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Test Coverage
    "404_title": "Error 404 - Emapic",
    "404_header": "404: not found",
    "page_doesnt_exist": "Oops!, looks like this page does not exist.",
    "js_mandatory_alert": "To use all the functionalities of this site it is mandatory to have JavaScript enabled (<a href=\"http://www.enable-javascript.com/es/\" target=\"_blank\">instructions to enable JavaScript in your browser</a>).",
    "js_leaving_page_warning": "Data you have entered may not be saved.",
    "Google": "Google",
    "Facebook": "Facebook",
    "facebook_language": "en_US",
    "twitter_language": "en_US",
    "emapic_index_title": "Emapic",
    "xlsx": ".xlsx",
    "csv": ".csv",
    "geojson": ".geojson",
    "source_code_available_at": "Original source code available at <a id='github_link' href='https://github.com/Emapic/emapic'><span class='fab fa-github'></span> github</a>",
    "source_code_under_license": "Source code released under license <a href='https://github.com/Emapic/emapic/blob/master/LICENSE-AGPLv3.md'>Affero General Public License V3</a>",
    "powered_by": "Powered by",
    "cookies_message_body": "This website uses its own cookies and of third parties in order to collect statistical information on the visits and be able to offer you a better experience and service. When browsing or using our services, you accept the way the cookies are used.",
    "cookies_dismiss": "I Accept",
    "cookies_learn_more": "Know more",
    "geoposwarning_title": "Location of your answer on the map",
    "geoposwarning_emapic_geopositioning": "Geopositioning of Emapic",
    "geoposwarning_emapic_geopositioning_body_1": "This survey requires a geographical position, being it automatically provided by the web browser or manually defined, in order to provide a location map of the answers.",
    "geoposwarning_emapic_geopositioning_body_2": "The only objective of the survey is to get to know the opinions of the users and their approximate location, that way the final position can be freely modified during the process of the survey before saving the information required from the user.",
    "geoposwarning_emapic_geopositioning_body_3": "The technology used belongs to the project <a href='https://emapic.es'>Emapic</a> developed by the <a href='http://cartolab.udc.es'> investigation laboratory Cartolab</a> at the Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos of the University of Coruña.",
    "geoposwarning_options": "Geopositioning options",
    "geoposwarning_options_header_logged": "As a logged-in user you can choose between:",
    "geoposwarning_options_header_non_logged": "As an anonymous user you can choose between:",
    "geoposwarning_options_auto_title": "Automatic:",
    "geoposwarning_options_auto_body_logged": "Your browser will ask for authorisation to transmit your position according to various data (GPS, IP, wifi networks...), normally providing us with a very precise position which can be edited if needed. By default we will always try to employ this method so, if you give permission so that the geolocation from our domaine can always be employed, the process will be automatic in all the surveys.",
    "geoposwarning_options_auto_body_non_logged": "Your browser will ask you for permission to transmit to us your position based on various data (GPS, IP, wifi networks...), providing us with a position which is normally very precise and which you can edit if needed.",
    "geoposwarning_options_manual_title": "Manual:",
    "geoposwarning_options_manual_body_logged": "We will try to initially situate you in an approximate position based on your IP, or in your default position if you have defined it (check previous point), so that then you can situate yourself correctly.",
    "geoposwarning_options_manual_body_non_logged": "We will try to initially situate you in an approximate position based on your IP so that then you can situate yourself correctly.",
    "geoposwarning_options_default_position_title": "Default position:",
    "geoposwarning_options_default_position_body": "In the <a href=\"/profile\" target=\"_blank\">profile page</a> you can define a default position that we will give the option of using after the automatic geopositioning and which we will use as initial position for the manual.",
    "geoposwarning_options_footer_non_logged": "<a href=\"/signup\" target=\"_blank\">Register in Emapic</a> and you will be able to define a default position for your answers or automate the use of the automatic geopositioning.",
    "geoposwarning_allow_browser": "Must allow your browser to share your location.",
    "geoposwarning_allow_browser_howto": "How to allow my browser to share the location",
    "geoposwarning_summary_logged": "As a logged-in user you can manually specify your location or let us try to automatically geolocate you with your web browser. Remember that you can define in <a href='/profile' target='_blank'>your profile</a> a default location for your answers.",
    "geoposwarning_more_info": "(More info)",
    "geoposerror_title": "Geopositioning error",
    "geoposmanual_title": "Geopositioning manual",
    "geoposmanual_body": "You will have to define your location on a map centered on a generic default position.",
    "geoposmanualip_body": "You will have to define your location on a map centered on an approximate position obtained from your IP.",
    "geoposmanualdefault_body": "You will have to define your location on a map centered on the default position defined in your profile.",
    "geoposapierror_body": "Unfortunately we have not been able to automatically locate your precise position, but we have been able to obtain an approximate one from your IP.<br>You will have to define your location on a map centered on that approximate position.",
    "geoposallerror_body": "Unfortunately we have not been able to automatically locate your position.<br>You will have to define your location on a map centered on a generic default position.",
    "geoposerrordefault_body": "Unfortunately we have not been able to locate your position in an automatic way.",
    "retry": "Retry",
    "dont_use_geolocation": "Do not use automatic location",
    "locate_automatically": "Locate automatically",
    "locate_manually": "Locate manually",
    "emapic_experience_title": "Optional data based on your experience with Emapic",
    "emapic_experience_geolocation_precision": "Grade of precision of the geolocation service",
    "emapic_experience_geolocation_precision_exact": "Exact",
    "emapic_experience_geolocation_precision_approx": "Approximate",
    "emapic_experience_geolocation_precision_far": "Far",
    "emapic_experience_geolocation_precision_didntwork": "Did not work",
    "emapic_experience_geolocation_real_position_marker": "Relation between the marked point and your real position",
    "emapic_experience_geolocation_real_position_marker_same": "Coincide",
    "emapic_experience_geolocation_real_position_marker_want_another": "It is a different position because I prefer my vote to be linked to another place",
    "emapic_experience_geolocation_real_position_marker_near": "It is a near position because I do not want to give my real position",
    "emapic_experience_geolocation_real_position_marker_far": "It is far because I prefer not to give information about my position",
    "emapic_experience_geolocation_real_position_marker_other": "Other (explain in comments)",
    "comments": "Comments",
    "end_survey": "Finish survey",
    "phone_number": "Phone number",
    "e_mail": "Email address",
    "published_surveys": "Surveys gallery",
    "search": "Search",
    "order_by": "Order by",
    "order_creation_date": "Creation date",
    "order_state_creation_date": "State / creation date",
    "order_relevance": "Relevance",
    "order_nr_votes": "Nr. of votes",
    "order_popularity": "Popularity",
    "order_answer_date": "Answer date",
    "emapic_sign_up": "Sign up for Emapic",
    "videotutorial": "Videotutorial",
    "profile": "Profile",
    "logout": "Log out",
    "signup": "Sign up",
    "create_new_account": "Register a new account",
    "login": "Log in",
    "login_to_emapic": "Log in to Emapic",
    "remember_me": "Remember me",
    "or_login_with": "Or log in with:",
    "start_session": "Start session",
    "accept": "Accept",
    "update": "Update",
    "cancel": "Cancel",
    "close": "Close",
    "click_image_full_size": "Click onto the image in order to see it in full size",
    "stats": "Statistics & downloads",
    "prev_question": "Previous question",
    "next_question": "Next question",
    "toggle_chart": "Toggle chart type",
    "download_data_csv": "Download data on .csv",
    "download_visible_data": "Download visible data",
    "download_visible_data_csv": "Download visible data on .csv",
    "download_visible_data_xlsx": "Download visible data on .xlsx",
    "vote_stats_title": "Vote",
    "survey_thanks": "Thank you very much for participating in this survey.",
    "survey_thanks_responses": "Now we'll show you its current results.",
    "we_have_located_you_at": "We have located you at",
    "is_your_position_ok": " Is your location ok?",
    "no_edit_manually": "No, edit manually",
    "yes": "Yes",
    "no_use_user_default_position": "No, use the default position in my profile",
    "no_geolocate": "No, automatically geolocate",
    "warning_note": "WARNING",
    "operation_cannot_be_undone": "this operation cannot be undone.",
    "delete_account": "Delete account",
    "delete_account_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete your account?\\nYour votes will become anonymous and all your surveys and answers will be lost and you will not be able to recover them.",
    "edit_profile": "Edit profile",
    "update_profile": "Update profile",
    "linked_ext_accounts": "Linked external accounts",
    "unlink_ext_account": "Unlink account",
    "unlink_ext_account_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to unlink this external account from your Emapic account?",
    "help_tooltip_unlink_account_no_password": "You must set a password for your Emapic account before unlinking any external accounts.",
    "update_avatar": "Update avatar",
    "delete_stored_avatar": "Delete stored avatar",
    "update_password": "Update password",
    "update_position": "Update position",
    "delete_stored_position": "Delete stored position",
    "preferences": "Preferences",
    "update_preferences": "Update preferences",
    "accept_info_email": "I want to receive additional info and updates about Emapic and its associated services by e-mail.",
    "email": "email",
    "username_or_email": "user id or email",
    "email_help": "Emapic requires an email in order to identify and contact you",
    "username": "user id",
    "username_help": "This is the user id which will unequivocally identify you in Emapic",
    "name": "name",
    "name_help": "This is the name Emapic will show and from which other users can recognise you. If you don't supply one, your user id will be used in its place",
    "user_url": "url",
    "user_url_opt": "url [optional]",
    "user_url_help": "You can define an url with which others will be able to visit a web page about you",
    "password": "password",
    "password_cap": "Password",
    "password_help": "You must specify a password to limit the access to your user account",
    "avatar": "Avatar",
    "avatar_help": "You can add an image as avatar and therefore personalise your user",
    "default_position": "Default position",
    "default_position_help": "You can define your location by default",
    "help_tooltip_default_position": "This will be the position that we will employ by default for your answers when we cannot (or you do not want to) recover your current position.<br><br>Click on the map or activate the geolocation to situate the marker, then you can move it by dragging or clicking on another position.",
    "current_password": "Current password",
    "new_password": "New password",
    "password_reset": "Reset password",
    "retype_the_password": "confirm password",
    "type_a_username": "Type a correct user id (alphanumeric characters w/o any accents or white spaces).",
    "type_an_email": "Introduce an email address.",
    "type_a_url": "Write a correct URL.",
    "type_your_password": "Introduce your password.",
    "minimum_password_chars": "Minimum 6 characters.",
    "maximum_avatar_size": "Maximum 250KB.",
    "passwords_dont_match": "Passwords do not match.",
    "date_time_format_string": "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss",
    "export_sheet_answers": "Answers",
    "export_sheet_location_stats": "Results by location",
    "export_sheet_question_stats": "Results by question",
    "export_header_metadata": "Metadata",
    "export_header_answers": "Answers",
    "export_header_date_time": "Answer Date/Time (UTC)",
    "export_header_latitude": "Latitude",
    "export_header_longitude": "Longitude",
    "export_header_country": "Country",
    "export_header_country_iso_code": "Country ISO code",
    "export_header_region": "Region",
    "export_header_region_code": "Region code",
    "export_header_municipality": "Municipality",
    "export_header_municipality_code": "Municipality code",
    "export_header_countries_with_answers": "Countries with answers",
    "export_header_provinces_with_answers": "Regions with answers",
    "export_header_municipalities_with_answers": "Municipalities with answers",
    "export_header_nr_answers": "Nr. of answers",
    "export_header_share_answers": "% of answers",
    "export_header_total": "Total",
    "export_header_question": "Question",
    "export_header_answer": "Option",
    "export_suffix_spain_only": "(Spain only)",
    "js_geocoder_title": "Search inside current view",
    "js_geocoder_placeholder": "Address, city, province, ZIP, country",
    "js_geocoder_no_results": "No results.",
    "js_geocoder_write_select": "Write and select",
    "js_geocoder_country": "Country",
    "js_geocoder_province": "Province",
    "js_anonymous_user": "Anonymous",
    "js_grayscale_osm_baselayer": "Greyscale (OSM)",
    "js_color_osm_baselayer": "Color (OSM)",
    "js_satellite_mapbox_baselayer": "Satellite (Mapbox)",
    "js_zoom_in": "Zoom in",
    "js_zoom_out": "Zoom out",
    "js_clear_all_filters": "Clear all filters",
    "js_add_spatial_filter": "Draw area filter",
    "js_remove_spatial_filter": "Remove area filter",
    "js_draw_spatial_filter_tooltip": "Click and drag to add areas, then press \"Finish\"",
    "js_disable_clustering": "Disable clustering",
    "js_total_votes_municipality": "See total votes per municipality (Spain only)",
    "js_total_votes_region": "See total votes per region",
    "js_total_votes_country": "See total votes per country",
    "js_positive_votes": "Positive votes",
    "js_negative_votes": "Negative votes",
    "js_total_votes": "Total votes",
    "js_see_only_positive_votes": "See only positive votes",
    "js_see_only_negative_votes": "See only negative votes",
    "js_see_only_votes": "See only votes for ",
    "js_see_all_votes": "See all votes",
    "js_see_all_answers": "Zoom to all answers",
    "js_see_my_answer_position": "See the position of my answer",
    "js_see_my_answer_country": "See the country of my answer",
    "js_see_my_current_position": "Center on my current position",
    "js_see_per_country": "See per country",
    "js_see_whole_world": "See the whole world",
    "js_see_answers": "See answers",
    "js_go_first": "Go to first",
    "js_go_previous": "Go to previous",
    "js_go_next": "Go to next",
    "js_go_last": "Go to last",
    "js_most_voted": "Most voted",
    "js_all": "All",
    "js_see_country": "See country",
    "js_country_of_origin": "Country of origin",
    "js_totals_country": "country",
    "js_totals_countries": "countries",
    "js_totals_region": "region",
    "js_totals_regions": "regions",
    "js_%_positive_votes": "% positive votes",
    "js_time_filter_title": "Filter answers by date",
    "js_time_filter_scale": "Scale",
    "js_time_filter_from": "From",
    "js_time_filter_to": "To",
    "js_full_date_format": "j/n/Y",
    "js_week_format": "\\\\W\\\\e\\\\e\\\\k W (\\\\s\\\\t\\\\a\\\\r\\\\t\\\\i\\\\n\\\\g \\\\o\\\\n j/n/Y)",
    "js_day": "Day",
    "js_week": "Week",
    "js_month": "Month",
    "js_year": "Year",
    "js_filters_list_tooltip_header": "Filters currently active",
    "js_counter_filter_brief_description": "Filter by answers",
    "js_spatial_filter_brief_description": "Filter by location",
    "js_time_filter_brief_description": "Filter by dates",
    "js_color_filter_brief_description": "Simplified filter by answers",
    "js_open_legal_terms_another_tab": "Open legal terms in another tab",
    "js_emapic_legal_terms": "Legal terms for emapic",
    "js_geolocate": "Automatically geolocate your current position",
    "js_geolocate_text": "Geolocate",
    "js_spectrum_choose": "Accept",
    "js_spectrum_cancel": "Cancel",
    "js_spectrum_more": "more",
    "js_spectrum_less": "less",
    "js_error_loading_data": "An error has occured while loading the map data and therefore it probably won't function properly. Try reloading the page and if the problem persists, you can contact us at <a href='mailto:info@emapic.es'>info@emapic.es</a>.",
    "js_error_saving_vote": "An error has occured while saving your vote. Try reloading the page and if the problem persists, you can contact us at <a href='mailto:info@emapic.es'>info@emapic.es</a>.",
    "signup_notification_mail_subject": "[Emapic] Confirm your sign-up",
    "signup_notification_mail_html_body": "<html>    <head></head>    <body>    <p>Hello %s!<br><br>Thank you for registering with Emapic.<br><br>Confirm your register by clicking on <a href=\"%s\">this link</a>.</p><br><br><p>Regards<br>Emapic Team<br><a href=\"www.emapic.es\">www.emapic.es</a></p></body></html>",
    "signup_notification_mail_text_body": "Hello %s!\n\nThank you for registering with Emapic.\n\nConfirm your register on: %s\n\nRegards\nEmapic Team\nwww.emapic.es",
    "signup_success_msg": "The sign-up has been successful. Check your email inbox to confirm your account.",
    "signup_error_msg": "An error has occured during the sign-up.",
    "login_wrong_data_msg": "Wrong user/password.",
    "login_error_msg": "An error has occured during the log in.",
    "google_signup_linked_success_msg": "Your existing Emapic account has been successfully linked to your Google account.",
    "google_signup_success_msg": "An Emapic account has been created using your Google profile information. We advise you to enter in <a href='/profile' target='_blank'>your profile</a> for checking that data and/or adding a password.",
    "google_login_error_msg": "An error has occured during the log in with Google.",
    "facebook_signup_linked_success_msg": "Your existing Emapic account has been successfully linked to your Facebook account.",
    "facebook_signup_success_msg": "An Emapic account has been created using your Facebook profile information. We advise you to enter in <a href='/profile' target='_blank'>your profile</a> for checking that data and/or adding a password.",
    "facebook_login_error_msg": "An error has occured during the log in with Facebook.",
    "facebook_no_email_login_error_msg": "You must allow Facebook to share your e-mail with Emapic. You can change it in Facebook's <a href='https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=applications' target='_blank'>application configuration interface</a>.",
    "user_activated_msg": "The user account has been activated successfully, now you can log into Emapic with it.",
    "update_user_error_msg": "The user profile has not been updated successfully.",
    "update_user_wrong_password_msg": "Wrong password.",
    "update_user_position_success_msg": " The default position has been updated successfully.",
    "delete_user_position_success_msg": "The default position has been deleted successfully.",
    "update_user_position_error_msg": "The default position has not been updated successfully.",
    "delete_user_position_error_msg": "The default position has not been deleted successfully.",
    "update_user_success_msg": "The user profile has been updated successfully.",
    "update_avatar_error_msg": "The avatar has not been updated successfully.",
    "update_avatar_success_msg": "The avatar has been updated successfully.",
    "delete_avatar_error_msg": "The avatar has not been deleted successfully.",
    "delete_avatar_success_msg": "The avatar has been deleted successfully.",
    "avatar_file_too_big_msg": "The avatar file is too big.",
    "update_password_error_msg": "The password has not been updated successfully.",
    "update_password_success_msg": "The password has been updated successfully.",
    "update_preferences_error_msg": "Your preferences have not been updated successfully.",
    "update_preferences_success_msg": "Your preferences have been updated successfully.",
    "survey_deleted_msg": "The survey has been deleted successfully.",
    "survey_open_error_msg": "Surveys cannot be reactivated.",
    "survey_open_success_msg": "The survey has been opened successfully and the users can submit their answers.",
    "survey_close_error_msg": "Surveys which have not been opened cannot be closed.",
    "survey_close_success_msg": "The survey has been closed successfully and new answers will not be saved.",
    "forgot_your_password": "Forgotten your password?",
    "havent_activated_your_account": "Couldn't activate your account?",
    "password_reset_title": "Password reset - Emapic",
    "password_reset_instructions": "Introduce your registration e-mail and we will send you instructions on how to reset your password",
    "password_reset_confirm_mail_subject": "[Emapic] Password reset",
    "password_reset_confirm_mail_html_body": "<html>    <head></head>    <body>    <p>Hello %s!<br><br>To reset the password to your account linked to this email click on <a href=\"%s\">this link</a> and we will send you another e-mail with your new password. If you don't receive it after a while, check your Spam folder.<br/>If you have not asked to reset your password, simply ignore this email.</p><p>Regards<br>Emapic Team<br><a href=\"www.emapic.es\">www.emapic.es</a></p></body></html>",
    "password_reset_confirm_mail_text_body": "¡Hello %s!\n\nTo reset the password of your account linked to this email access this URL %s and we will send you another e-mail with your new password. If you don't receive it after a while, check your Spam folder.\n\nIf you have not asked to reset your password, simply ignore this email.\n\nRegards\nEmapic Team\nwww.emapic.es",
    "password_reset_mail_subject": "[Emapic] Password reset",
    "password_reset_mail_html_body": "<html>    <head></head>    <body>    <p>Hello %s!<br><br>The password to your account linked to this email has been reset to %s<br/>We advise you to <a href=\"%s\">enter your account in Emapic</a> and change your password to a new one as soon as possible.</p><p>Regards<br>Emapic Team<br><a href=\"www.emapic.es\">www.emapic.es</a></p></body></html>",
    "password_reset_mail_text_body": "Hello %s!\n\nThe password to your account linked to this email has been reset to  %s\n\nWe advise you to enter your account in Emapic and change your password to a new one as soon as possible: %s\n\nRegards\nEmapic Team\nwww.emapic.es",
    "password_reset_confirm_success_msg": "We have sent to your inbox the instructions on how to reset your password.",
    "password_reset_success_msg": "Your password has been successfully reset. Check your inbox tray.",
    "password_reset_error_msg": "An error has occured and we have not been able to reset your password.",
    "auth_mail_invalid_user_msg": "We can't find any user account with the provided e-mail.",
    "resend_activation_mail_title": "Resend activation e-mail - Emapic",
    "resend_activation_mail": "Resend activation e-mail",
    "resend_activation_mail_instructions": "Introduce your registration e-mail and we will resend you the e-mail with your account's activation link",
    "resend_activation_mail_activated_user_msg": "The user account with the provided e-mail has already been activated.",
    "resend_activation_mail_error_msg": "An error has occured and we have not been able to resend your account's activation email.",
    "resend_activation_mail_success_msg": "We have resent you the account's activation email. If you still cannot locate it, please check in your Spam folder.",
    "email_duplicated_error_msg": "We have not been able to complete the register, the specified email is already in use.",
    "username_duplicated_error_msg": "The user id selected is already in use. Please choose a different one.",
    "username_invalid_error_msg": "Type a correct user id (alphanumeric characters w/o any accents or white spaces).",
    "delete_user_success_msg": "Your account has been deleted successfully. We hope you use our service again in the future.",
    "delete_user_error_msg": "There has been a problem and we have not been able to delete your account automatically.",
    "unlink_ext_account_success_msg": "Your external account has been successfully unlinked from your Emapic account.",
    "unlink_ext_account_error_msg": "There has been a problem and we have not been able to unlink your external account from your Emapic account.",
    "signup_page_title": "User sign-up - Emapic",
    "signup_title": "Sign up with Emapic",
    "login_page_title": "Login - Emapic",
    "login_title": "Log in to Emapic",
    "profile_title": "User profile - Emapic",
    "own_surveys": "Own surveys",
    "answered": "Answered",
    "answered_surveys": "Answered surveys",
    "answered_recent": "Recently answered",
    "published": "Published",
    "surveys_title": "Surveys gallery",
    "own_surveys_title": "List of own surveys - Emapic",
    "answered_surveys_title": "Record of answered surveys - Emapic",
    "create_new_survey": "Create a new survey",
    "new_survey": "New survey",
    "new": "New",
    "survey": "Survey",
    "click_send_survey_link": "Click to send the link to this survey by email with your desktop client.",
    "click_copy_survey_link": "Click to copy the link to this survey on the clipboard.",
    "current_results": "Current results",
    "results": "Results",
    "delete_survey": "Delete survey",
    "open_survey": "Open survey",
    "activate": "Activate",
    "close_survey": "Close survey",
    "closed_survey": "Survey closed",
    "closed": "closed",
    "close_survey_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to close this survey?\\nThe current results will be definite and no more votes will be submitted.",
    "delete_survey_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this survey?\\nAll your answers will be lost and will not be able to recover them.",
    "new_survey_title": "New survey - Emapic",
    "title": "Title",
    "type_a_title": "Type a title",
    "description": "Description",
    "tags": "Tags",
    "placeholder_new_survey_tags": "tag1, tag2, tag3...",
    "question": "Question",
    "questions": "Questions",
    "type_a_question": "Type a question",
    "choose_question_type": "Choose question type",
    "question_type_legend_title": "Legend options for the map?",
    "question_type_optional_question_title": "Can answering the question be optional?",
    "question_type_list_radio_title": "Options list",
    "question_type_list_radio_description": "The user will choose an answer among a predefined list, with an optional field \"Others\" so the user can write an option that was not taken into account.",
    "question_type_list_radio_legend": "Yes, the dot's color will depend on the answer.",
    "question_type_list_radio_optional_question": "No, but an option could be added to consider cases in which the user does not want to answer (e.g. \"No answer\", \"I don't know\"...).",
    "question_type_text_answer_title": "Text field",
    "question_type_text_answer_description": "The user will simply write a text (%s chars max) answering the question.",
    "question_type_text_answer_legend": "No.",
    "question_type_text_answer_optional_question": "Yes.",
    "question_type_long_text_answer_title": "Long text field",
    "question_type_long_text_answer_description": "The user will simply write a text (%s chars max) answering the question.",
    "question_type_long_text_answer_legend": "No.",
    "question_type_long_text_answer_optional_question": "Yes.",
    "question_type_explanatory_text_title": "Explanatory text",
    "question_type_explanatory_text_description": "Not an actual question, but just a text that can serve, for example, as an introduction for the survey. Keep in mind that the survey must have at least one actual question. URLs and e-mail addresses inside the text will be detected and transformed into links automatically.",
    "question_type_explanatory_text_legend": "No.",
    "question_type_image_upload_title": "Upload image",
    "question_type_image_upload_description": "The user will answer a question uploading an image file (maximum size 4MB).",
    "question_type_image_upload_legend": "No.",
    "question_type_image_upload_optional_question": "Yes.",
    "question_type_image_url_title": "Image URL",
    "question_type_image_url_description": "The user must answer with the URL of an image that will be displayed when clicking on his/her answer.",
    "question_type_image_url_legend": "No.",
    "question_type_image_url_optional_question": "Yes.",
    "text": "Text",
    "type_a_text": "Type a text",
    "multiple_answer": "Multiple answer per user",
    "open_now": "Activate the survey after its creation",
    "results_after_vote": "Show results after voting",
    "public_results": "Public results page",
    "dont_list": "Don't show in public lists",
    "custom_single_marker": "Custom single marker",
    "responses_image": "Answers with image",
    "answers": "Answers",
    "create_survey": "Create survey",
    "type_an_option": "Introduce an option",
    "option": "Option",
    "additional_options": "Additional options",
    "image": "Image",
    "maximum_custom_single_marker_image_size": "Maximum 1MB.",
    "maximum_answer_image_size": "Maximum 2MB.",
    "survey_custom_single_marker_image_file_invalid_msg": "The custom single marker image uploaded is not an actual valid image file.",
    "survey_custom_single_marker_image_file_too_big_msg": "The custom single marker image uploaded  is too big.",
    "survey_answer_image_file_invalid_msg": "At least one of the answer images uploaded is not an actual valid image file.",
    "survey_answer_image_file_too_big_msg": "At least one of the answer images uploaded is too big.",
    "confirm_more_options": "For the current interface of the map we do not recommend more than 8 options.\\nAre you sure you want to employ more?",
    "optional_question": "Make answer optional",
    "maximum_image_upload_size": "Maximum 10MB.",
    "select_an_image_svg_text": "SELECT\\nAN IMAGE",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_title": "The title of the survey, which will be shown in the survey list and at the top and title of the page of the survey.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_description": "A more detailed description of the survey, which will be shown in the surveys list. Texts in bold or italic and links can be added with the top section buttons.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_tags": "A series of tags, separated by commas, of the topics mentioned in the survey which will then facilitate the users its location when searching.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_multiple_answer": "Indicate if identified users in emapic can answer the survey more than once.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_open_now": "Indicate if we want users to answer the survey as soon as it is created. If not, we must activate manually from the surveys list of the user.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_question": "The question that the users must answer.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_explanatory_text": "The text that will be shown to the users.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_answers": "The answer options that will be offered to the users. For each one, a text and a colour must be specified which will be employed for its representation on the map. And, if the appropriate option has been selected, an image must also be uploaded  which will be shown as the corresponding answer when planning the question. If only two options are specified, buttons in one single row will appear for the survey respondent, while if there are more, a vertical list will appear.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_responses_image": "For each of the answers an image will be shown (uploaded by the user) with the aim of making the survey more visual.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_results_after_vote": "The results will be shown up to that moment to all the users after submitting their vote.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_public_results": "The results page will be accessible worldwide at all times, even if they have not voted in the survey .This option has no effect on whether users can see the results after voting.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_optional_question": "It will not be mandatory to provide an answer for this question, so users can skip it altogether if they want to when answering the survey. If not checked, users will always have to fill in the related form field in order to advance the survey.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_dont_list": "Indicates if we want the survey to appear in public survey lists in Emapic's website.",
    "help_tooltip_new_survey_custom_single_marker": "All answers will be shown on the map using a marker with the image you specify instead of a dot. When choosing the image bear in mind that it will be displayed at a 20x20 pixels size. A preview of the resulting marker will be shown once you select an image.",
    "description_max_char_exceeded": "Maximum number of characters exceeded. If not deleted, the description will be trimmed",
    "survey_not_logged_warning": "You are currently not logged in Emapic and you will not be able to use all the positioning options we offer.<br>We recommend that <a href='/login' target='_blank'>you sign up, or log in</a> if you already have an account.",
    "survey_mail_subject": "Emapic survey - {survey_title}",
    "survey_mail_body": "Hello,\\n\\nYou are invited to answer this survey in emapic:\\n\\n{survey_title} - {survey_url}",
    "pagination_NEXT": "Next »",
    "pagination_PREVIOUS": "« Previous",
    "pagination_FIRST": "First",
    "pagination_LAST": "Last",
    "pagination_CURRENT_PAGE_REPORT": "pagination_CURRENT_PAGE_REPORT",
    "pagination_total_surveys": "surveys",
    "identify_subtitle": "Identify yourself",
    "identification": "Identification",
    "optional_note": "optional",
    "max_length_note": "{{length}} chars max",
    "type_answer_placeholder": "Type your answer",
    "type_image_url_placeholder": "Type the URL address of an image",
    "show_your_image_subtitle": "Show your image",
    "locate_subtitle": "Locate yourself",
    "preferences_subtitle": "Tell us your preferences",
    "general_conditions_accept_subtitle": "Accept general Conditions in Emapic",
    "user_dashboard_title": "User dashboard - Emapic",
    "joined": "user since",
    "gallery": "Gallery",
    "dashboard": "Dashboard",
    "not_yet_account": " You do not have your Emapic account yet?",
    "access_account": "Access my existing account:",
    "send": "Send",
    "account": "Account",
    "welcome": "Welcome",
    "see_all": "See all",
    "add_option": "Add another option",
    "add_question": "Add question",
    "tooltip_survey_opened_date": "This survey is active since this date.",
    "tooltip_survey_closed_date": "This survey is currently closed and was active between these dates.",
    "tooltip_survey_answered_date": "Date of your latest vote in this survey.",
    "tooltip_not_listed_survey": "This survey doesn't show in public lists inside this website.",
    "share": "Share",
    "more_sharing_options": "More sharing options",
    "more_sharing_options_title": "See more sharing options",
    "more_sharing_options_body_1": "We currently use the <a href='https://www.addthis.com/'>AddThis</a> service for offering multiple sharing options, both via social networks and through other means.",
    "more_sharing_options_body_2": "If a few seconds after loading this page by clicking onto the share button you only see the link for opening this info and the three buttons for sharing through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, your browser is most likely blocking the AddThis service loading process.",
    "more_sharing_options_body_3": "In order to unblock it, follow the instructions from the following links:",
    "more_sharing_options_list_1": "Firefox: <a target='_blank' href='https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/tracking-protection#w_turn-off-tracking-protection-for-individual-sites'>turn off tracking protection for the current page</a>",
    "tweet_survey_link_text": "Check out this survey",
    "localization": "Localisation",
    "edit_survey_btn": "Edit",
    "edit_survey": "Edit survey",
    "edit_survey_title": "Edit survey - Emapic",
    "save_survey": "Save survey",
    "clone_survey_btn": "Copy",
    "try_survey": "Try survey",
    "survey_created_success_msg": "Survey has been created successfully. You can edit and try it until you decide to make it public.",
    "survey_created_error_msg": "There has been a problem and we have not been able to create your survey.",
    "survey_deleted_success_msg": "Survey has been deleted successfully.",
    "survey_deleted_error_msg": "There has been a problem and we have not been able to delete your survey automatically.",
    "survey_updated_success_msg": "Survey has been updated successfully.",
    "survey_updated_error_msg": "There has been a problem and we have not been able to update your survey.",
    "survey_cloned_error_msg": "There has been a problem and we have not been able to copy the survey.",
    "survey_cloned_success_msg": "Survey has been copied successfully. Check its data and update what you consider appropiate.",
    "help_tooltip_saved_custom_single_marker_image": "This image is currently selected as the custom single marker, and will be kept unless you upload a new one.",
    "help_tooltip_saved_answer_image": "This image is currently selected for this answer, and will be kept unless you upload a new one.",
    "duplicate_survey_question": "Duplicate question",
    "delete_survey_question": "Delete question",
    "delete_survey_question_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this question?",
    "delete_survey_answer": "Delete answer",
    "delete_survey_answer_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this answer?",
    "duplicate_survey_question_input_file_warn": "Your browser doesn't allow duplication of selected images, so you must assign manually all images of any duplicated question.",
    "open_survey_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to activate this survey?\\nYou no longer will be able to edit it, people will be able to submit their votes from the moment you do it and then you will only be able to close it once to obtain the final results.",
    "survey_answers_footer_abb": "ans.",
    "survey_answers_footer": "answers",
    "tagged_surveys": "Surveys with tag",
    "user_surveys": "Published surveys",
    "answer_survey": "Answer survey",
    "survey_info": "Survey info",
    "see_survey_info": "See survey info",
    "option_other": "Option \"Other\"",
    "help_tooltip_option_other_answer": "Adds an option for \"Other\" with a text field so the user can write an option not taken into account. Although the user can write its option, a label must be specified to be shown to the user for the generic \"Other\" option.",
    "option_other_default_value": "Other option",
    "return_to_survey": "Return to survey",
    "finish": "Finish",
    "map_your_opinions": "Map your opinions",
    "map_your_opinions_desc": "Emapic allows you to visualise and administer geolocalised surveys, demonstrating on a map any knowledge, opinion or feeling with the users geographical location"