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Checklist to release a new eHive version

1. Re-draw the schema diagram manually using MySQL Workbench

2. Update the Changelog manually using a text editor

3. Review README.md, install.html and running_eHive_pipelines.html

4. Regenerate docs/hive_schema.html, docs/scripts and docs/doxygen by running make_docs.pl

5. Check all of the above into "master" branch

6. git checkout -b version/x.y

7. On the "version/x.y" branch in README.md file substitute the occurences of "HEAD" in the URLs by "version/x.y" (for rawgit) and commit it.

8. git checkout master

9. On the "master" branch increment the version of Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Version to x.(y+1)