import BaseEventListener from '#main/core/BaseEventListener.js';
import Constants, { emojis } from '#utils/Constants.js';
import { getGuildOwnerOrFirstChannel, logGuildJoin } from '#utils/GuildUtils.js';
import Logger from '#utils/Logger.js';
import { check } from '#utils/ProfanityUtils.js';
import { stripIndents } from 'common-tags';
import { ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle, EmbedBuilder, Guild } from 'discord.js';
export default class Ready extends BaseEventListener<'guildCreate'> {
readonly name = 'guildCreate';
public async execute(guild: Guild) {`Joined ${} (${})`);
// log that bot joined a guild to goal channel in support server
await logGuildJoin(guild, Constants.Channels.goal);
const { guildOwner, guildChannel } = await getGuildOwnerOrFirstChannel(guild);
// notify the person who added the bot
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle('👋 Thanks for adding me to your server!')
Take your first step into the world of cross-server chatting with InterChat! 🚀 Explore public hubs, connect with multiple servers, and add a splash of excitement to your server experience. ${emojis.clipart}
### Getting Started
- Simply run \`/setup\` to see an easy to follow setup guide.
- For a more userphone-like experience, type \`c!connect\` to try out our brand new chat lobbies.
- Visit our in-depth [wiki](${Constants.Links.Docs}) for more information.
If you need help, join our [support server](${Constants.Links.SupportInvite}) and we'll be happy to assist!
.setFooter({ text: `Sent for server: ${}`, iconURL: guild.iconURL() ?? undefined });
const buttons = new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents(
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
new ButtonBuilder()
const welcomeMsg = { embeds: [embed], components: [buttons] };
guildOwner?.send(welcomeMsg).catch(() => null);
guildChannel?.send(welcomeMsg).catch(() => null);
const { hasProfanity, hasSlurs } = check(;
if (!hasProfanity && !hasSlurs) return;
const profaneErrorEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle('Leave Notice 👋')
`${} Your server name contains profanity or sensitive content. Please change it before using InterChat.`,
.setFooter({ text: `Sent for: ${}`, iconURL: guild.iconURL() ?? undefined });
const leaveMsg = { embeds: [profaneErrorEmbed] };
guildOwner?.send(leaveMsg).catch(() => null);
guildChannel?.send(leaveMsg).catch(() => null);
await guild.leave();