rules: |
### {rules_emoji} Rules:
These rules are in place to make a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Read and follow them carefully:
1. **No NSFW, NSFL, or Gore Content**
-# Applies to profile images, usernames, explicit images, videos, and text.
2. **No Racism or Discrimination**
-# Treat everyone respectfully and kindly. Hate speech and slurs are prohibited.
3. **No Sexual Content**
-# This includes suggestive jokes, gifs, and any other form of innuendo. Keep it friendly for everyone.
4. **No Advertising or Self-Promotion**
-# Avoid sharing links to personal servers, social media, or other bots on InterChat.
5. **No Harassment or Doxxing**
-# Respect everyone’s privacy and well-being. Harassment, doxxing, and encouraging self-harm are strictly forbidden.
6. **No Spam or Flooding**
-# Don’t send repetitive messages or flood the chat. Excessive spamming may result in harsher penalties and impacts bot performance.
7. **No Controversial Discussions**
-# Maintain a friendly, welcoming environment for everyone. Avoid discussing politics, religion, or other controversial topics.
8. **Use Common Sense**
-# If you think something might not be appropriate, avoid it.
9. **Report Violations**
-# Use the `Apps > Message Info/Report` command to notify moderators of any rule-breaking content.
And remember to follow [Discord's Terms of Service](https://discord.com/terms) and [Community Guidelines](https://discord.com/guidelines).
welcome: |
{emoji} Hey {user}, welcome to InterChat!
Before you can start chatting with people from other servers using InterChat, you need to accept the rules. Use the button below to accept them.
accepted: |
{emoji} Welcome to InterChat! You have accepted the rules and are now ready to chat with members from other servers!
If you are not already in a hub, use `/hub browse` to join one and start chatting. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask in the [support server]({support_invite}).
If you enjoy using InterChat, please consider [donating]({donateLink}) to support the development costs.
alreadyAccepted: '{emoji} You have already accepted the rules. You can now use InterChat to its full extent.'
description: By voting you support us by helping InterChat rank higher on topgg searches.
footer: Thank you for supporting!
accountTooNew: '{emoji} {user} Your account is too new to send messages using InterChat. Please try again later.'
deleteSuccess: '{emoji} Message by {user} has been deleted from __**{deleted}/{total}**__ servers.'
editSuccess: '{emoji} Message by {user} has been edited in __**{edited}/{total}**__ servers.'
title: '👋 Hey there, welcome to {hubName}!'
description: |
Hey there! You are trying to join a hub called **{hubName}**. In order to chat with members from other servers, you need to accept InterChat's guidelines. Use the button below to continue.
footer: InterChat Network | Version {version}
inProgress: '{emoji} {channel} is already in the process of being setup to join a hub. Please wait for the setup to complete or cancel it if you were the one who initiated it.'
success: '{emoji} **{name}** has been successfully blacklisted!'
removed: '{emoji} **{name}** has been removed from the blacklist!'
label: Reason
placeholder: Reason for blacklisting
label: Duration
placeholder: 'Duration of blacklist. Eg: 1d, 1w, 1m, 1y. Leave blank for permanent.'
alreadyBlacklisted: '{emoji} This user is already blacklisted.'
blacklistBot: You can't blacklist me wtf.
alreadyBlacklisted: '{emoji} This server is already blacklisted.'
unknownError: Failed to blacklist **{server}**. Enquire with the developers for more information.
user: |
**UserID:** {id}
**Moderator:** {moderator}
**Reason:** {reason}
**Expires:** {expires}
server: |
**ServerId:** {id}
**Moderator:** {moderator}
**Reason:** {reason}
**Expires:** {expires}
message: Message Info
server: Server Info
user: User Info
report: Report
notEnabled: '{emoji} Reporting is not enabled for this hub.'
success: '{emoji} Report submitted successfully. Thank you!'
invite: |
Thank you for choosing to invite InterChat! If you have any questions or need help, we are always here to help you in the support server!
**[{invite_emoji} `Invite Link`]( {invite} ) [{support_emoji} `Support Server`]( {support} )**
notFound: '{emoji} Invalid connection. Verify the channel ID or select from displayed options.'
channelNotFound: '{emoji} Unable to find connected channel. To talk again choose a new channel.'
alreadyConnected: '{emoji} Channel {channel} is already connected to a hub.'
switchChannel: '{emoji} Select a channel to switch to using the select menu below:'
switchCalled: '{emoji} Channel switch called, use the command again to view new connection.'
switchSuccess: '{emoji} Channel switched. You are now connected from **{channel}**.'
inviteRemoved: '{emoji} Server Invite removed for this hub.'
inviteInvalid: '{emoji} Invalid invite. Please make sure you have entered a valid invite link.'
inviteAdded: '{emoji} Invite Added. Others can now join this server by using `Apps > Message Info/Report` command.'
emColorInvalid: '{emoji} Invalid color. Please make sure you have entered a valid hex color code.'
emColorChange: '{emoji} Embed color successfully {action}'
title: Connection Details
hub: Hub
channel: Channel
invite: Invite
connected: Connected
emColor: Embed Color
compact: Compact Mode
profanity: Profanity Filter
footer: Use the button & dropdown below to manage your connection.
placeholder: '🛠️ Select an option to edit this connection'
desc: |
### {tick_emoji} Unpaused Connection
Unpaused connection for {channel}! Messages from the hub will start coming into the channel and you can send messages to the hub again.
tips: |
**💡 Tip:** Use {pause_cmd} to pause the connection or {edit_cmd} to set embed colors, toggle profanity filter, and more.
desc: |
### {clock_emoji} Paused Connection
Paused connection for {channel}! Messages from the hub will no longer come into the channel and your messages won't be broadcasted to them.
tips: |
**💡 Tip:** Use {unpause_cmd} to unpause the connection or {leave_cmd} to permanently stop recieving messages.
notFound: '{emoji} Unable to find hub. Please make sure you have entered the correct hub name.'
notFound_mod: '{emoji} Unable to find hub. Please make sure you have entered the correct hub name & that you are the owner or a moderator of the hub.'
notManager: '{emoji} You must be a hub manager to perform this action.'
notModerator: '{emoji} You need to be a hub moderator to perform this action.'
notPrivate: '{emoji} This hub is not private.'
notOwner: '{emoji} Only the owner of this hub can perform this action.'
alreadyJoined: '{emoji} You have already joined **{hub}** from {channel}!'
invalidChannel: '{emoji} Invalid channel. Only text and thread channels are supported!'
invalidImgurUrl: '{emoji} Invalid image URL for icon or banner. Please make sure you have entered a valid Imgur image URL that is not a gallery or album.'
success: |
Successfully joined hub **{hub}** from {channel}! You can now chat with members from other servers from this channel.
- Use `/connection` to explore various customizations for this connection.
- Use `/hub leave` to stop receiving messages from this hub.
- Use **`/connection edit`** to change channels.
total: 'Current connected servers: {from}-{to} / **{total}**'
noConnections: '{emoji} No server has joined this hub yet. Use `/hub join` to join this hub.'
notConnected: "{emoji} That server isn't a part of **{hub}**."
connectionInfo: |
ServerID: {serverId}
Channel: #{channelName} `({channelId})`
Joined At: {joinedAt}
Invite: {invite}
Connected: {connected}
title: Create Hub
label: Hub Name
placeholder: Enter a name for your hub.
label: Description
placeholder: Enter a description for your hub.
label: Icon URL
placeholder: Enter an Imgur image URL.
label: Banner URL
placeholder: Enter an Imgur image URL.
maxHubs: '{emoji} You have reached the maximum number of hubs (3) you can create. Please delete a hub before creating another one.'
invalidName: '{emoji} Invalid hub name. It must not contain `discord`, `clyde` or \`\`\` . Please choose another name.'
nameTaken: '{emoji} This hub name is already taken. Please choose another name.'
success: |
### Your __private__ hub, **{name}**, has been successfully created.
To join, create an invite using `/hub invite create` and share the generated code. Then join using `/hub join`.
- **Edit hub:** `/hub edit`
- **Generate invite:** `/hub invite create`
- **Make public:** `/hub visibility`
- **Join hub:** `/hub join`
- **Edit hub:** `/hub edit`
- **Set report channel:** `/hub logging set_channe;`
- **Add moderators:** `/hub moderator add`
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask in the [support server]({support_invite}). Consider [donating]({donateLink}) to support the development costs.
confirm: Are you sure you wish to delete **{hub}**? This action is irreversible. All connected servers, invites and message data will be removed from this hub.
ownerOnly: '{emoji} Only the owner of this hub can delete it.'
success: '{emoji} Hub **{hub}** has been deleted.'
cancelled: '{emoji} Hub deletion has been cancelled.'
joinConfirm: |
Are you sure you wish to join {hub} from {channel}?
**Note:** You can always change this later using `/connection`.
joinFooter: Want to use a different channel? Use the dropdown below.
noHubs: '{emoji} There are no hubs listed here at the moment. Please try again later!'
invalid: Invalid rating. You must enter a number between 1 and 5.
success: Rating submitted! Thank you for your feedback.
success: |
### Invite Created!
Your invite has been successfully created. Others can now join this hub by using the `/hub join` command.
- **Join using:** `/hub join invite:{inviteCode}`
- **View invites:** `/hub invite list`
- **Expiry:** {expiry}
- **Uses**: ∞
**Note:** You can revoke this invite anytime using `/hub invite revoke {inviteCode}`.
invalidCode: '{emoji} Invalid invite code. Please make sure you have entered a valid invite code.'
success: '{emoji} Invite {inviteCode} revoked.'
title: '**Invite Codes:**'
noInvites: '{emoji} This hub has no invites yet. Use `/hub invite create` to create one.'
notPrivate: '{emoji} Only private hubs can have invites. Use `/hub edit` to make this hub private.'
noJoinedHubs: '{emoji} This server has not joined any hubs yet. Use `/hub browse` to view a list of hubs.'
joinedHubs: This server is a part of **{total}** hub(s). Use `/hub leave` to leave a hub.
noHub: '{emoji} That channel is invalid or has not joined any hubs.'
confirm: Are you sure you wish to leave **{hub}** from {channel}? No more messages will be sent to this server from this hub.
confirmFooter: Confirm using the button below within 10 seconds.
success: '{emoji} Left the hub from {channel}. No more messages will be sent to this server from this hub. You can rejoin using `/hub join`.'
noModerators: '{emoji} This hub has no moderators yet. Use `/hub moderator add` to add one.'
success: '{emoji} **{user}** has been added as a moderator of position **{position}**.'
alreadyModerator: '{emoji} **{user}** is already a moderator.'
success: '{emoji} **{user}** has been removed as a moderator.'
notModerator: '{emoji} **{user}** is not a moderator.'
notOwner: '{emoji} Only the owner of this hub can remove a manager.'
success: "{emoji} **{user}**'s position has been updated to **{position}**."
notModerator: '{emoji} **{user}** is not a moderator.'
notAllowed: "{emoji} Only hub managers can update a moderator's position."
notOwner: "{emoji} Only the owner of this hub can update a manager's position."
enterImgurUrl: Enter a valid Imgur image URL that is not a gallery or album.
changed: Hub icon successfully changed.
title: Edit Icon
label: Icon URL
label: Edit Icon
description: Change the icon of this hub.
changed: Hub description successfully changed.
title: Edit Description
label: Description
placeholder: Enter a description for this hub.
label: Change Description
description: Change the description of this hub.
changed: Hub banner successfully changed.
removed: Hub banner successfully removed.
title: Edit Banner
label: Banner URL
label: Edit Banner
description: Change the banner of this hub.
success: '{emoji} Hub visibility successfully changed to **{visibility}**.'
label: Change Visibility
description: Make this hub public or private.
label: "Lock/Unlock Hub"
description: "Lock or unlock the hub chats"
confirmation: "Hub chats are now {status}."
announcementTitle: "Hub chats are now {status}."
locked: "Only moderators can send messages."
unlocked: "Everyone can send messages."
visibility: "Visibility"
connections: "Connections"
chatsLocked: "Chats Locked"
blacklists: "Blacklists"
total: "Total"
users: "Users"
servers: "Servers"
hubStats: "Hub Stats"
moderators: "Moderators"
owner: "Owner"
title: Logs Configuration
reset: '{emoji} Successfully reset the logs configuration for `{type}` logs.'
roleSuccess: '{emoji} Logs of type `{type}` will now mention {role}!'
channelSuccess: '{emoji} Logs of type `{type}` will be sent to {channel} from now!'
channelSelect: '#️⃣ Select a channel to send the logs'
roleSelect: '🏓 Select the role to mention when a log is triggered.'
reportChannelFirst: '{emoji} Please set a log channel first.'
title: Configure `{type}` Logs
description: |
{arrow} Select a log channel and/or role to be pinged from the dropdown below.
{arrow} You can also disable logging by using the button below.
channel: Channel
role: Role Mention
label: Reports
description: Receive reports from users.
label: Mod Logs
description: Log Moderation actions. (eg. blacklist, message deletes, etc.)
label: Profanity Filter
description: Log messages that are caught by the profanity filter.
label: Join/Leave
description: Log when a server joins or leaves this hub.
label: Appeals
description: Recieve appeals from blacklisted users/servers.
label: Network Alerts
description: Recieve alerts about automatically blocked messages.
title: Report Details
label: Report Details
placeholder: A detailed description of the report.
label: Bug Details
placeholder: Eg. Frequent interaction failures for /help command...
label: Detailed Description (Optional)
placeholder: Steps you took. Eg. 1. Run /help 2. Wait for 5 seconds...
submitted: '{emoji} Report submitted successfully. Join the {support_command} to get more details. Thank you!'
title: Bug Report
affected: Affected Components
description: Please choose what component of the bot you are facing issues with.
set: Language set! I will now respond to you in **{lang}**.
messageNotSentOrExpired: "{emoji} This message was not sent in a hub, has expired, or you lack permissions to perform this action."
notYourAction: "{emoji} Sorry, you can't perform this action. Please run the command yourself."
notMessageAuthor: '{emoji} You are not the author of this message.'
commandError: |
{emoji} An error occurred while executing this command. It has been logged to our system. If this issue persists, please join our [support server]({support_invite}) and report the error ID!
**Error ID:**
mustVote: Please [vote](https://top.gg/bot/769921109209907241/vote) for InterChat to use this command, your support is very much appreciated!
inviteLinks: '{emoji} You may not send invite links to this hub. Set an invite in `/connection` instead! Hub mods can configure this using `/hub edit settings`'
invalidLangCode: '{emoji} Invalid language code. Please make sure you have entered a correct [language code](https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/languages).'
unknownServer: '{emoji} Unknown server. Please make sure you have entered the correct **Server ID**.'
unknownNetworkMessage: '{emoji} Unknown Message. If it has been sent in the past minute, please wait few more seconds and try again.'
userNotFound: '{emoji} User not found. Try inputting their ID instead.'
blacklisted: '{emoji} You or this server is blacklisted from this hub called {hub}.'
userBlacklisted: '{emoji} You are blacklisted from this hub.'
serverBlacklisted: '{emoji} This server is blacklisted from this hub.'
serverNotBlacklisted: '{emoji} The inputted server is not blacklisted.'
userNotBlacklisted: '{emoji} The inputted user is not blacklisted.'
missingPermissions: '{emoji} You are missing the following permissions to perform this action: **{permissions}**'
botMissingPermissions: '{emoji} Please grant me the following permissions to continue: **{permissions}**'
unknown: '{emoji} An unknown error occurred. Please try again later or contact us by joining our [support server]({support_invite}).'
notUsable: '{emoji} This is no longer usable.'
cooldown: '{emoji} You are on cooldown. Please wait until **{time}** before attempting again.'
serverNameInappropriate: '{emoji} Your server name contains inappropriate words. Please change it before joining the hub.'
banned: |
{emoji} You have been banned from using InterChat for violating our [guidelines](https://interchat.tech/guidelines).
If you think an appeal is applicable create a ticket in the [support server]( {support_invite} ).
webhookNoLongerExists: '{emoji} The webhook for this channel no longer exists. To continue using InterChat, please re-create the webhook by using `/connection unpause`.'
noReason: No reason provided.
noDesc: No Description.
version: InterChat v{version}
loading: '{emoji} Please wait while I process your request...'
reportOptionMoved: '{emoji} This option has moved! To report a message to hub moderators, use the updated `Apps > Message Info/Report` command. For direct reporting to InterChat staff, just hop into the [support server]({support_invite}) and create a ticket with proof.'
private: "Private"
public: "Public"
yes: "Yes"
no: "No"