

Test Coverage
# $Id: psiblast.rc,v 1.1 2002/08/06 19:03:52 dondosha Exp $
#     This is dynamic configuration file for WWW BLAST service
#              All lines started from '#' are ignored.
#           "//" string considered as start of comments
#     Author Sergei B. Shavirin
# $Revision: 1.1 $
# Number of CPUs to use for a single request
NumCpuToUse     4
# Here are list of combinations program/database, 
# that allowed by BLAST service. Format: <program> <db> <db> ...
blastn test_na_db
blastp test_aa_db
blastx test_aa_db
tblastn test_na_db
tblastx test_na_db