import ServerInfractionManager from '#main/managers/InfractionManager/ServerInfractionManager.js';
import UserInfractionManager from '#main/managers/InfractionManager/UserInfractionManager.js';
import Constants, { emojis } from '#main/utils/Constants.js';
import db from '#main/utils/Db.js';
import { sendLog } from '#main/utils/hub/logger/Default.js';
import { resolveEval } from '#main/utils/Utils.js';
import { InfractionStatus, Prisma, ServerInfraction, UserInfraction } from '@prisma/client';
import { stripIndents } from 'common-tags';
import { Client, EmbedBuilder, User, type Snowflake } from 'discord.js';
export default class BlacklistManager {
readonly targetId: Snowflake;
readonly infracManager;
constructor(infracManager: UserInfractionManager | ServerInfractionManager) {
this.targetId = infracManager.targetId;
this.infracManager = infracManager;
public async addBlacklist(opts: {
hubId: string;
reason: string;
moderatorId: string;
serverName: string;
expiresAt: Date | null;
}): Promise<ServerInfraction | null>;
public async addBlacklist(opts: {
hubId: string;
reason: string;
moderatorId: string;
expiresAt: Date | null;
}): Promise<UserInfraction | null>;
public async addBlacklist(opts: {
hubId: string;
reason: string;
moderatorId: string;
serverName: string;
expiresAt: Date | null;
}): Promise<UserInfraction | ServerInfraction | null> {
const blacklisted = await this.fetchBlacklist(opts.hubId);
if (blacklisted) {
return await this.infracManager.updateInfraction(
{ hubId: opts.hubId, type: 'BLACKLIST', status: 'ACTIVE' },
dateIssued: new Date(),
expiresAt: opts.expiresAt,
reason: opts.reason,
moderatorId: opts.moderatorId,
return await this.infracManager.addInfraction('BLACKLIST', opts);
public async removeBlacklist(
hubId: string,
status: Exclude<InfractionStatus, 'ACTIVE'> = 'REVOKED',
) {
const exists = await this.fetchBlacklist(hubId);
if (!exists) return null;
return await this.infracManager.revokeInfraction('BLACKLIST', hubId, status);
public async updateBlacklist(
hubId: string,
data: Prisma.UserInfractionUpdateInput | Prisma.ServerInfractionUpdateInput,
) {
const blacklisted = await this.fetchBlacklist(hubId);
if (!blacklisted) return null;
return await this.infracManager.updateInfraction(
{ hubId, type: 'BLACKLIST', status: 'ACTIVE' },
public async fetchBlacklist(hubId: string) {
const blacklist = await this.infracManager.fetchInfraction('BLACKLIST', hubId, 'ACTIVE');
return blacklist;
* Logs the blacklisting of a user or server.
* @param userOrServer - The user or server being blacklisted.
* @param mod - The moderator performing the blacklisting.
* @param reason - The reason for the blacklisting.
* @param expires - The optional expiration date for the blacklisting.
async log(
hubId: string,
client: Client,
opts: { mod: User; reason: string; expiresAt: Date | null },
) {
const { mod, reason, expiresAt } = opts;
const hub = await db.hub.findFirst({ where: { id: hubId }, include: { logConfig: true } });
const { modLogs } = hub? ?? {};
if (!modLogs) return;
let name;
let iconURL;
let type;
let target;
if (this.infracManager instanceof ServerInfractionManager) {
target = resolveEval(
await client.cluster.broadcastEval(
(c, guildId) => {
const guild = c.guilds.cache.get(guildId);
if (!guild) return null;
return { name:, iconURL: guild.iconURL() ?? undefined, id: guildId };
{ context: this.targetId },
if (!target) return;
name =;
iconURL = target.iconURL;
type = 'Server';
else {
target = await client.users.fetch(this.targetId);
name = target.username;
iconURL = target.displayAvatarURL();
type = 'User';
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setAuthor({ name: `${type} ${name} blacklisted`, iconURL })
${emojis.dotBlue} **${type}:** ${name} (${})
${emojis.dotBlue} **Moderator:** ${mod.username} (${})
${emojis.dotBlue} **Hub:** ${hub?.name}
{ name: 'Reason', value: reason, inline: true },
name: 'Expires',
value: expiresAt ? `<t:${Math.round(expiresAt.getTime() / 1000)}:R>` : 'Never.',
inline: true,
.setFooter({ text: `Blacklisted by: ${mod.username}`, iconURL: mod.displayAvatarURL() });
await sendLog(opts.mod.client.cluster, modLogs, embed);
public static isServerBlacklist(
data: UserInfraction | ServerInfraction | null,
): data is ServerInfraction {
return Boolean(data && 'serverId' in data);