworkX graph by reading CSV file
    with open(edgelist_filename, "r") as edge_file:
        for pair in edge_file:
            edge = pair.split(';')
            edge[0] = int(edge[0])
            edge[1] = int(edge[1])
            except KeyError:

    for conn_subgraph in nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(discussion_graph):
        thread_authors = set()
        for node, attributes in sorted(conn_subgraph.nodes_iter(data=True)):
        if len(thread_authors) <= 1:
            lone_author_threads.update(int(x) for x in conn_subgraph.nodes())

    if save_file is not None:
        print("Saving to lone_author_threads.txt...")
        with open("lone_author_threads.txt", 'w') as txt_file:
            for uid in sorted(lone_author_threads):
                txt_file.write(str(uid) + '\n')
    return lone_author_threads

def get_datetime_object(orig_time):
    """A function to convert a formatted string containing date and time from a local timezone to UTC, by taking into consideration multiple formats of the input parameter and then return the corresponding datetime object.

    :param orig_time: Formatted string containing a date and time from a local timezone
    :return: A datetime object corresponding to the input string in UTC
        # Truncating the string to contain only required values and removing unwanted whitespace
        trunc_date = orig_time[:31] if len(orig_time) > 31 else orig_time
        trunc_date = trunc_date.strip()
        if "GMT" in trunc_date:
            trunc_date = trunc_date.replace("GMT", "+0000")
        elif "PST" in trunc_date:
            trunc_date = trunc_date.replace("PST", "-0800")
        elif "EST" in trunc_date:
            trunc_date = trunc_date.replace("EST", "-0500")
        elif "EET" in trunc_date:
            trunc_date = trunc_date.replace("EET", "+0200")
        elif "CET" in trunc_date:
            trunc_date = trunc_date.replace("CET", "+0100")

        # Generating a datetime object considering multiple formats of the input parameter - with and without weekday
        if len(trunc_date) > 30 and trunc_date[14] == ':':
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z")
        elif len(trunc_date) == 25 or len(trunc_date) == 26:
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
        elif trunc_date[3] == ',' and (len(trunc_date) == 28 or len(trunc_date) == 29) and '+' not in trunc_date and '-' not in trunc_date:
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
        elif len(trunc_date) == 27 or len(trunc_date) == 28:
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M %z")
        elif str.isalpha(trunc_date[5]) and str.isdigit(trunc_date[-1]):
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y")
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")

        # Converting the datetime object into a formatted string
        utc_dt = datetime_obj.astimezone(pytz.utc)
        return utc_dt

        print("Unable to process date:", orig_time, trunc_date)

def get_utc_time(orig_time):
    A function to convert a formatted string containing date and time from a local timezone to UTC, by taking into
    consideration multiple formats of the input parameter

    :param orig_time: Formatted string containing a date and time from a local timezone
    :return: Formatted string containing the date and time in UTC
    orig_time = str(orig_time)
        # Truncating the string to contain only required values and removing unwanted whitespace
        trunc_date = orig_time[:31] if len(orig_time) > 31 else orig_time
        trunc_date = trunc_date.strip()
        if "GMT" in trunc_date:
            trunc_date = trunc_date.replace("GMT", "+0000")
        elif "PST" in trunc_date:
            trunc_date = trunc_date.replace("PST", "-0800")
        elif "PDT" in trunc_date:
            trunc_date = trunc_date.replace("PDT", "-0800")
        elif "EST" in trunc_date:
            trunc_date = trunc_date.replace("EST", "-0500")
        elif "EET" in trunc_date:
            trunc_date = trunc_date.replace("EET", "+0200")
        elif "CET" in trunc_date:
            trunc_date = trunc_date.replace("CET", "+0100")
        # Generating a datetime object considering multiple formats of the input parameter - with and without weekday

        if len(trunc_date) > 30 and trunc_date[14] == ':':
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z")
        elif len(trunc_date) == 25 or len(trunc_date) == 26:
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")
        elif trunc_date[3] == ',' and (len(trunc_date) == 28 or len(trunc_date) == 29) and '+' not in trunc_date and '-' not in trunc_date:
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
        elif len(trunc_date) == 27 or len(trunc_date) == 28:
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M %z")
        elif str.isalpha(trunc_date[5]) and str.isdigit(trunc_date[-1]):
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y")
            datetime_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(trunc_date, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")

        # Converting the datetime object into a formatted string
        utc_dt = datetime_obj.astimezone(pytz.utc)
        return utc_dt.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z")

        # print("Unable to process date:", orig_time, trunc_date)
        return "Error"

def get_messages_before(time_limit, nodelist_filename):
    This function returns a set of Message-IDs that have arrived before the time limit passed as parameter.

    :param time_limit: A string formatted time stamp in one of the recognized formats.
    :param nodelist_filename: The name of the file containing the nodes.
    :return: A set containing Message-IDs that have arrived before the time limit passed as parameter.
    time_limit = get_datetime_object(time_limit)
    msgs_before_time = set()
    with open(nodelist_filename, "r") as node_file:
        for pair in node_file:
            node = pair.split(';', 2)
            sent_time = node[2].strip()
            if get_datetime_object(sent_time) < time_limit:
    return msgs_before_time