import Constants from '#main/utils/Constants.js';
import {
} from '#utils/ConnectedListUtils.js';
import Logger from '#utils/Logger.js';
import { checkIfStaff } from '#utils/Utils.js';
import type { Hub } from '@prisma/client';
import { type WebhookMessageCreateOptions, WebhookClient } from 'discord.js';
* Sends a message to all connections in a hub's network.
* @param hubId The ID of the hub to send the message to.
* @param message The message to send. Can be a string or a MessageCreateOptions object.
* @returns A array of the responses from each connection's webhook.
export const sendToHub = async (
hubId: string,
message: string | WebhookMessageCreateOptions,
avatarURL = Constants.Links.EasterAvatar,
) => {
const connections = await getHubConnections(hubId);
if (!connections?.length) return;
for (const { channelId, webhookURL, parentId, connected } of connections) {
if (!connected) continue;
const threadId = parentId ? channelId : undefined;
const payload =
typeof message === 'string' ? { content: message, threadId } : { ...message, threadId };
try {
const webhook = new WebhookClient({ url: webhookURL });
await webhook.send({ ...payload, avatarURL, allowedMentions: { parse: [] } });
catch (e) {
const validErrors = [
'Unknown Webhook',
'Invalid Webhook Token',
'The provided webhook URL is not valid.',
if (validErrors.includes(e.message)) await deleteConnection({ channelId });
e.message = `For Connection: ${channelId} ${e.message}`;
export const isHubMod = (userId: string, hub: Hub) =>
Boolean(hub.ownerId === userId || hub.moderators.find((mod) => mod.userId === userId));
export const isStaffOrHubMod = (userId: string, hub: Hub) =>
checkIfStaff(userId) || isHubMod(userId, hub);
export const isHubManager = (userId: string, hub: Hub) =>
hub.ownerId === userId ||
hub.moderators.some((mod) => mod.userId === userId && mod.position === 'manager');