import { HubSettingsBits } from '#main/modules/BitFields.js';
import { deleteConnections } from '#main/utils/ConnectedListUtils.js';
import Constants from '#main/utils/Constants.js';
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client';
export interface HubCreationData {
name: string;
description: string;
iconUrl?: string;
bannerUrl?: string;
ownerId: string;
export class HubService {
private readonly db: PrismaClient;
constructor(db: PrismaClient) {
this.db = db;
async fetchHub(id: string) {
return await this.db.hub.findFirst({ where: { id } });
async createHub(data: HubCreationData): Promise<void> {
await this.db.hub.create({
data: {,
private: true,
iconUrl: data.iconUrl ?? Constants.Links.EasterAvatar,
bannerUrl: data.bannerUrl ?? null,
HubSettingsBits.SpamFilter | HubSettingsBits.Reactions | HubSettingsBits.BlockNSFW,
async deleteHub(hubId: string): Promise<void> {
// delete all relations first and then delete the hub
await deleteConnections({ hubId });
await this.db.$transaction([
this.db.hubInvite.deleteMany({ where: { hubId } }),
this.db.hubLogConfig.deleteMany({ where: { hubId } }),
this.db.messageBlockList.deleteMany({ where: { hubId } }),
this.db.userInfraction.deleteMany({ where: { hubId } }),
this.db.serverInfraction.deleteMany({ where: { hubId } }),
// finally, delete the hub
await this.db.hub.deleteMany({ where: { id: hubId } });
async getHubsForUser(userId: string) {
return await this.db.hub.findMany({ where: { ownerId: userId } });
async getHubByName(name: string) {
return await this.db.hub.findFirst({ where: { name } });
async getExistingHubs(ownerId: string, hubName: string) {
return await this.db.hub.findMany({
where: {
OR: [{ ownerId }, { name: hubName }],