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# itermp

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This project is intended for iterm users looking for a way to share and manage pane configurations. It's similar to [itermocil](https://github.com/TomAnthony/itermocil), but offers more flexibility and the ability to create local, project specific pane configurations.

### Demo


### Installation

npm install -g itermp

### Getting Started

When you install `itermp`, it will create a hidden folder in your home directory called `~/.itermp/`. This is where all your global pane configurations will live. Global pane configurations are iterm pane configurations that you can use from any directory. `itermp` ships with one global pane configuration called `basic`. To use it, run `itermp basic`.

If you open `~/.itermp/`, you should see a json file called `basic.json`. New global pane configurations can be added by creating new json files in this folder. You can see a list of all global pane configurations by running `itermp -l`, or by running `itermp` from a directory without a local `./itermp.json`.

### Configuration options

  "fullscreen": true,                    // makes iTerm window fullscreen
  "profile": "Perdy",                    // iTerm session profile to use for the pane
  "rows": 20,                            // number of rows in for the pane
  "columns": 180,                        // number of columns for the pane,
  "command": "echo 'well hello there'",  // command to run when the pane opens
  "split": [{                            // split can either be an array or an object
    "type": "horizontally",              // can either be "horizontally" or "vertically"
    // ... can use pane configuration options from above (except fullscreen) and continue nesting

### Local Pane Configurations

`itermp` also allows you to create local, project specific pane configurations. These configurations are defined in a file called `./itermp.json`. If you run `itermp` from a directory with an `./itermp.json` file, `itermp` will use the pane configuration defined in that file.

To create a local pane configuration, run `itermp -i`. This will create a blank `./itermp.json`. If you would like to copy a global pane configuration, you can specify a name (EX: `itermp -i basic`).

If you would like to make a local pane configuration globally available, you can run `itermp -g <name>` from a directory with a local `./itermp.json`.

### Bash Completion

If you would like to autocomplete global pane configurations, run `itermp completion >> ~/.bash_profile`. This will add a bash completion completions script generated by [yargs](https://github.com/yargs/yargs) to your bash profile.

### Troubleshooting

If you run into a problem, try running with the debug flag (`-d`). If you are unable to resolve your problem, please [file an issue](https://github.com/Didericis/itermp/issues).

### Example

This is the configuration used in the demo gif

  "fullscreen": true,
  "profile": "Perdy",
  "rows": 80,
  "columns": 400,
  "command": "vi",
  "split": [{
    "type": "horizontally",
    "profile": "Perdy Gears",
    "rows": 30,
    "command": "npm run start:watch",
    "split": {
      "type": "vertically",
      "profile": "Perdy Gears",
      "command": "npm run styleguide",
      "split": {
        "type": "vertically",
        "profile": "Perdy Gears",
        "command": "npm run coverage"
    "type": "vertically",
    "profile": "Perdy Coffee",
    "columns": 120,
    "command": "npm run test:client:watch",
    "split": {
      "type": "horizontally",
      "profile": "Perdy"

### License

[MIT license](LICENSE.md) © Eric Bauerfeld