# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: learn
:platform: Unix
:synopsis: the top-level submodule of Dragonfire that contains the classes related to Dragonfire's learning ability.
.. moduleauthor:: Mehmet Mert Yıldıran <mert.yildiran@bil.omu.edu.tr>
import collections # Imported to support ordered dictionaries in Python
from tinydb import TinyDB, Query # TinyDB is a lightweight document oriented database
from os.path import expanduser # Imported to get the home directory
from dragonfire.config import Config # Credentials for the database connection
from dragonfire.database import Fact # Submodule of Dragonfire module that contains the database schema
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound # the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
class Learner():
"""Class to provide the learning ability.
def __init__(self, nlp):
"""Initialization method of :class:`dragonfire.learn.Learner` class.
nlp: :mod:`spacy` model instance.
self.pronouns = collections.OrderedDict() # Create an ordered dictionary
self.pronouns["I"] = "YOU"
self.pronouns["ME"] = "YOU"
self.pronouns["MY"] = "YOUR"
self.pronouns["MINE"] = "YOURS"
self.pronouns["MYSELF"] = "YOURSELF"
self.pronouns["OUR"] = "YOUR"
self.pronouns["OURS"] = "YOURS"
self.pronouns["OURSELVES"] = "YOURSELVES"
self.pronouns["WE"] = "YOU"
self.pronouns["US"] = "YOU"
self.inv_pronouns = collections.OrderedDict() # Create an ordered dictionary
self.inv_pronouns["YOU"] = "I"
self.inv_pronouns["YOUR"] = "MY"
self.inv_pronouns["YOURS"] = "MINE"
self.inv_pronouns["YOURSELF"] = "MYSELF"
self.inv_pronouns["YOURSELVES"] = "OURSELVES"
self.auxiliaries = collections.OrderedDict() # Create an ordered dictionary
self.auxiliaries["AM"] = "ARE"
self.auxiliaries["'M"] = " ARE"
self.auxiliaries["WAS"] = "WERE"
self.inv_auxiliaries = collections.OrderedDict() # Create an ordered dictionary
self.inv_auxiliaries["ARE"] = "AM"
self.inv_auxiliaries["WERE"] = "WAS"
home = expanduser("~") # Get the home directory of the user
self.db = TinyDB(home + '/.dragonfire_db.json') # This is where we store the database; /home/USERNAME/.dragonfire_db.json
self.nlp = nlp # Load en_core_web_sm, English, 50 MB, default model
self.is_server = False
self.db_session = None
def respond(self, com, is_server=False, user_id=None):
"""Method to respond the user's input/command using learning ability.
com (str): User's command.
Keyword Args:
is_server (bool): Is Dragonfire running as an API server?
user_id (int): User's ID.
str: Response.
.. note::
Entry function for :class:`Learner` class. Dragonfire calls only this function. It does not handle TTS.
self.is_server = is_server
is_public = True
com = self.clean(com)
doc = self.nlp(com) # Command(user's speech) must be decoded from utf-8 to unicode because spaCy only supports unicode strings, self.nlp() handles all parsing
subject = [] # subject list (subjects here usually are; I'M, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, etc.)
types = [] # types of the previous noun phrases
for np in doc.noun_chunks: # Iterate over the noun phrases(chunks) TODO: Cover 'dobj' also; doc = nlp(u'DESCRIBE THE SUN') >>> (u'THE SUN', u'SUN', u'dobj', u'DESCRIBE')
np_text, is_public = self.detect_pronoun(np.text)
# print("IS_PUBLIC: ", is_public)
# Purpose of this if statement is completing possessive form of nouns
if np.root.dep_ == 'pobj' and types[-2] == 'nsubj': # if it's an object of a preposition and the previous noun phrase's type was nsubj(nominal subject) then (it's purpose is capturing subject like MY PLACE OF BIRTH)
subject.append(np.root.head.text) # append the parent text from syntactic relations tree (example: while nsubj is 'MY PLACE', np.root.head.text is 'OF')
subject.append(np_text) # append the text of this noun phrase (example: while nsubj is 'MY PLACE', np.text is 'BIRTH')
# if it's a nsubj(nominal subject), an attribute or a dobj(direct object) and the previous noun phrase's type was not nsubj(nominal subject)
# ("wh-" words can be considered as nsubj(nominal subject) but they are out of scope. This is why we are excluding them.)
if np.root.dep_ in ['nsubj', 'attr', 'dobj'] and types[-2] not in ['pobj', 'nsubj'] and np.root.tag_ not in ['WDT', 'WP', 'WP$', 'WRB']:
subject.append(np_text) # append the text of this noun phrase
subject = [x.strip() for x in subject]
subject = ' '.join(subject) # concatenate all noun phrases found
if subject: # if the subject is not empty
if subject.upper() in self.inv_pronouns: # pass the learning ability if the user is talking about Dragonfire's itself
return ""
wh_found = False
for word in doc: # iterate over the each word in the given command(user's speech)
if word.tag_ in ['WDT', 'WP', 'WP$', 'WRB']: # check if there is a "wh-" question (we are determining that if it's a question or not, so only accepting questions with "wh-" form)
wh_found = True
if wh_found: # if that's a question
straight = self.db_get(subject, is_public=is_public, user_id=user_id) # get the answer from the database
if straight is None:
return self.db_get(subject, is_public=is_public, user_id=user_id, invert=True) # if nothing found then invert
return straight
verb_found = False
verbtense = None # verbtense is the am/is/are of the main sentence
clause = [] # is the information that we need to acknowledge
verbs = []
for word in doc:
# print(word.text, word.lemma_, word.pos_, word.tag_, word.dep_, word.shape_, word.is_alpha, word.is_stop)
if verb_found: # get the all words comes after the first verb which will be our verbtense
if word.pos_ != 'PUNCT': # exclude punctuations
if word.pos_ == 'VERB' and word.is_stop and not verb_found: # if that's a verb and verb does not found yet then
verb_found = True # verb is found
verbtense = word.text # append it to verbtense
if word.pos_ == 'VERB':
clause = [x for x in clause]
clause = ' '.join(clause).strip() # concatenate the clause
# keywords to order get and remove operations on the database
if any(verb in verbs for verb in self.upper_capitalize(["forget", "remove", "delete", "update"])):
if self.is_server and is_public:
return "I cannot forget a general fact."
return self.db_delete(subject, is_public=is_public, user_id=user_id) # if there is a record about the subject in the database then remove that record and...
if any(verb in verbs for verb in self.upper_capitalize(["define", "explain", "tell", "describe"])):
return self.db_get(subject, is_public=is_public, user_id=user_id)
if verbtense:
return self.db_upsert(subject, verbtense, clause, com, is_public=is_public, user_id=user_id) # set the record to the database
def db_get(self, subject, invert=False, is_public=True, user_id=None):
"""Function to get a record from the database.
subject (str): Subject that extracted from the user's input/command.
Keyword Args:
invert (bool): Is it invert mode? (swap subject and clause)
is_public (int): Is it a public record? (non-user specific)
user_id (int): User's ID.
str: Response.
if self.is_server:
fact = self.invert_fact_and_filter(invert, subject, user_id, is_public)
answer = fact.subject + ' ' + fact.verbtense + ' ' + fact.clause
return self.mirror(answer)
except NoResultFound:
return None
if invert:
result = self.db.search(Query().clause == subject) # make a database search by giving subject string (inverted)
result = self.db.search(Query().subject == subject) # make a database search by giving subject string
if result: # if there is a result
dictionary = {}
for row in result: # iterate over the rows of the result
if row['verbtense'] not in dictionary: # if the verbtense is not in the keys of the dictionary
dictionary[row['verbtense']] = [] # then add it
if row['clause'] not in dictionary[row['verbtense']]: # if the clause is not in the value like; dictionary['is']
dictionary[row['verbtense']].append(row['clause']) # then append the clause
if invert:
answer = row['subject'] # in WHO questions subject is actually the clause so we learn the subject from db
answer = subject # the answer we will return
first_verbtense = False
for key, value in dictionary.items(): # iterate over the dictionary defined and assigned on above
if not first_verbtense: # if the first verbtense assignment does not made yet
answer += ' ' + str(key) # concatenate with a whitespace
first_verbtense = True
answer += ', ' + str(key) # otherwise concatenate with a comma + whitespace
first_clause = False
for clause in value: # iterate over the clauses of the key
if not first_clause: # if the first verbtense assignment does not made yet
answer += ' ' + clause # concatenate with a whitespace
first_clause = True
answer += ' and ' + clause # otherwise concatenate with ' AND '
return self.mirror(answer) # mirror the answer (for example: I'M to YOU ARE)
return None # if there is no result return None
def db_upsert(self, subject, verbtense, clause, com, is_public=True, user_id=None):
"""Function to insert(or update) a record to the database.
subject (str): Subject that extracted from the user's input/command.
verbtense (str): The am/is/are in the user's input/command.
clause (str): Clause that contains the fact.
com (str): User's command.
Keyword Args:
invert (bool): Is it invert mode? (swap subject and clause)
is_public (int): Is it a public record? (non-user specific)
user_id (int): User's ID.
str: Response.
if self.is_server:
fact = self.db_session.query(Fact).filter(Fact.subject == subject, Fact.verbtense == verbtense, Fact.clause == clause, Fact.user_id == user_id, Fact.is_public == is_public).one_or_none()
if not fact:
new_fact = Fact(subject=subject, verbtense=verbtense, clause=clause, user_id=user_id, is_public=is_public)
fact.counter += 1
if not self.db.search((Query().subject == subject) & (Query().verbtense == verbtense) & (Query().clause == clause)): # if there is no exacty record on the database then
'subject': subject,
'verbtense': verbtense,
'clause': clause
}) # insert the given data
return "OK, I get it. " + self.mirror(com) # mirror the command(user's speech) and return it to say
def db_delete(self, subject, is_public=True, user_id=None):
"""Function to delete a record from the database.
subject (str): Subject that extracted from the user's input/command.
Keyword Args:
is_public (int): Is it a public record? (non-user specific)
user_id (int): User's ID.
str: Response.
if self.is_server:
if not is_public and user_id:
fact = self.db_session.query(Fact).filter(Fact.subject == subject, Fact.user_id == user_id).one_or_none()
if not fact:
return "I don't even know anything about " + self.mirror(subject)
return "OK, I forgot everything I know about " + self.mirror(subject)
return "I cannot forget a general fact about " + self.mirror(subject)
if self.db.remove(Query().subject == self.fix_pronoun(subject)):
return "OK, I forgot everything I know about " + self.mirror(subject)
return "I don't even know anything about " + self.mirror(subject)
def mirror(self, answer):
"""Function to mirror the answer (for example: I'M to YOU ARE).
answer (str): Prepared answer that just before the actual return of :func:`respond` method.
str: Response.
result = []
types = []
doc = self.nlp(answer)
for token in doc:
# if it's a pronoun or it's an auxiliary that comes right after a pronoun mirror it
if token.lemma_ == "-PRON-" or ((token.lemma_ == "be" or token.dep_ == "aux") and types[-2] == "-PRON-"):
if self.append_word_from_el_mappers(
for i in range(len(result)):
if result[i] == "i":
result[i] = "I"
result = ' '.join(result) # concatenate the result
return result.replace(" '", "'") # fix for situations like "I 'AM", "YOU 'LL"
def fix_pronoun(self, subject): # TODO: Extend the context of this function
"""Pronoun fixer to handle situations like YOU and YOURSELF.
subject (str): Subject that extracted from the user's input/command.
str: Response.
if subject == "yourself":
return "you"
elif subject == "Yourself":
return "You"
elif subject == "YOURSELF":
return "YOU"
return subject
def detect_pronoun(self, noun_chunk):
"""Determine whether user is talking about himself/herself or some other entity.
noun_chunk (str): Noun phrase.
((str), (bool)): Detected pronoun and boolean value depends on the detection.
np_text = ""
is_public = True
doc = self.nlp(noun_chunk)
for token in doc:
if token.lemma_ == "-PRON-":
np_text += ' ' + token.text.lower()
is_public = False
np_text += ' ' + token.text
return np_text.strip(), is_public
def upper_capitalize(self, array):
"""Return capitalized and uppercased versions of the strings inside the given array.
array ((list) of (str)s): List of strings.
(list) of (str)s: List of strings.
result = []
for word in array:
return result
def clean(self, com):
"""Return a version of user's command that cleaned from punctuations, symbols, etc.
com (str): User's command.
str: Cleaned version of user's command.
doc = self.nlp(com)
for token in doc:
if token.pos_ in ["PUNCT", "SYM"]:
com = com.replace(token.tag_, '')
return com
def append_word_from_el_mappers(self, el_mapper_lists, word, result):
"""Append the corresponding value of given word from a element mapper lists to the result.
array ((list) of (list) of (str)s): List of list of strings.
str: Word.
str: Result.
bool: True if the word exists in the mapper lists otherwise False
for el_mapper_list in el_mapper_lists:
if word.upper() in el_mapper_list:
return True
return False
def invert_fact_and_filter(self, invert, subject, user_id, is_public):
"""Append the corresponding value of given word from a element mapper lists to the result.
bool: Are we inverting?
str: Subject.
int: User's ID in DB.
bool: Is that a public fact?
Fact: Result after the DB filter.
subject_ref = None
if invert:
subject_ref = Fact.clause
subject_ref = Fact.subject
return self.db_session.query(Fact).filter(
subject_ref == subject,
Fact.user_id == user_id,
Fact.is_public == is_public