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import struct
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Callable, Dict

from confluent_avro import avrolib
from confluent_avro.exceptions import MessageParsingError
from confluent_avro.schema_registry import SchemaRegistry


class AvroSerde(object):
    A class that can perform avro serialization and deserialization
    using the confluent schema registry.

    :param SchemaRegistry registry_client: http client instance to call schema registry
    :param str topic: the topic name used in Kafka
    :param func naming_strategy: define how to derive subject from the given ``topic``

    def __init__(
        registry_client: SchemaRegistry,
        topic: str,
        naming_strategy: Callable = lambda x: x,

        self.sr = registry_client
        self.subject = naming_strategy(topic)
        self._data_offset = self.sr.schema_id_size + 1
        self._encoder_map: Dict[int, avrolib.Encoder] = {}
        self._decoder_map: Dict[int, avrolib.Decoder] = {}

    def deserialize(self, data: bytes) -> dict:
        Decode a message from kafka that has been avro-encoded
        and follows the schema registry wire format.

        :param bytes data: data to be decoded
        :returns: Decoded message content
        :rtype dict:

        if data is None:
            raise MessageParsingError("message can't be None Type")

        with BytesIO(data) as input_stream:
            magic, schema_id = struct.unpack(
                ">bI", input_stream.read(self._data_offset)

            if magic != MAGIC_BYTE:
                raise MessageParsingError("message does not start with magic byte")

            decoder = self._get_decoder(schema_id)
            return decoder.decode(input_stream)

    def serialize(self, data: dict, avro_schema: str) -> bytes:
        Encode `data` with the given avro schema `avro_schema`.
        Instead of including the full schema in the output, only a schema id generated 
        by the registry is included. If the `avro_schema` is rejected by the schema registry, 
        the serialization fails. The data encoding follows the schema registry wire format.
        :param dict data: An object to serialize
        :param str avro_schema: An avro parsed schema
        :returns: Encoded record with schema ID as bytes
        :rtype: bytes

        schema_id = self.sr.register_schema(self.subject, avro_schema)
        with BytesIO() as out_stream:
            out_stream.write(struct.pack("b", MAGIC_BYTE))
            out_stream.write(struct.pack(">I", schema_id))
            encoder = self._get_encoder(schema_id, avro_schema)  # cache
            return encoder.encode(data, out_stream)

    def _get_decoder(self, schema_id: int) -> avrolib.Decoder:
        if schema_id in self._decoder_map:
            return self._decoder_map[schema_id]
        schema_str = self.sr.get_schema(schema_id)
        self._decoder_map[schema_id] = avrolib.Decoder(schema_str)
        return self._decoder_map[schema_id]

    def _get_encoder(self, schema_id: int, schema_str: str) -> avrolib.Encoder:
        if schema_id in self._encoder_map:
            return self._encoder_map[schema_id]
        self._encoder_map[schema_id] = avrolib.Encoder(schema_str)
        return self._encoder_map[schema_id]

class AvroKeySerde(AvroSerde):
    """The schema is registered with the subject of 'topic-key'

    def __init__(self, registry_client: SchemaRegistry, topic: str):
        super(AvroKeySerde, self).__init__(
            registry_client, topic, lambda x: "-".join([x, "key"])

class AvroValueSerde(AvroSerde):
    """The schema is registered with the subject of 'topic-value'

    def __init__(self, registry_client: SchemaRegistry, topic: str):
        super(AvroValueSerde, self).__init__(
            registry_client, topic, lambda x: "-".join([x, "value"])

class AvroKeyValueSerde(object):
    """Class that implements both Key and Value serde in one place

    def __init__(self, registry_client: SchemaRegistry, topic: str):
        self.key = AvroKeySerde(registry_client, topic)
        self.value = AvroValueSerde(registry_client, topic)