

Test Coverage
  You can import data from Gephi calculations back to seabase. At the moment
  %a{ href: '' } Modularity 
  %a{ href: '' } PageRank 
  calculations are supported.

  To proceed calculate PageRank and Modularity in Gephi Overview tab, then
  change to 'Data Laboratory' tab and export data into a csv file (only ID,
  PageRank, Modularity fields are needed). Then upload resulting file to 
  Seabase using this page.

%form{ method: :post, action: '/upload_gephi', enctype: 'multipart/form-data', 'accept-charset' => 'UTF-8' }
    %label{ for: 'import_name' } Name of the import
    %input#import_name{ type: :text, size: 40, name: :name }
    %label{ for: 'gephi_upload' } Upload
    %input#gephi_upload{ type: :file, name: :file, accept: 'text/csv' }
    %input{ type: :submit, value: :Upload }