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Test Coverage
[route dsl]: https://github.com/ElMassimo/js_from_routes/blob/main/js_from_routes/lib/js_from_routes/generator.rb#L77-L107
[this pull request]: https://github.com/ElMassimo/pingcrm-vite/pull/2 

[exported routes]: /guide/#export-the-routes
[client]: /client/
[config]: /config/#code-generation
[default template]: /config/#template-path
[template_path]: /config/#template-path
[template all]: /config/#template-all-path

[client_library]: /config/#client-library

# Code Generation 🤖

Whenever you add a new route and _refresh the page_, the Rails reloader will kick in and generate path helpers for any of the [exported routes].

If you are not running the development server, you can run a rake task to generate path helpers:

bin/rake js_from_routes:generate

By default, it will generate one file per controller, with one helper per exported action:

// app/javascript/api/VideoClipsApi.ts
import { definePathHelper } from '@js-from-routes/client'

export default {
  download: definePathHelper('get', '/video_clips/:id/download'),

  update: definePathHelper('patch', '/video_clips/:id'),

Notice how the HTTP verb becomes an implementation detail.

Changing the verb in `routes.rb` does not require updating your client code!

## Customizing the Generated Code 🛠

You can customize the code produced by the [default template], or use your own template.

The following code examples assume that you are configuring _JS From Routes_ in an [initializer][config].

### Using a different client

You can use any of the [provided client libraries][client] by using <kbd>[client_library]</kbd>:

config.client_library = '@js-from-routes/axios'

### Using your own code

You can also use <kbd>[client_library]</kbd> to target your own code when generating path helpers:

config.client_library = '~/MyPathHelpers'

As a result, the [default template] will generate:

// app/javascript/api/VideoClipsApi.ts
import { definePathHelper } from '~/MyPathHelpers'

export default {

### Using a different template

If you need to generate helpers in a different way, or want do something entirely different with exported routes, you can configure <kbd>[template_path]</kbd> to use your own template:

config.template_path = Rails.root.join('custom_js_from_routes.js.erb')

A `routes` variable will be available in the template, with the exported routes for a controller.

Each `route` exposes properties such as `verb` and `path`, [check the source code][route dsl] for details.

See [this pull request] to get a sense of how flexible it can be.

## Caching 📦

Code generation is skipped when routes have not changed.

This is achieved by adding a header to generated files:

// JsFromRoutes CacheKey 12d79db32ed146448798751582013757
// DO NOT MODIFY: This file was automatically generated by JsFromRoutes.

If for some reason you want to force regeneration, you can run:

JS_FROM_ROUTES_FORCE=true bin/rake js_from_routes:generate