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import { join, relative, resolve } from 'path'
import glob from 'fast-glob'

import type { UserConfig, ServerOptions } from 'vite'
import { APP_ENV, ALL_ENVS_KEY, ENTRYPOINT_TYPES_REGEX } from './constants'
import { booleanOption, loadJsonConfig, configOptionFromEnv, slash } from './utils'
import { Config, ResolvedConfig, UnifiedConfig, MultiEnvConfig, Entrypoints } from './types'

// Internal: Default configuration that is also read from Ruby.
export const defaultConfig: ResolvedConfig = loadJsonConfig(resolve(__dirname, '../default.vite.json'))

// Internal: Returns the files defined in the entrypoints directory that should
// be processed by rollup.
export function filterEntrypointsForRollup (entrypoints: Entrypoints): Entrypoints {
  return entrypoints
    .filter(([_name, filename]) => ENTRYPOINT_TYPES_REGEX.test(filename))

// Internal: Returns the files defined in the entrypoints directory that are not
// processed by Rollup and should be manually fingerprinted and copied over.
export function filterEntrypointAssets (entrypoints: Entrypoints): Entrypoints {
  return entrypoints
    .filter(([_name, filename]) => !ENTRYPOINT_TYPES_REGEX.test(filename))

// Internal: Returns all files defined in the entrypoints directory.
export function resolveEntrypointFiles (projectRoot: string, sourceCodeDir: string, config: ResolvedConfig): Entrypoints {
  const inputGlobs = config.ssrBuild
    ? [config.ssrEntrypoint]
    : [`~/${config.entrypointsDir}/**/*`, ...config.additionalEntrypoints]

  const entrypointFiles = glob.sync(resolveGlobs(projectRoot, sourceCodeDir, inputGlobs))

  if (config.ssrBuild) {
    if (entrypointFiles.length === 0)
      throw new Error(`No SSR entrypoint available, please create \`${config.ssrEntrypoint}\` to do an SSR build.`)
    else if (entrypointFiles.length > 1)
      throw new Error(`Expected a single SSR entrypoint, found: ${entrypointFiles}`)

    return entrypointFiles.map(file => ['ssr', file])

  return entrypointFiles.map((filename) => {
    let name = relative(sourceCodeDir, filename)
    if (name.startsWith('..'))
      name = relative(projectRoot, filename)

    return [name, filename]

// Internal: Allows to use the `~` shorthand in the config globs.
export function resolveGlobs (projectRoot: string, sourceCodeDir: string, patterns: string[]) {
  return patterns.map(pattern =>
    slash(resolve(projectRoot, pattern.replace(/^~\//, `${sourceCodeDir}/`))),

// Internal: Loads configuration options provided through env variables.
function configFromEnv (): Config {
  const envConfig: Record<string, any> = {}
  Object.keys(defaultConfig).forEach((optionName) => {
    const envValue = configOptionFromEnv(optionName)
    if (envValue !== undefined) envConfig[optionName] = envValue
  return envConfig

// Internal: Allows to load configuration from a json file, and VITE_RUBY
// prefixed environment variables.
export function loadConfiguration (viteMode: string, projectRoot: string, userConfig: UserConfig): UnifiedConfig {
  const envConfig = configFromEnv()
  const mode = envConfig.mode || APP_ENV || viteMode
  const filePath = join(projectRoot, envConfig.configPath || (defaultConfig.configPath as string))
  const multiEnvConfig = loadJsonConfig<MultiEnvConfig>(filePath)
  const fileConfig: Config = { ...multiEnvConfig[ALL_ENVS_KEY], ...multiEnvConfig[mode] }

  // Combine the three possible sources: env > json file > defaults.
  return coerceConfigurationValues({ ...defaultConfig, ...fileConfig, ...envConfig, mode }, projectRoot, userConfig)

// Internal: Coerces the configuration values and deals with relative paths.
function coerceConfigurationValues (config: ResolvedConfig, projectRoot: string, userConfig: UserConfig): UnifiedConfig {
  // Coerce the values to the expected types.
  const port = config.port = parseInt(config.port as unknown as string)
  const https = config.https = userConfig.server?.https || booleanOption(config.https)

  const fs: ServerOptions['fs'] = { allow: [projectRoot], strict: userConfig.server?.fs?.strict ?? true }

  const server: ServerOptions = { fs, host: config.host, https, port, strictPort: true }

  if (booleanOption(config.skipProxy))
    server.origin = `${https ? 'https' : 'http'}://${config.host}:${config.port}`

  // Connect directly to the Vite dev server, rack-proxy does not proxy websocket connections.
  const hmr = userConfig.server?.hmr ?? {}
  if (typeof hmr === 'object' && !hmr.hasOwnProperty('clientPort')) {
    hmr.clientPort ||= port
    server.hmr = hmr

  // Use the sourceCodeDir as the Vite.js root.
  const root = join(projectRoot, config.sourceCodeDir)

  // Detect SSR builds and entrypoint provided via the --ssr flag.
  const ssrEntrypoint = userConfig.build?.ssr
  config.ssrBuild = Boolean(ssrEntrypoint)
  if (typeof ssrEntrypoint === 'string')
    config.ssrEntrypoint = ssrEntrypoint

  // Vite expects the outDir to be relative to the root.
  const outDir = relative(root, config.ssrBuild
    ? config.ssrOutputDir
    : join(config.publicDir, config.publicOutputDir))

  const base = resolveViteBase(config)
  const entrypoints = resolveEntrypointFiles(projectRoot, root, config)

  return { ...config, server, root, outDir, base, entrypoints }

// Internal: Configures Vite's base according to the asset host and publicOutputDir.
export function resolveViteBase ({ assetHost, base, publicOutputDir }: ResolvedConfig) {
  if (assetHost && !assetHost.startsWith('http')) assetHost = `//${assetHost}`

  return [
    ensureTrailingSlash(assetHost || base || '/'),
    publicOutputDir ? ensureTrailingSlash(slash(publicOutputDir)) : '',

function ensureTrailingSlash (path: string) {
  return path.endsWith('/') ? path : `${path}/`