import Constants, { emojis } from '#utils/Constants.js';
import db from '#utils/Db.js';
import { stripIndents } from 'common-tags';
import { EmbedBuilder, Guild, User } from 'discord.js';
import { sendLog } from './Default.js';
* Logs the detected profanity along with relevant details.
* @param rawContent - The raw content containing the profanity.
* @param author - The user who posted the content.
* @param server - The server where the content was posted.
export default async (hubId: string, rawContent: string, author: User, server: Guild) => {
const hub = await db.hub.findFirst({ where: { id: hubId }, include: { logConfig: true } });
if (!hub?.logConfig[0]?.profanity) return;
const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle('Profanity Detected')
name: 'Details',
value: stripIndents`
${emojis.dotBlue} **Author:** @${author.username} (${})
${emojis.dotBlue} **Server:** ${} (${}})
${emojis.dotBlue} **Hub:** ${}
await sendLog(author.client.cluster, hub?.logConfig[0]?.profanity, embed);