# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: coref
:platform: Unix
:synopsis: the top-level submodule of Dragonfire that aims to create corefference based dialogs.
.. moduleauthor:: Mehmet Mert Yıldıran <mert.yildiran@bil.omu.edu.tr>
import itertools # Functions creating iterators for efficient looping
import neuralcoref # Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks
class NeuralCoref():
"""Class to provide corefference based dialogs.
def __init__(self, nlp):
"""Initialization method of :class:`dragonfire.coref.NeuralCoref` class.
self.nlp = nlp
self.coms = []
def core(self, doc, n_sents):
"""Core resolution
resolution = doc._.coref_resolved
chained = self.nlp(resolution)
total_sents = sum(1 for sent in chained.sents)
sents = itertools.islice(chained.sents, total_sents - n_sents, None)
sents_arr = []
for sent in sents:
return " ".join(sents_arr)
def resolve(self, com):
"""Method to return the version of command where each corefering mention is replaced by the main mention in the associated cluster (compared to previous commands).
com (str): User's command.
str: Resolution.
com_doc = self.nlp(com)
n_sents = sum(1 for sent in com_doc.sents)
token = None
for token in com_doc:
if token.tag_ not in [',', ':', "."]:
com += '.'
if len(self.coms) > 1:
chain = " ".join(self.coms[-2:])
doc = self.nlp(chain)
if doc._.has_coref:
return self.core(doc, n_sents)
return com
return com
def resolve_api(self, com, previous=None):
if not previous:
return com
com_doc = self.nlp(com)
n_sents = sum(1 for sent in com_doc.sents)
token = None
for token in com_doc:
if token.tag_ not in [',', ':', "."]:
com += '.'
previous_doc = self.nlp(previous)
token = None
for token in previous_doc:
if token.tag_ not in [',', ':', "."]:
previous += '.'
chain = previous + " " + com
doc = self.nlp(chain)
if doc._.has_coref:
return self.core(doc, n_sents)
return com