Advanced Encryption Standard aka Rijndael algorithm
from crypto.constants import SBOX, INV_SBOX, RCON
from crypto.utils import mul_by_02, mul_by_03, mul_by_09, mul_by_0b, mul_by_0d, mul_by_0e, state_to_list
def sub_bytes(state, inv=False):
Replace every element from state on element from SBOX / INV_SBOX
like state[k] = SBOX[i][j], where i, j from hex(state[k]) == '0x{i}{j}'
:param state: array of [ROWS_NUMxCOLS_NUM] size
:param inv: True - decrypt, False - encrypt
:return: new state
new_state = state[:]
box = INV_SBOX if inv else SBOX
for i, row in enumerate(new_state):
for j, el in enumerate(row):
b_i = el // 0x10
b_j = el % 0x10
new_state[i][j] = box[16 * b_i + b_j] # box is flat list
return new_state
def shift_rows(state, inv=False):
Shift rows of state:
- fourth row over 3 bytes
- third row over 2 bytes
- second row over 1 byte
- first row not changed
:param state: array of [ROWS_NUMxCOLS_NUM] size
:param inv: True - decrypt (right shift), False - encrypt (left shift)
:return: new state
new_state = state[:]
for i in range(1, ROWS_NUM):
sign = -1 if inv else 1
new_state[i] = new_state[i][sign * i:] + new_state[i][:sign * i]
return new_state
def mix_columns(state, inv=False):
Multiply every column of state by polynomial:
- for decrypt by a'(x) = {0b}x**3 + {0d}x**2 + {09}x + {0e}
- for encrypt by a(x) = {03}x**3 + {01}x**2 + {01}x + {02}
:param state: array of [ROWS_NUMxCOLS_NUM] size
:param inv: True - decrypt, False - encrypt
:return: new state
new_state = state[:]
for i in range(ROWS_NUM):
if inv: # decryption
s0 = mul_by_0e(state[0][i]) ^ mul_by_0b(state[1][i]) ^ mul_by_0d(state[2][i]) ^ mul_by_09(state[3][i])
s1 = mul_by_09(state[0][i]) ^ mul_by_0e(state[1][i]) ^ mul_by_0b(state[2][i]) ^ mul_by_0d(state[3][i])
s2 = mul_by_0d(state[0][i]) ^ mul_by_09(state[1][i]) ^ mul_by_0e(state[2][i]) ^ mul_by_0b(state[3][i])
s3 = mul_by_0b(state[0][i]) ^ mul_by_0d(state[1][i]) ^ mul_by_09(state[2][i]) ^ mul_by_0e(state[3][i])
else: # encryption
s0 = mul_by_02(state[0][i]) ^ mul_by_03(state[1][i]) ^ state[2][i] ^ state[3][i]
s1 = state[0][i] ^ mul_by_02(state[1][i]) ^ mul_by_03(state[2][i]) ^ state[3][i]
s2 = state[0][i] ^ state[1][i] ^ mul_by_02(state[2][i]) ^ mul_by_03(state[3][i])
s3 = mul_by_03(state[0][i]) ^ state[1][i] ^ state[2][i] ^ mul_by_02(state[3][i])
new_state[0][i] = s0
new_state[1][i] = s1
new_state[2][i] = s2
new_state[3][i] = s3
return new_state
def get_round_key(key):
Generate list of round keys
:param key: algorithm key, string of KEY_LENGTH size
:return: array of [ROWS_NUMxCOLS_NUM] size
key_symbols = [ord(symbol) for symbol in key]
key_schedule = [
[key_symbols[i + ROWS_NUM * j] for j in range(COLS_NUM)]
for i in range(ROWS_NUM)
for j in range(ROWS_NUM, COLS_NUM * (ROUNDS_NUM + 1)):
if j % ROWS_NUM == 0:
temp = [key_schedule[i][j - 1] for i in range(1, ROWS_NUM)]
temp.append(key_schedule[0][j - 1])
for i in range(ROWS_NUM):
sbox_i = temp[i] // 0x10
sbox_j = temp[i] % 0x10
temp[i] = SBOX[16 * sbox_i + sbox_j]
for i in range(ROWS_NUM):
s = (key_schedule[i][j - COLS_NUM]) ^ (temp[i]) ^ (RCON[i][int(j / ROWS_NUM - 1)])
for i in range(ROWS_NUM):
s = key_schedule[i][j - COLS_NUM] ^ key_schedule[i][j - 1]
return key_schedule
def add_round_key(state, round_key, round_num=0):
Perform XOR of state and round_key
:param state: array of [ROWS_NUMxCOLS_NUM] size
:param round_key: array of [ROWS_NUMxCOLS_NUM] size, see get_round_key()
:param round_num: number of crypt round
:return: new_state
new_state = state[:]
for i in range(ROWS_NUM):
for j in range(COLS_NUM):
new_state[i][j] = new_state[i][j] ^ round_key[i][COLS_NUM * round_num + j]
return new_state
def process(input_bytes, key, method):
bad_symbols = list(filter(lambda s: ord(s) > 255, key))
if len(key) != KEY_LENGTH or bad_symbols:
raise ValueError('Key should be length {} and contain only latin alphabet and numbers'.format(KEY_LENGTH))
round_key = get_round_key(key)
processed = []
for i in range(0, len(input_bytes), KEY_LENGTH):
chunk = input_bytes[i:i + KEY_LENGTH]
if len(chunk) < KEY_LENGTH: # supplement to full chunk
chunk.extend([0] * (KEY_LENGTH - len(chunk) - 1))
processed.extend(method(chunk, round_key))
return processed
def encrypt(input_bytes, key):
:param input_bytes: data as list of bytes
:param key: string on KEY_LENGTH size
:return: encrypted data as list of int's
return process(input_bytes, key, encrypt_chunk)
def encrypt_chunk(input_chunk, round_key):
:param input_chunk: list of bytes [ROWS_NUM, COLS_NUM] size
:round_key see get_round_key()
:return: encrypted chunk data as list of int's
state = [[input_chunk[i + ROWS_NUM * j] for j in range(COLS_NUM)] for i in range(ROWS_NUM)]
state = add_round_key(state, round_key)
for round_num in range(1, ROUNDS_NUM):
state = add_round_key(mix_columns(shift_rows(sub_bytes(state))), round_key, round_num)
state = add_round_key(shift_rows(sub_bytes(state)), round_key, ROUNDS_NUM)
return state_to_list(state)
def decrypt(input_bytes, key):
:param input_bytes: data as list of bytes
:param key: string on KEY_LENGTH size
:return: decrypted data as list of int's
return process(input_bytes, key, decrypt_chunk)
def decrypt_chunk(input_chunk, round_key):
:param input_chunk: list of bytes [ROWS_NUM, COLS_NUM] size
:round_key see get_round_key()
:return: decrypted chunk data as list of int's
state = [[input_chunk[i + ROWS_NUM * j] for j in range(COLS_NUM)] for i in range(ROWS_NUM)]
state = add_round_key(state, round_key, ROUNDS_NUM)
for round_num in range(ROUNDS_NUM - 1, 0, -1):
state = mix_columns(add_round_key(sub_bytes(shift_rows(state, True), True), round_key, round_num), True)
state = add_round_key(sub_bytes(shift_rows(state, True), True), round_key, 0)
return state_to_list(state)