export default class Scheduler {
private tasks: Map<string, { task: () => void; ms: number; timeout: NodeJS.Timeout }>;
constructor() {
this.tasks = new Map();
* Adds a recurring task to the scheduler.
* @param taskName - The name of the task to add.
* @param interval - The interval at which the task should be executed, in milliseconds or as a Date object.
* @param task - The callback to execute as the task.
* @throws An error if a task with the same name already exists.
addRecurringTask(name: string, ms: number, task: () => void): void {
if (this.tasks.has(name)) {
throw new Error(`Task with name ${name} already exists.`);
const intervalId = setInterval(task, ms);
this.tasks.set(name, { task, ms, timeout: intervalId });
* Adds a new task to the scheduler.
* @param name - The name of the task.
* @param ms - The number of milliseconds after which the task should be executed, or a Date object representing the time at which the task should be executed.
* @param callback - The callback to be executed when the task is run.
* @throws An error if a task with the same name already exists.
addTask(name: string, _ms: number | Date, callback: () => void): void {
if (this.tasks.has(name)) {
throw new Error(`Task with name ${name} already exists.`);
const ms = _ms instanceof Date ? _ms.getTime() - : _ms;
// do not set big timeouts (usually bigints mean the timeout is as long as 1y)
// NOTE: do not set loong timeouts throughout the code, only set timeouts that end in like a week or smth!
if (ms > 2147483647) return;
const timeout = setTimeout(callback, ms);
this.tasks.set(name, { task: callback, ms, timeout });
* Stop a task by name, can be used for both recurring and timeout tasks
* @param taskName The name of the task
* @returns true if task was stopped, undefined if task was not found
stopTask(taskName: string): boolean {
const taskInfo = this.tasks.get(taskName);
if (!taskInfo) return false;
return this.tasks.delete(taskName);
* Stop all currently running tasks
stopAllTasks(): void {
this.tasks.forEach((_, taskName) => this.stopTask(taskName));
hasTask(taskName: string): boolean {
return this.tasks.has(taskName);
* Returns an array of currently running task names.
get taskNames(): string[] {
return Array.from(this.tasks.keys());