# == Schema Information
# Table name: kicking_stats
# id :integer not null, primary key
# nfl_matchup_id :integer
# nfl_player_id :integer
# nfl_team_id :integer
# number :integer
# position :string
# fantasy_position :string
# fantasy_points :float
# extra_points_attempted :integer
# extra_points_made :integer
# field_goal_percentage :float
# field_goals_attempted :integer
# field_goals_longest_made :integer
# field_goals_made :integer
# created_at :datetime not null
# updated_at :datetime not null
# week :integer
# season :integer
class KickingStat < ActiveRecord::Base
include FantasyDataMapper
attr_accessible :week, :season, :nfl_player_id
belongs_to :nfl_matchup
belongs_to :nfl_player
belongs_to :nfl_team
def total_points league
# TODO - have these be on the league configuration for scoring
extra_points_made.to_i * 1,
field_goals_made.to_i * 3