import type { QueuedChannel, ServerPreferences } from '#types/ChatLobby.d.ts';
import db from '#main/utils/Db.js';
import getRedis from '#main/utils/Redis.js';
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client';
import { Redis } from 'ioredis';
export class MatchingService {
private readonly db: PrismaClient;
private readonly redis: Redis;
constructor() {
this.db = db;
this.redis = getRedis();
async findMatch(serverId: string, preferences: ServerPreferences): Promise<QueuedChannel | null> {
const serverHistory = await this.db.serverHistory.findUnique({
where: { serverId },
const recentLobbyIds =
.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp - a.timestamp)
.slice(0, 3)
.map((l) => l.lobbyId) || [];
const waitingServers = await this.redis.zrange('waiting_pool', 0, -1);
for (const serverData of waitingServers) {
const data: QueuedChannel = JSON.parse(serverData);
if (data.serverId === serverId) continue;
const otherServerHistory = await this.db.serverHistory.findUnique({
where: { serverId: data.serverId },
// Check if in the past 2 calls they have been in a lobby together
const hasRecentInteraction = recentLobbyIds.some((lobbyId, i) =>
i <= 2 && otherServerHistory?.recentLobbies.some((l) => l.lobbyId === lobbyId),
if (!hasRecentInteraction) {
// Regular matching
if (preferences.maxServersInLobby === data.preferences.maxServersInLobby) {
// TODO: make it possible for servers to join already created lobbies later if they don't match immediately
return data;
return null;