

Test Coverage
  %div{ class: 'home_img'}
    %img{ src: '', width: '400px' }
      %a{ href: ""}
        %i Nematostella vectensis
    %div{ style: "font-size: 0.8em"}
      %a{ href: "", rel: "nofollow"}<
        %img{ alt: "Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)",
              src: ""}
      &copy; National Museums Northern Ireland and its licensors
    %div{ style: "font-size: 0.8em"}
      %a{ href: ""}
        Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain and Ireland

  .center_this_thing{ style: 'margin-top: 5em' }
      SeaBase provides a platform for sharing, searching and analyzing
      quantitative gene expression data. Please feel free to look around, find your
      favorite gene (or genes) and plot their temporal expression, or browse
      RNA-seq data from your favorite marine/aquatic organism.

      Have data to contribute? Please let us know. We will be happy to include it.

      We currently support a plotting function, e.g., for differential expression
      analysis or for time series expression plots. We will be adding more
      functions soon. Next on the list is a clustering tool for identifying
      synexpression networks. Stay tuned: more tools - all geared for determining
      Gene Networks - are to follow.

      Interested in the code? Checkout our
      %a{ href: ""}
        GitHub repository
      For updates and to give us suggestions, follow us on Twitter @MBLSeaBase.

- unless @news.empty?
        %h3 News
      - @news.each do |n|
            .news_date= n.created_at.strftime('%d %b %Y')
            .news_subject= n.subject
          .news_body= n.body
      %a.twitter-timeline{ href: '', 'data-widget-id' => '443045596794871809' } Tweets by @MBLSeaBase
      var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';
      if(!d.getElementById(id)) {