
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
requires = [
    "setuptools ~= 68.2",
    "wheel ~= 0.41.2",
    "setuptools-pipfile ~= 0.7.0",
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

name = "pycracks"
authors = [
    { name = "Ezequiel L. CastaƱo", email = "castanoezequielleonardo@gmail.com" },
license = { text = "MIT" }
requires-python = ">=3.8"
dynamic = ['version', 'readme']
classifiers = [
    "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
    "Programming Language :: Python",
    "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
    "Intended Audience :: Developers",
    "Framework :: Hypothesis",
    "Framework :: Pytest",
    "Environment :: Console",
    "Natural Language :: English",
    "Operating System :: OS Independent",
    "Topic :: Software Development :: Quality Assurance",
    "Topic :: Software Development :: Testing",
    "Topic :: Software Development :: Version Control :: Git",
    "Typing :: Typed",

homepage = "https://github.com/elc/pycracks"
documentation = "https://github.com/elc/pycracks"
repository = "https://github.com/elc/pycracks"
changelog = "https://github.com/ELC/pycracks/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md"

pycracks = "pycracks.__main__:app"

# Setuptools

pycracks = ["py.typed", "*.md"]

version = { attr = "pycracks.__version__" }
readme = { file = ["README.md"], content-type = "text/markdown" }

# Setuptools-Pipfile


# Semantic Release

match = "(master|develop)"

commit_message = "chore(release): bump version and update changelog [skip ci]"
version_source = "tag"
version_variables = ["pycracks/__init__.py:__version__"]

changelog_file = "CHANGELOG.md"
exclude_commit_patterns = ["chore*", "Merge*"]

allowed_tags = ["chore", "feat", "fix"]
minor_tags = ["feat"]
patch_tags = ["fix"]

# Coverage

relative_files = true

# MyPy

strict = true
ignore_missing_imports = true


fix = true
preview = true

extend-select = [
    #   "D",   # pydocstyle
    # "FBT",   # flake8-boolean-trap
    # "COM",   # flake8-commas
    "E",    # pycodestyle
    "UP",   # pyupgrade
    "BLE",  # flake8-blind-except
    "B",    # flake8-bugbear
    "A",    # flake8-builtins
    "C4",   # flake8-comprehensions
    "ICN",  # flake8-import-conventions
    "PIE",  # flake8-pie
    "RSE",  # flake8-return
    "SIM",  # flake8-simplify
    "ANN",  # flake8-annotations
    "ARG",  # flake8-unused-arguments
    "G",    # flake8-logging-format
    "ISC",  # flake8-implicit-str-concat
    "T20",  # flake8-print
    "EM",   # flake8-errmsg
    "SLF",  # flake8-self
    "PT",   # flake8-pytest-style
    "RET",  # flake8-return
    "TID",  # flake8-tidy-imports
    "PTH",  # flake8-use-pathlib
    "LOG",  # flake8-logging
    "TD",   # flake8-todos
    "FIX",  # flake8-fixme
    "TRY",  # tryceratops
    "I",    # isort
    "ERA",  # erradicate
    "PERF", # Perflint
    "FURB", # refurb
    "RUF",  # ruff

# Set Ruff to imitate Black
quote-style = "double"
indent-style = "space"
skip-magic-trailing-comma = false
line-ending = "auto"

# Pylint

fail-on = ["I"]
fail-under = 10
ignore = ["third_party"]
ignore-patterns = []
jobs = 8
limit-inference-results = 1000
load-plugins = [
py-version = "3.8"
suggestion-mode = true

argument-naming-style = "snake_case"
argument-rgx = "[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$"
attr-naming-style = "snake_case"
attr-rgx = "[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$"
bad-names = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "toto", "tutu", "tata"]

class-attribute-naming-style = "any"
class-attribute-rgx = "([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]{2,30}|(__.*__))$"
class-const-naming-style = "UPPER_CASE"
class-naming-style = "PascalCase"
class-rgx = "[A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]+$"
const-naming-style = "UPPER_CASE"
const-rgx = "(([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$"
docstring-min-length = -1
function-naming-style = "snake_case"
function-rgx = "[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$"
good-names = ["i", "j", "k", "ex", "Run", "_"]
include-naming-hint = true

inlinevar-naming-style = "any"
inlinevar-rgx = "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$"
method-naming-style = "snake_case"
method-rgx = "[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$"
module-naming-style = "snake_case"
module-rgx = "(([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)|([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]+))$"
no-docstring-rgx = "^_"
property-classes = ["abc.abstractproperty"]
variable-naming-style = "snake_case"
variable-rgx = "[a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$"

defining-attr-methods = ["__init__", "__new__", "setUp"]
exclude-protected = ["_asdict", "_fields", "_replace", "_source", "_make"]
valid-classmethod-first-arg = ["cls"]
valid-metaclass-classmethod-first-arg = ["mcs"]

bad-functions = ["map", "filter"]

max-args = 7
max-attributes = 7
max-bool-expr = 5
max-branches = 12
max-complexity = 10
max-locals = 15
max-parents = 7
max-public-methods = 20
max-returns = 6
max-statements = 50

overgeneral-exceptions = ["'builtins.Exception'"]

indent-after-paren = 4
indent-string = "    "
max-line-length = 120
max-module-lines = 400

deprecated-modules = ["regsub", "TERMIOS", "Bastion", "rexec"]
known-third-party = ["enchant"]

logging-format-style = "old"

logging-modules = ["logging"]

[tool.pylint."messages control"]
confidence = [

disable = [
    "redefined-outer-name",           # Incompatible with PyTest fixtures
    "consider-using-assignment-expr", # Too new syntax
    "unused-import",                  # Check and fix by Ruff
    "unused-variable",                # Too many false positives
    "invalid-name",                   # Too many false positives

enable = [

timeout-methods = [

notes = ["FIXME", "XXX", "TODO"]

check-quote-consistency = true

accept-no-param-doc = true
accept-no-raise-doc = true
accept-no-return-doc = true
accept-no-yields-doc = true
default-docstring-type = "default"

max-nested-blocks = 5
never-returning-functions = ["sys.exit", "argparse.parse_error"]

evaluation = "10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / statement) * 10)"
score = true

ignore-comments = true
ignore-docstrings = true
ignore-signatures = true
min-similarity-lines = 4

max-spelling-suggestions = 4
spelling-ignore-comment-directives = "fmt: on,fmt: off,noqa:,noqa,nosec,isort:skip,mypy:"

check-str-concat-over-line-jumps = true

contextmanager-decorators = ["contextlib.contextmanager"]
ignore-none = true
ignore-on-opaque-inference = true
ignored-checks-for-mixins = [
ignored-classes = ["optparse.Values", "thread._local", "_thread._local"]
missing-member-hint = true
missing-member-hint-distance = 1
missing-member-max-choices = 1
mixin-class-rgx = ".*[Mm]ixin"

allow-global-unused-variables = false
callbacks = ["cb_", "_cb"]
dummy-variables-rgx = "(_+[a-zA-Z0-9]*?$)|dummy"
ignored-argument-names = "_.*"
redefining-builtins-modules = ["six.moves", "future.builtins"]