

Test Coverage

A tool for searching, analysing and sharing gene expression data of marine

Transcriptomic repository for multiple species


    int id
    scientific_name string 256 # "Human", "Mouse", "Nematostella" ? Should this be restricted to a latin name?
    common_name string 256
rails generate scaffold Taxon scientific_name:string common_name:string

    id int
    description text
rails generate scaffold Condition description:text

    id int
    taxon_id int
    name string 80 # "18h_B_L2"
    stage int # 18
    condition_id int
    technical_replicate int # B Distinct extracted sample
    lane_replicate int # Read of a sample L1-L7 (is this adding anything not already covered by id and name?)
    y_intercept float
    slope float
    total_mapping int

    rails generate scaffold Replicate taxon:references name:string:80 stage:int condition:references technical_replicate:int lane_replicate:int y_intercept:float slope:float total_mapping:int

    id int
    name string 20 # comp100008_c0_seq1
    isogroup int # 1000080
    length int # 254
    transcript_sequence text

    rails generate scaffold Transcript name:string:20 isogroup:int length:int transcript_sequence:text

    id int
    replicate_id int
    transcript_id int
    mapping_count int # 3

    rails generate scaffold MappingCount replicate:references transcript:references mapping_count:int

    id int
    name string 256
    rails generate scaffold ExternalSource name:string

    id int
    external_source_id int
    name string 6 # Q14738
      rails generate scaffold ExternalIdentifier external_source:references name:string:6

# Comes from BLASTing mouse, human and searching UNIPROT
external_matches: ? Is this a reasonable name?
    id int
    external_name_id int
    paralog int # 1
    transcript_id int
    length int # 602
    query_from int # 65
    query_to int # 138
    isoform int # 1

  id int
  taxon_id int
  external_identifier_id int
  gene_name string
  functional_name text
    rails generate scaffold ExternalMatch taxon:references external_identifier:references transcript:references gene_name:string function_name:text length:int query_from:int query_to:int paralog:int isoform:int

    rails generate scaffold ExternalName taxon:references external_identifier:references gene_name:string function_name:text

Queries from Perl:
autoComplete.cgi:my $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(acc), gn, fn from $form_input{'type'}Name WHERE acc LIKE '%$form_input{'term'}%' OR gn LIKE '%$form_input{'term'}%' OR fn LIKE '%$form_input{'term'}%' LIMIT 10";
graph.cgi:my $sql = "SELECT * FROM normalization";
graph.cgi:    my $sql = "SELECT mapping_count FROM $table where id = '$id' LIMIT 1";
graph.cgi:    my $sql = "SELECT length FROM Sequences where id = '$id' LIMIT 1";
graph.cgi:    my $sql = "SELECT sequence FROM $database"."_prediction WHERE gene = '$id'";
graph.cgi:    my $sql = "SELECT length, sequence FROM Sequences WHERE id = '$input'";
graph.cgi:    my $sql = "SELECT gn, fn FROM $database where acc = '$input'";
graph.cgi:    my $sql = "SELECT acc, gn, fn FROM mouseName WHERE sequence ='$input'";
graph.cgi:        my $sql = "SELECT acc, gn, fn FROM humanName WHERE sequence ='$input'";
graph.cgi:        my $sql = "SELECT acc, gn, fn FROM nematostellaName WHERE sequence ='$input'";
orthologSearch.cgi:my $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(acc) from $form_input{'type'}Name WHERE acc = '$form_input{'term'}' or gn = '$form_input{'term'}'";
orthologSearch.cgi:my $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(acc), gn, fn from $form_input{'type'}Name WHERE acc LIKE '%$form_input{'term'}%' OR gn LIKE '%$form_input{'term'}%' OR fn LIKE '%$form_input{'term'}%' LIMIT 100";

    id = comp824_c0_seq1 (transcript)
    sample = |  9h_A_L2 |  -4.4469180 | 15899.5300 |      16450010 |     0 | (half_sample?)
    sequence_length = 2323
    hour = 9
    raw_expression = get_hour_expression(sample, id) = 3070
    per_embryo(raw_expression, sample, sequence_length)

    get_fpkm(sequence_length, raw_expression, total_mapping)
    (2323, 3070, 16450010)

    (3070 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)/(2323 * 16450010)
    fpkm = 80.33836692516454

    normalize_rpkm(80.33836692516454, -4.4469180, 15899.5300, 0)

    (/ (/ (+ (* 80.33836692516454 15899.5300) -4.4469180) 300) 0.1)
    [Should be / 10]

    (/ (* 3070 1000 1000 1000.0) (* 2323 16450010.0))

    (/ (/ (+ (* 80.33836692516454 15899.5300) -4.4469180) 300) 0.1)

    (/ (* 3106 1000 1000 1000.0) (* 2323 16530015.0))

    (/ (/ (+ (* 80.88704947918852 14489.8700) -1.7842870) 300) 0.1)

    (/ (+ 39068.03491166698 42577.92760532204) 2)

    40822.98125849451 (Hooray!)

    (m(c * 10e9/(l * n))+b)/(300 * 0.1)

    select * from normalization where id like ' 9%';                                
    select mapping_count from 9h_A_L2 where id = 'comp824_c0_seq1';                 
    SELECT length FROM Sequences where id = 'comp824_c0_seq1';