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Test Coverage
anguage: ruby
cache: bundler
- ruby-2.2.2 # THIS IS WHERE YOU SET THE RUBY VERSION! You'd probably put 1.9.3
- postgresql 
# The next two lines are needed if you are using selenium at all. Travis has not window,
# so we need to "trick it" into thinking it has one...more or less.
#- export DISPLAY=:99.0 # Declaring which display we will use.
#- sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start # Turning on the fake display
#- psql -c 'create database [DATABASE_NAME];' -U postgres
- RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace
- bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
- bundle exec cucumber features/
#- bundle exec rspec spec/ # IMPORTANT! This runs all of the tests.
  #code_climate: # Pulls Code Coverage metrics from Code Climate
    #repo_token: [REDACTED]
  #slack: # Notifies Slack when someone pushes to master...Something that should rarely happen.
    #secure: [REDACTED]
#deploy: # If and ONLY if Travis build succeeds, it automatically is deployed to heroku.
  #provider: heroku
    #secure: [REDACTED]
    #staging: [STAGING APP ON HEROKU]
    #master: [MASTER APP ON HEROKU]