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Test Coverage
module Montage
  class Client
    module Documents
      # Public: Get a list of documents.  Batch and single queries are supported
      # via the formatting listed below.
      # * *Args* :
      #   - +queries+ -> A Montage::Query object or batch of objects to pass
      #     along with the request
      # * *Returns* :
      #   - A Montage::Response with a raw body that will resemble:
      #    {
      #      "data"=> {
      #        "query1"=> [
      #          {
      #            "name"=>"happy accidents everywhere",
      #            "price"=>"999,999,999",
      #            "signed"=>true,
      #            "id"=>"-1"
      #          }
      #        ]
      #      }
      #    }
      # * *Examples* :
      #   - A Single Query :
      #    {
      #      "query1" => {
      #        "$schema" => "bob_ross_paintings",
      #        "$query" => [
      #          ["$filter", [
      #            ["rating", ['$gt', 8]]
      #          ]],
      #          ["$limit", 1]
      #        ]
      #      }
      #    }
      #   - Batch Queries :
      #    {
      #      query1: { '$schema': 'bob_ross_paintings', ... },
      #      query2: { '$schema': 'happy_little_trees', ... }
      #    }
      def documents(queries)
        post("query/", "document", queries)

      # Public: Get the set of documents for the given cursor
      # Params:
      #   schema - *Required* The name of the schema to run the query against
      #   cursor - *Required* The cursor that was returned in the last document API call
      # Returns a Montage::Response
      # def document_cursor(schema, cursor)
        # get("schemas/#{schema}/?cursor=#{cursor}", "document")
      # end

      # Public: Create or update a set of documents
      # Params:
      #   schema   - *Required* The name of the schema to add the document to
      #   document - *Required* The Hash representation of the document you would like to create
      # The document must conform to the schema definition
      # Returns a Montage::Response
      def create_or_update_documents(schema, documents)
        post("schemas/#{schema}/save/", "document", documents)

      # Public: Update a document
      # Params:
      #   schema        - *Required* The name of the schema the document belongs to
      #   document_uuid - *Required* The uuid of the document you wish to update
      #   document      - *Required* The Hash representation of the document you would like to update
      # The document must conform to the schema definition
      # Returns a Montage::Response
      def update_document(schema, document)
        post("schemas/#{schema}/save/", "document", document)

      # Public: Delete a document
      # Params:
      #   schema        - *Required* The name of the schema the document belongs to
      #   document_uuid - *Required* The uuid of the document you widh to delete
      # Returns a Montage::Response
      def delete_document(schema, document_uuid)
        delete("schemas/#{schema}/#{document_uuid}/", "document")