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# Interactive
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This is a helper module to assist in interactive question-answering events in the command line.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'interactive'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install interactive

## Usage

### Questions Without any Options
If you want to ask a user a question accepting all answers:

require 'interactive'
include Interactive

question = Question.new do |q|
  q.question = "What is your api token password?"

question.ask do |response|
  # response is an object that responds to string methods
  puts response.split

This will ask:

=> What are your project ids?

You can respond like so, for example:

$ 123someid hello4545 12992hhoo

That will give us the following:

=> 123someid

### Questions With Lazy Shortcut Explanations

If you want to ask a user a question expecting certain answers:

require 'interactive'
include Interactive

question = Question.new do |q|
  q.question = "Which item do you want to use?"
  q.options = [1..3, :cancel, :quit]

You can run the loop and wait for a valid response and do query methods on the

question.ask do |response|
  if response.whole_num_1?
    # do stuff if user responded with "1"
  elsif response.whole_num?
    # do stuff if user responded with "1", "2", or "3"
  elsif response.cancel?
    # do stuff if user responded with "c", etc.
  elsif response.quit?
    # do stuff if user responded with "q", etc.

That will ask the question appended by the shortcuts (without full explanation):

Which item do you want to use? [1/2/3/c/q]

If the response is valid:

$ a  # response.add? will return true

If the response is invalid, it prints out the question and goes into detail as
to what the shortcuts stand for:

$ bad-response

Which item do you want to use? [1/2/3/c/q]
  1 -- 1
  2 -- 2
  3 -- 3
  c -- cancel
  q -- quit

### Questions With Eager Shortcut Explanations

Providing an array of options to the options array will trigger the shortcut
explanation right after asking the question:

require 'interactive'
include Interactive

# ...

options_list = ["/some/path", "/some/other/path"]
iq = Question.new do |q|
  q.question = "Which path do you want to use?"
  q.options = [options_list, :cancel]

iq.ask do |response|
  if response.whole_number?
    # response.to_i will convert the response string to an integer.
    # useful for getting the index (i.e. options_list[response.to_i])
  elsif response.cancel?
    # do stuff to cancel...

This will ask the question and show the explanation eagerly:

Which path do you want to use? [0/1/c]
  0 -- /some/path
  1 -- /some/other/path
  c -- cancel

You could also present tabular data:

character_1 = OpenStruct.new(name: 'Frank Underwood', job: 'Vice President')
character_2 = OpenStruct.new(name: 'Zoe Barnes', job: 'Reporter')
characters_list = [character_1, character_2]

iq = Question.new do |q|
  q.question = "Which House of Cards character are you interested in?"
  q.options = [characters_list, :cancel]
  q.columns = [:index, :name, :job]

iq.ask do |response|
  if response.whole_number?
    # response.to_i will convert the response string to an integer.
    # useful for getting the index (i.e. options_list[response.to_i])
  elsif response.cancel?
    # do stuff to cancel...

This will ask the question with a table:

Which House of Cards character are you interested in? [0/1/c]
  c -- cancel
| index | name            | job            |
| 0     | Frank Underwood | Vice President |
| 1     | Zoe Barnes      | Reporter       |

Note that the second, and up to the last, value of the `columns` list are the
messages that get sent to each object in the `objects` list of the `options`

### Question#reask

require 'interactive'
include Interactive

outer_question = Question.new do |q|
  q.question = "What do you want to do?"
  q.options = [:eat, :sleep, :bathe]

inner_question = Question.new do |q|
  q.question = "What do you want to eat?"
  q.options = [:spaghetti, :mac_and_cheese, :back]

outer_question.ask do |outer_response|
  if outer_response.eat?
    inner_question.ask do |inner_response|
      if inner_response.back?

Assume we answer `e` and `b`, for `eat` and `back`:

What do you want to do? [e/s/b]
What do you want to eat? [s/m/b]
What do you want to do? [e/s/b]

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release` to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org).

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( https://github.com/edderic/interactive/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request