

Test Coverage
- if @taxon
        %a{ href: eol_page_url(@taxon) }
          = "%s %s" % [ @taxon.rank, ]
        - unless @taxon.english_vernacular_name.to_s.empty?
          %dt.nomenclature__label--common-name English common name
            %a{ href: eol_page_url(@taxon) }= @taxon.english_vernacular_name
        - unless @taxon.classification_summary.empty?
          %dt.nomenclature__label--classification Classification
            ={ |t| "<a href='#{taxon_path(t)}'>#{}</a>" }.join(" &gt; ")
        - unless @taxon.source.to_s.empty?
          %dt.nomenclature__label--reference Ref:
            %a{ href: '/about' }= @taxon.source

        %h2 Taxonomic information
      - if @taxon.image
        - attribution = image_attribution(@taxon.image).to_s
        - license_html = license(@taxon.image[:license]).to_s
          %a{ href: eol_dato_url(@taxon)}
            %img{ src: @taxon.image[:eolThumbnailURL], alt: "Image of #{}" }
          - unless (attribution.empty? && license_html.empty?)
              - if @taxon.image[:title] && ! @taxon.image[:title].empty?
                %p= @taxon.image[:title]
              - unless attribution.empty?
                %p= attribution
              = license_html
        %h2 Assessment
      - if
          %caption.measurements__caption= "Assessment of knowledge about #{}"
              %th.measurement__label--source{ scope: 'col' } Source
              %th.measurement__label--value{ scope: 'col' } Count
              %th.measurement__label--score{ scope: 'col' } % score
            - Ggi::ClassificationImporter::MEASUREMENT_URIS_TO_LABELS.each do |uri, label|
              - measurement ={|m| m[:measurementType] == uri}.first rescue nil
              - score = measurement.nil? ? 0 : formatted_score(measurement[:score])
              %tr{ class: "assessment__measurement--#{score_qualifier(score)}" }
                %th.measurement__datum--source{ scope: 'row' }= measurement_source[uri]
                  = measurement.nil? ? 0 : measurement[:measurementValue]
                %td.measurement__datum--score= score
            - taxon_score_formatted = formatted_score(@taxon.score)
            %tr{ class: "assessment__measurement--#{score_qualifier(taxon_score_formatted)}" }
              %th.measurement__datum--source{ scope: 'row' }
                  = ? 'GGI score' : 'GGI score:'
        { title: 'Explanation of score', href: '/help' } ?
              %td.measurement__datum--score= taxon_score_formatted
      - else
            - taxon_score_formatted = formatted_score(@taxon.score)
            %dt.assessment_summary__label--score{ class: "assessment_summary__label--#{score_qualifier(taxon_score_formatted)}" }
                = ? 'GGI score' : 'GGI score:'
      { title: 'Explanation of score', href: '/help' } ?
            %dd.assessment_summary__datum--score{ class: "assessment_summary__label--#{score_qualifier(taxon_score_formatted)}" }
              %span= taxon_score_formatted
            - unless
                %span Number of families:
                %span= @taxon.number_of_families
          %p For a more detailed assessment of knowledge, choose a family.

- else
  %p Taxon information is missing