import Constants, { mascotEmojis } from '#utils/Constants.js';
import { stripIndents } from 'common-tags';
import {
type ColorResolvable,
type Guild,
type TextChannel,
} from 'discord.js';
* Retrieves the first channel in a guild or the inviter of the bot.
* @param guild The guild to retrieve the target for.
* @returns The greeting target, which can be a TextChannel or a User.
export const getGuildOwnerOrFirstChannel = async (guild: Guild) => {
let guildOwner = null;
if ('ViewAuditLog', true)) {
const auditLog = await guild
.fetchAuditLogs({ type: AuditLogEvent.BotAdd, limit: 5 })
.catch(() => null);
guildOwner = auditLog?.entries.first()?.executor;
const guildChannel = guild.channels.cache
(c) => c.type === ChannelType.GuildText && c.permissionsFor('SendMessages'),
.first() as unknown as TextChannel;
return { guildOwner, guildChannel };
const buildGoalEmbed = (guildName: string, iconURL: string | null, color: ColorResolvable) =>
new EmbedBuilder().setAuthor({ name: guildName, iconURL: iconURL ?? undefined }).setColor(color);
const buildLogsEmbed = (
guild: Guild,
guildOwnerName: string,
{ title, color }: { title: string; color: ColorResolvable },
) =>
new EmbedBuilder().setColor(color).setThumbnail(guild.iconURL()).setTitle(title)
- Name: ${}
- ID: ${}
- Owner: ${guild.ownerId} (${guildOwnerName})
- Member Count: ${guild.memberCount}
* @param channelId must be a channel ID in the support server
export const logGuildJoin = async (guild: Guild, channelId: string) => {
const guildOwner = await guild.client.users.fetch(guild.ownerId);
await guild.client.cluster.broadcastEval(
async (client, ctx) => {
const goalChannel = client.channels.cache.get(ctx.goalChannel);
const inviteLogChannel = client.channels.cache.get(ctx.inviteLogs);
if (!goalChannel?.isSendable() || !inviteLogChannel?.isSendable()) {
const count = (await client.cluster.fetchClientValues('guilds.cache.size')) as number[];
const guildCount = count.reduce((p, n) => p + n, 0);
await inviteLogChannel.send({ embeds: [ctx.logsEmbed] });
// send message to support server notifying of new guild
await goalChannel.send({
content: `${ctx.flushedEmoji} ${ctx.guildName} added me, I'm now in **${guildCount}** servers! 🎉`,
embeds: [ctx.goalEmbed],
context: {
goalChannel: channelId,
inviteLogs: Constants.Channels.inviteLogs,
flushedEmoji: mascotEmojis.flushed,
goalEmbed: buildGoalEmbed(,
logsEmbed: buildLogsEmbed(guild, guildOwner.username, {
color: Constants.Colors.interchatBlue,
title: '✨ Invited to New Server',
export const logGuildLeave = async (guild: Guild, channelId: string) => {
const count = (await guild.client.cluster.fetchClientValues('guilds.cache.size')) as number[];
const guildOwner = await guild.client.users.fetch(guild.ownerId);
// send message to support server notifying of leave
// we cant access any variables/functions or anything inside the broadcastEval callback so we pass it in as context
await guild.client.cluster.broadcastEval(
async (client, ctx) => {
const goalChannel = await client.channels.fetch(ctx.goalChannel).catch(() => null);
const inviteLogChannel = client.channels.cache.get(ctx.inviteLogs);
if (!goalChannel?.isSendable() || !inviteLogChannel?.isSendable()) {
await inviteLogChannel.send({ embeds: [ctx.logsEmbed] });
await goalChannel.send({
content: `👢 ${ctx.guildName} kicked me. I'm back to **${ctx.guildCount}** servers ${ctx.cryEmoji}`,
embeds: [ctx.goalEmbed],
context: {
goalChannel: channelId,
inviteLogs: Constants.Channels.inviteLogs,
guildCount: count.reduce((p, n) => p + n, 0),
cryEmoji: mascotEmojis.cry,
goalEmbed: buildGoalEmbed(, guild.iconURL(), 'Red'),
logsEmbed: buildLogsEmbed(guild, guildOwner.username, {
color: Constants.Colors.interchatBlue,
title: '👢 Kicked from server',