

Test Coverage
/* $Id: blast.html,v 1.4 2003/05/22 16:20:45 dondosha Exp $
* ===========================================================================
*                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
*               National Center for Biotechnology Information
*  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
*  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
*  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
*  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
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*  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
* ===========================================================================
* File Name:  $RCSfile: blast.html,v $
* Author:  Sergei Shavirin
* Initial Version Creation Date: 03/14/2000
* $Revision: 1.4 $
* File Description:
*         Template for standalone BLAST Web page
* $Log: blast.html,v $
* Revision 1.4  2003/05/22 16:20:45  dondosha
* Removed references to describe the map inside HTML
* Revision 1.3  2003/05/09 17:54:38  dondosha
* Added select menu for database genetic codes
* Revision 1.2  2003/05/05 18:14:02  dondosha
* Uncommented discontiguous megablast options; added subsequence options
* Revision 1.1  2002/08/06 19:03:51  dondosha
* WWW BLAST server, initial CVS revision

<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#660099" ALINK="#660099">
<map name=img_map>
<area shape=rect coords=2,1,48,21 href="">
<area shape=rect coords=385,1,435,21 href="index.html">
<area shape=rect coords=436,1,486,21 href="">
<area shape=rect coords=487,1,508,21 href="docs/blast_help.html">
<img USEMAP=#img_map WIDTH=509 HEIGHT=22 SRC="images/blast_form.gif" ISMAP> 

<FORM ACTION="blast.cgi" METHOD = POST NAME="MainBlastForm" ENCTYPE= "multipart/form-data">
<B>Choose program to use and database to search:</B>
<a href="docs/blast_program.html">Program</a>
<select name = "PROGRAM">
    <option> blastn 
    <option> blastp 
    <option> blastx 
    <option> tblastn 
    <option> tblastx 
<a href="docs/blast_databases.html">Database</a>
<select name = "DATALIB">
    <option VALUE = "nematostella_vectensis_transcriptome"> nematostella vectensis transcriptome 

Enter here your input data as 
<select name = "INPUT_TYPE"> 
    <option> Sequence in FASTA format 
    <option> Accession or GI 

Enter sequence below in <a href="docs/fasta.html">FASTA</a>  format 
<textarea name="SEQUENCE" rows=6 cols=60>
Or load it from disk 
Set subsequence: From
&nbsp;&nbsp<input TYPE="text" NAME="QUERY_FROM" VALUE="" SIZE="10">
&nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp;&nbsp To
<input TYPE="text" NAME="QUERY_TO" VALUE="" SIZE="10">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Clear sequence" onClick="MainBlastForm.SEQUENCE.value='';MainBlastForm.QUERY_FROM.value='';MainBlastForm.QUERY_TO.value='';MainBlastForm.SEQUENCE.focus();">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search">

The query sequence is 
<a href="docs/filtered.html">filtered</a> 
for low complexity regions by default.
<a href="docs/newoptions.html#filter">Filter</a>
 <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" VALUE="L" NAME="FILTER" CHECKED> Low complexity
 <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" VALUE="m" NAME="FILTER"> Mask for lookup table only
<a href="docs/newoptions.html#expect">Expect</a>
<select name = "EXPECT">
    <option> 0.0001 
    <option> 0.01 
    <option> 1 
    <option selected> 10 
    <option> 100 
    <option> 1000 

<a href="docs/matrix_info.html">Matrix</a>
<select name = "MAT_PARAM">
    <option value = "PAM30     9     1"> PAM30 </option>
    <option value = "PAM70     10     1"> PAM70 </option> 
    <option value = "BLOSUM80     10     1"> BLOSUM80 </option>
    <option selected value = "BLOSUM62     11     1"> BLOSUM62 </option>
    <option value = "BLOSUM45     14     2"> BLOSUM45 </option>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="UNGAPPED_ALIGNMENT" VALUE="is_set"> Perform ungapped alignment 
<a href="docs/newoptions.html#gencodes">Query Genetic Codes (blastx only) 
<select name = "GENETIC_CODE">
 <option> Standard (1) 
 <option> Vertebrate Mitochondrial (2) 
 <option> Yeast Mitochondrial (3) 
 <option> Mold Mitochondrial; ... (4) 
 <option> Invertebrate Mitochondrial (5) 
 <option> Ciliate Nuclear; ... (6) 
 <option> Echinoderm Mitochondrial (9) 
 <option> Euplotid Nuclear (10) 
 <option> Bacterial (11) 
 <option> Alternative Yeast Nuclear (12) 
 <option> Ascidian Mitochondrial (13) 
 <option> Flatworm Mitochondrial (14) 
 <option> Blepharisma Macronuclear (15) 
<a href="docs/newoptions.html#gencodes">Database Genetic Codes (tblast[nx] only)
<select name = "DB_GENETIC_CODE">
 <option> Standard (1)
 <option> Vertebrate Mitochondrial (2)
 <option> Yeast Mitochondrial (3)
 <option> Mold Mitochondrial; ... (4)
 <option> Invertebrate Mitochondrial (5)
 <option> Ciliate Nuclear; ... (6)
 <option> Echinoderm Mitochondrial (9)
 <option> Euplotid Nuclear (10)
 <option> Bacterial (11)
 <option> Alternative Yeast Nuclear (12)
 <option> Ascidian Mitochondrial (13)
 <option> Flatworm Mitochondrial (14)
 <option> Blepharisma Macronuclear (15)
<a href="docs/oof_notation.html">Frame shift penalty</a> for blastx 
<select NAME = "OOF_ALIGN"> 
 <option> 6
 <option> 7
 <option> 8
 <option> 9
 <option> 10
 <option> 11
 <option> 12
 <option> 13
 <option> 14
 <option> 15
 <option> 16
 <option> 17
 <option> 18
 <option> 19
 <option> 20
 <option> 25   
 <option> 30
 <option> 50
 <option> 1000
 <option selected VALUE = "0"> No OOF
<a href="docs/full_options.html">Other advanced options:</a> 
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="NCBI_GI" >&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="docs/newoptions.html#ncbi-gi"> NCBI-gi</a>

<a href="docs/newoptions.html#graphical-overview">Graphical Overview</a>
<a href="docs/options.html#alignmentviews">Alignment view</a>
<select name = "ALIGNMENT_VIEW">
    <option value=0> Pairwise
    <option value=1> master-slave with identities
    <option value=2> master-slave without identities
    <option value=3> flat master-slave with identities
    <option value=4> flat master-slave without identities
    <option value=7> BLAST XML
    <option value=9> Hit Table
<a href="docs/newoptions.html#descriptions">Descriptions</a>
<select name = "DESCRIPTIONS">
    <option> 0 
    <option> 10 
    <option> 50 
    <option selected> 100 
    <option> 250 
    <option> 500 
<a href="docs/newoptions.html#alignments">Alignments</a>
<select name = "ALIGNMENTS">
    <option> 0 
    <option> 10 
    <option selected> 50 
    <option> 100 
    <option> 250 
    <option> 500 
<a href="docs/color_schema.html">Color schema</a>
<select name = "COLOR_SCHEMA">
    <option selected value = 0> No color schema 
    <option value = 1> Color schema 1 
    <option value = 2> Color schema 2  
    <option value = 3> Color schema 3 
    <option value = 4> Color schema 4 
    <option value = 5> Color schema 5 
    <option value = 6> Color schema 6 
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Clear sequence" onClick="MainBlastForm.SEQUENCE.value='';MainBlastForm.SEQFILE.value='';MainBlastForm.SEQUENCE.focus();">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search">
Comments and suggestions to:&lt; <a href=""></a> &gt
<!-- Created: Thu Mar 16 16:41:05 EST 2000 -->
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Last modified: Jan 11, 2002
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