=head1 NAME
$analysisJobAdaptor = $db_adaptor->get_AnalysisJobAdaptor;
$analysisJobAdaptor = $analysisJob->adaptor;
Module to encapsulate all db access for persistent class AnalysisJob.
There should be just one per application and database connection.
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
Copyright [2016-2021] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
=head1 CONTACT
Please subscribe to the Hive mailing list: to discuss Hive-related questions or to be notified of our updates
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are preceded with a _
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::AnalysisJobAdaptor;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DataflowRuleAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Utils ('stringify');
use base ('Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::ObjectAdaptor');
# This variable must be kept up-to-date ! It is used in a number of queries.
# CLAIMED is missing on purpose because not all the queries actually need it.
sub default_table_name {
return 'job';
sub object_class {
return 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob';
sub default_overflow_limit {
return {
'input_id' => 255,
'param_id_stack' => 64,
'accu_id_stack' => 64,
=head2 fetch_by_analysis_id_and_input_id
Arg [1] : Integer $analysis_id
Arg [2] : String $input_id
Example : $funnel_job = $job_adaptor->fetch_by_analysis_id_and_input_id( $funnel_job->analysis->dbID, $funnel_job->input_id);
Description: Attempts to find the job by contents, then makes another attempt if the input_id is expected to have overflown into analysis_data
Returntype : AnalysisJob object
sub fetch_by_analysis_id_and_input_id { # It is a special case not covered by AUTOLOAD; note the lowercase _and_
my ($self, $analysis_id, $input_id) = @_;
my $job = $self->fetch_by_analysis_id_AND_input_id( $analysis_id, $input_id);
if(!$job and length($input_id)>$self->default_overflow_limit->{input_id}) {
if(my $ext_data_id = $self->db->get_AnalysisDataAdaptor->fetch_by_data_to_analysis_data_id( $input_id )) {
$job = $self->fetch_by_analysis_id_AND_input_id( $analysis_id, "_extended_data_id $ext_data_id");
return $job;
=head2 store_jobs_and_adjust_counters
Arg [1] : arrayref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob $jobs_to_store
Arg [2] : (optional) boolean $push_new_semaphore
Example : my @output_job_ids = @{ $job_adaptor->store_jobs_and_adjust_counters( \@jobs_to_store ) };
Description: Attempts to store a list of jobs, returns an arrayref of successfully stored job_ids
Returntype : Reference to list of job_dbIDs
sub store_jobs_and_adjust_counters {
my ($self, $jobs, $push_new_semaphore) = @_;
# NB: our use patterns assume all jobs from the same storing batch share the same semaphored_job_id:
my $semaphored_job_id = scalar(@$jobs) && $jobs->[0]->semaphored_job_id();
my $need_to_increase_semaphore_count = ($semaphored_job_id && !$push_new_semaphore);
my @output_job_ids = ();
my $failed_to_store_local_jobs = 0;
foreach my $job (@$jobs) {
my $analysis = $job->analysis;
my $job_adaptor = $analysis ? $analysis->adaptor->db->get_AnalysisJobAdaptor : $self; # if analysis object is undefined, consider the job local
my $prev_adaptor= ($job->prev_job && $job->prev_job->adaptor) || '';
my $local_job = $prev_adaptor eq $job_adaptor;
# avoid deadlocks when dataflowing under transactional mode (used in Ortheus Runnable for example):
if($need_to_increase_semaphore_count and $local_job and ($job_adaptor->dbc->driver ne 'sqlite')) {
$job_adaptor->dbc->do( "SELECT 1 FROM job WHERE job_id=$semaphored_job_id FOR UPDATE" );
$job->prev_job( undef ) unless( $local_job ); # break the link with the previous job if dataflowing across databases (current schema doesn't support URLs for job_ids)
my ($job, $stored_this_time) = $job_adaptor->store( $job );
if($stored_this_time) {
if($need_to_increase_semaphore_count and $local_job) { # if we are not creating a new semaphore (where dependent jobs have already been counted),
# but rather propagating an existing one (same or other level), we have to up-adjust the counter
$self->increase_semaphore_count_for_jobid( $semaphored_job_id );
unless($job_adaptor->db->hive_pipeline->hive_use_triggers()) {
UPDATE analysis_stats
SET total_job_count=total_job_count+1
.(($job->status eq 'READY')
? " ,ready_job_count=ready_job_count+1 "
: " ,semaphored_job_count=semaphored_job_count+1 "
).(($job_adaptor->dbc->driver eq 'pgsql')
? " ,status = CAST(CASE WHEN status!='BLOCKED' THEN 'LOADING' ELSE 'BLOCKED' END AS analysis_status) "
)." WHERE analysis_id=".$job->analysis_id
push @output_job_ids, $job->dbID();
} elsif( $local_job ) {
$self->db->get_LogMessageAdaptor->store_hive_message( "JobAdaptor failed to store the local Job( analysis_id=".$job->analysis_id.', '.$job->input_id." ), possibly due to a collision", 0 );
# adjust semaphore_count for jobs that failed to be stored (but have been pre-counted during funnel's creation):
if($push_new_semaphore and $failed_to_store_local_jobs) {
$self->decrease_semaphore_count_for_jobid( $semaphored_job_id, $failed_to_store_local_jobs );
return \@output_job_ids;
=head2 fetch_all_by_analysis_id_status
Arg [1] : (optional) listref $list_of_analyses
Arg [2] : (optional) string $status
Arg [3] : (optional) int $retry_at_least
Example : $all_failed_jobs = $adaptor->fetch_all_by_analysis_id_status(undef, 'FAILED');
$analysis_done_jobs = $adaptor->fetch_all_by_analysis_id_status( $list_of_analyses, 'DONE');
Description: Returns a list of all jobs filtered by given analysis_id (if specified) and given status (if specified).
Returntype : reference to list of Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob objects
sub fetch_all_by_analysis_id_status {
my ($self, $list_of_analyses, $status, $retry_count_at_least) = @_;
my @constraints = ();
if($list_of_analyses) {
if(ref($list_of_analyses) eq 'ARRAY') {
push @constraints, "analysis_id IN (".(join(',', map {$_->dbID} @$list_of_analyses)).")";
} else {
push @constraints, "analysis_id=$list_of_analyses"; # for compatibility with old interface
push @constraints, "status='$status'" if ($status);
push @constraints, "retry_count >= $retry_count_at_least" if ($retry_count_at_least);
return $self->fetch_all( join(" AND ", @constraints) );
sub fetch_some_by_analysis_id_limit {
my ($self, $analysis_id, $limit) = @_;
return $self->fetch_all( "analysis_id = '$analysis_id' LIMIT $limit" );
sub fetch_all_incomplete_jobs_by_role_id {
my ($self, $role_id) = @_;
my $constraint = "status IN ('CLAIMED',$ALL_STATUSES_OF_RUNNING_JOBS) AND role_id='$role_id'";
return $self->fetch_all($constraint);
sub fetch_all_unfinished_jobs_with_no_roles {
my $self = shift;
# the list should contain all status'es that are not "in progress":
return $self->fetch_all( "role_id IS NULL AND status NOT IN ('DONE', 'READY', 'FAILED', 'PASSED_ON', 'SEMAPHORED')" );
sub fetch_by_url_query {
my ($self, $field_name, $field_value) = @_;
if($field_name eq 'dbID' and $field_value) {
return $self->fetch_by_dbID($field_value);
} else {
sub fetch_job_counts_hashed_by_status {
my ($self, $requested_analysis_id) = @_;
my %job_counts = ();
# Note: this seemingly useless dummy_analysis_id is here to force MySQL use existing index on (analysis_id, status)
my $sql = "SELECT analysis_id, status, count(*) FROM job WHERE analysis_id=? GROUP BY analysis_id, status";
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute( $requested_analysis_id );
while (my ($dummy_analysis_id, $status, $job_count)=$sth->fetchrow_array()) {
$job_counts{ $status } = $job_count;
return \%job_counts;
sub decrease_semaphore_count_for_jobid { # used in semaphore annihilation or unsuccessful creation
my $self = shift @_;
my $jobid = shift @_ or return;
my $dec = shift @_ || 1;
# otherwise the same command tends to behave differently on MySQL and SQLite (at least)
my $sql = "UPDATE job "
.( ($self->dbc->driver eq 'pgsql')
? "SET status = CAST(CASE WHEN semaphore_count>$dec THEN 'SEMAPHORED' ELSE 'READY' END AS job_status), "
: "SET status = CASE WHEN semaphore_count>$dec THEN 'SEMAPHORED' ELSE 'READY' END, "
WHERE job_id=? AND status='SEMAPHORED'
$self->dbc->protected_prepare_execute( [ $sql, $dec, $jobid ],
sub { my ($after) = @_; $self->db->get_LogMessageAdaptor->store_hive_message( 'decreasing semaphore_count'.$after, 0 ); }
sub increase_semaphore_count_for_jobid { # used in semaphore propagation
my $self = shift @_;
my $jobid = shift @_ or return;
my $inc = shift @_ || 1;
my $sql = qq{
SET semaphore_count=semaphore_count+?
WHERE job_id=?
$self->dbc->protected_prepare_execute( [ $sql, $inc, $jobid ],
sub { my ($after) = @_; $self->db->get_LogMessageAdaptor->store_hive_message( 'increasing semaphore_count'.$after, 0 ); }
=head2 check_in_job
Arg [1] : $analysis_id
Example :
Description: updates the job.status in the database
Returntype :
Exceptions :
Caller : general
sub check_in_job {
my ($self, $job) = @_;
my $job_id = $job->dbID;
my $sql = "UPDATE job SET status='".$job->status."' ";
if($job->status eq 'DONE') {
$sql .= ",when_completed=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";
$sql .= ",runtime_msec=".$job->runtime_msec;
$sql .= ",query_count=".$job->query_count;
} elsif($job->status eq 'PASSED_ON') {
$sql .= ", when_completed=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP";
} elsif($job->status eq 'READY') {
$sql .= " WHERE job_id='$job_id' ";
# This particular query is infamous for collisions and 'deadlock' situations; let's wait and retry:
$self->dbc->protected_prepare_execute( [ $sql ],
sub { my ($after) = @_; $self->db->get_LogMessageAdaptor->store_job_message( $job_id, "checking the job in".$after, 0 ); }
=head2 store_out_files
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob $job
Example :
Description: update locations of log files, if present
Returntype :
Exceptions :
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Worker
sub store_out_files {
my ($self, $job) = @_;
# FIXME: An UPSERT would be better here, but it is only promised in PostgreSQL starting from 9.5, which is not officially out yet.
my $delete_sql = 'DELETE from job_file WHERE job_id=' . $job->dbID . ' AND retry='.$job->retry_count;
$self->dbc->do( $delete_sql );
if($job->stdout_file or $job->stderr_file) {
my $insert_sql = 'INSERT INTO job_file (job_id, retry, role_id, stdout_file, stderr_file) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)';
my $insert_sth = $self->dbc->prepare($insert_sql);
$insert_sth->execute( $job->dbID, $job->retry_count, $job->role_id, $job->stdout_file, $job->stderr_file );
=head2 reset_or_grab_job_by_dbID
Arg [1] : int $job_id
Arg [2] : int $role_id (optional)
Description: resets a job to to 'READY' (if no $role_id given) or directly to 'CLAIMED' so it can be run again, and fetches it.
NB: Will also reset a previously 'SEMAPHORED' job to READY.
The retry_count will be set to 1 for previously run jobs (partially or wholly) to trigger PRE_CLEANUP for them,
but will not change retry_count if a job has never *really* started.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob or undef
sub reset_or_grab_job_by_dbID {
my ($self, $job_id, $role_id) = @_;
my $new_status = $role_id ? 'CLAIMED' : 'READY';
# Note: the order of the fields being updated is critical!
my $sql = qq{
SET retry_count = CASE WHEN (status='READY' OR status='CLAIMED') THEN retry_count ELSE 1 END
, status=?
, role_id=?
WHERE job_id=?
my @values = ($new_status, $role_id, $job_id);
my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
my $return_code = $sth->execute( @values )
or die "Could not run\n\t$sql\nwith data:\n\t(".join(',', @values).')';
my $job = $self->fetch_by_job_id_AND_status($job_id, $new_status) ;
return $job;
=head2 grab_jobs_for_role
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Role object $role
Arg [2] : int $how_many_this_role
my $jobs = $job_adaptor->grab_jobs_for_role( $role, $how_many );
For the specified Role, it will search available jobs,
and using the how_many_this_batch parameter, claim/fetch that
number of jobs, and then return them.
Returntype :
reference to array of Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob objects
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Worker::run
sub grab_jobs_for_role {
my ($self, $role, $how_many_this_batch) = @_;
return [] unless( $how_many_this_batch );
my $analysis_id = $role->analysis_id;
my $role_id = $role->dbID;
my $role_rank = $self->db->get_RoleAdaptor->get_role_rank( $role );
my $offset = $how_many_this_batch * $role_rank;
my $prefix_sql = ($self->dbc->driver eq 'mysql') ? qq{
UPDATE job j
SELECT job_id
FROM job
WHERE analysis_id='$analysis_id'
AND status='READY'
} : qq{
SET role_id='$role_id', status='CLAIMED'
WHERE job_id in (
SELECT job_id
FROM job
WHERE analysis_id='$analysis_id'
AND status='READY'
my $virgin_sql = qq{ AND retry_count=0 };
my $limit_sql = qq{ LIMIT $how_many_this_batch };
my $offset_sql = qq{ OFFSET $offset };
my $suffix_sql = ($self->dbc->driver eq 'mysql') ? qq{
) as x
USING (job_id)
SET j.role_id='$role_id', j.status='CLAIMED'
WHERE j.status='READY'
} : qq{
AND status='READY'
my $claim_count;
# we have to be explicitly numeric here because of '0E0' value returned by DBI if "no rows have been affected":
if( 0 == ($claim_count = $self->dbc->protected_prepare_execute( [ $prefix_sql . $virgin_sql . $limit_sql . $offset_sql . $suffix_sql ],
sub { my ($after) = @_; $self->db->get_LogMessageAdaptor->store_worker_message( $role->worker, "grabbing a virgin batch of offset jobs".$after, 0 ); }
))) {
if( 0 == ($claim_count = $self->dbc->protected_prepare_execute( [ $prefix_sql . $limit_sql . $offset_sql . $suffix_sql ],
sub { my ($after) = @_; $self->db->get_LogMessageAdaptor->store_worker_message( $role->worker, "grabbing a non-virgin batch of offset jobs".$after, 0 ); }
))) {
$claim_count = $self->dbc->protected_prepare_execute( [ $prefix_sql . $limit_sql . $suffix_sql ],
sub { my ($after) = @_; $self->db->get_LogMessageAdaptor->store_worker_message( $role->worker, "grabbing a non-virgin batch of non-offset jobs".$after, 0 ); }
$self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor->increment_a_counter( 'ready_job_count', -$claim_count, $analysis_id );
return $claim_count ? $self->fetch_all_by_role_id_AND_status($role_id, 'CLAIMED') : [];
sub release_claimed_jobs_from_role {
my ($self, $role) = @_;
# previous value of role_id is not important, because that Role never had a chance to run the jobs
my $num_released_jobs = $self->dbc->protected_prepare_execute( [ "UPDATE job SET status='READY', role_id=NULL WHERE role_id=? AND status='CLAIMED'", $role->dbID ],
sub { my ($after) = @_; $self->db->get_LogMessageAdaptor->store_worker_message( $role->worker, "releasing claimed jobs from role".$after, 0 ); }
my $analysis_stats_adaptor = $self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor;
my $analysis_id = $role->analysis_id;
$analysis_stats_adaptor->increment_a_counter( 'ready_job_count', $num_released_jobs, $analysis_id );
# $analysis_stats_adaptor->update_status( $analysis_id, 'LOADING' );
=head2 release_undone_jobs_from_role
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Role object
Arg [2] : optional message to be recorded in 'job_message' table
Example :
Description: If a Worker has died some of its jobs need to be reset back to 'READY'
so they can be rerun.
Jobs in state CLAIMED as simply reset back to READY.
If jobs was 'in progress' (see the $ALL_STATUSES_OF_RUNNING_JOBS variable)
the retry_count is increased and the status set back to READY.
If the retry_count >= $max_retry_count (3 by default) the job is set
to 'FAILED' and not rerun again.
Exceptions : $role must be defined
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Queen
sub release_undone_jobs_from_role {
my ($self, $role, $msg) = @_;
my $role_id = $role->dbID;
my $analysis = $role->analysis;
my $max_retry_count = $analysis->max_retry_count;
my $worker = $role->worker;
#first just reset the claimed jobs, these don't need a retry_count index increment:
$self->release_claimed_jobs_from_role( $role );
my $sth = $self->prepare( qq{
SELECT job_id
FROM job
WHERE role_id='$role_id'
} );
my $cod = $worker->cause_of_death() || 'UNKNOWN';
$msg ||= "GarbageCollector: The worker died because of $cod";
my $resource_overusage = ($cod eq 'MEMLIMIT') || ($cod eq 'RUNLIMIT' and $worker->work_done()==0);
while(my ($job_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
my $passed_on = 0; # the flag indicating that the garbage_collection was attempted and was successful
if( $resource_overusage ) {
if($passed_on = $self->gc_dataflow( $analysis, $job_id, $cod )) {
$msg .= ', performing gc_dataflow';
unless($passed_on) {
if($passed_on = $self->gc_dataflow( $analysis, $job_id, 'ANYFAILURE' )) {
$msg .= ", performing 'ANYFAILURE' gc_dataflow";
$self->db()->get_LogMessageAdaptor()->store_job_message($job_id, $msg, not $passed_on );
unless($passed_on) {
$self->release_and_age_job( $job_id, $max_retry_count, not $resource_overusage );
$role->register_attempt( 0 );
sub release_and_age_job {
my ($self, $job_id, $max_retry_count, $may_retry, $runtime_msec) = @_;
$may_retry ||= 0;
$runtime_msec = "NULL" unless(defined $runtime_msec);
# NB: The order of updated fields IS important. Here we first find out the new status and then increment the retry_count:
# FIXME: would it be possible to retain role_id for READY jobs in order to temporarily keep track of the previous (failed) worker?
"UPDATE job "
.( ($self->dbc->driver eq 'pgsql')
? "SET status = CAST(CASE WHEN ($may_retry != 0) AND (retry_count<$max_retry_count) THEN 'READY' ELSE 'FAILED' END AS job_status), "
: "SET status = CASE WHEN $may_retry AND (retry_count<$max_retry_count) THEN 'READY' ELSE 'FAILED' END, "
WHERE job_id=$job_id
} );
# FIXME: move the decision making completely to the API side and so avoid the potential race condition.
my $job = $self->fetch_by_dbID( $job_id );
$self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor->increment_a_counter( ($job->status eq 'FAILED') ? 'failed_job_count' : 'ready_job_count', 1, $job->analysis_id );
=head2 gc_dataflow
Description: perform automatic dataflow from a dead job that overused resources if a corresponding dataflow rule was provided
Should only be called once during garbage collection phase, when the job is definitely 'abandoned' and not being worked on.
sub gc_dataflow {
my ($self, $analysis, $job_id, $branch_name) = @_;
my $branch_code = Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::DataflowRuleAdaptor::branch_name_2_code($branch_name);
unless( $self->db->get_DataflowRuleAdaptor->count_all_by_from_analysis_id_AND_branch_code($analysis->dbID, $branch_code) ) {
return 0; # just return if no corresponding gc_dataflow rule has been defined
my $job = $self->fetch_by_dbID($job_id);
$job->analysis( $analysis );
$job->load_parameters(); # input_id_templates still supported, however to a limited extent
$job->dataflow_output_id( $job->input_id() , $branch_name );
# PASSED_ON jobs are included in done_job_count
$self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor->increment_a_counter( 'done_job_count', 1, $analysis->dbID );
if(my $semaphored_job_id = $job->semaphored_job_id) {
$self->decrease_semaphore_count_for_jobid( $semaphored_job_id ); # step-unblock the semaphore
return 1;
=head2 reset_jobs_for_analysis_id
Arg [1] : int $analysis_id
Arg [2] : bool $all (false by default)
Description: Resets either all FAILED jobs of an analysis (default)
or ALL jobs of an analysis to 'READY' and their retry_count to 0.
Caller :
sub reset_jobs_for_analysis_id {
my ($self, $list_of_analyses, $input_statuses) = @_;
my $analyses_filter = ( ref($list_of_analyses) eq 'ARRAY' )
? 'analysis_id IN ('.join(',', map { $_->dbID } @$list_of_analyses).')'
: 'analysis_id='.$list_of_analyses; # compatibility mode (to be deprecated)
my $statuses_filter = (ref($input_statuses) eq 'ARRAY')
? 'AND status IN ('.join(', ', map { "'$_'" } @$input_statuses).')'
: (!$input_statuses)
? "AND status='FAILED'" # compatibility mode (to be deprecated)
: '';
my $sql = qq{
SET retry_count = CASE WHEN (status='READY' OR status='CLAIMED') THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
}. ( ($self->dbc->driver eq 'pgsql')
? "status = CAST(CASE WHEN semaphore_count>0 THEN 'SEMAPHORED' ELSE 'READY' END AS job_status) "
: "status = CASE WHEN semaphore_count>0 THEN 'SEMAPHORED' ELSE 'READY' END "
)." WHERE ".$analyses_filter
.' '. $statuses_filter;
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
if( ref($list_of_analyses) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
foreach my $analysis ( @$list_of_analyses ) {
$self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor->update_status($analysis->dbID, 'LOADING');
} else {
$self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor->update_status($list_of_analyses, 'LOADING'); # compatibility mode (to be deprecated)
=head2 balance_semaphores
Description: Reset all semaphore_counts to the numbers of unDONE semaphoring jobs.
sub balance_semaphores {
my ($self, $list_of_analyses) = @_;
my $analysis_filter = $list_of_analyses
? "funnel.analysis_id IN (".join(',', map { $_->dbID } @$list_of_analyses).") AND"
: '';
my $find_sql = qq{
SELECT funnel.job_id, funnel.semaphore_count AS was, COALESCE(COUNT(CASE WHEN fan.status!='DONE' AND fan.status!='PASSED_ON' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END),0) AS should
FROM job funnel
LEFT JOIN job fan ON (funnel.job_id=fan.semaphored_job_id)
WHERE $analysis_filter
funnel.status in ('SEMAPHORED', 'READY')
GROUP BY funnel.job_id
) AS internal WHERE was<>should OR should=0
my $update_sql = "UPDATE job SET "
." semaphore_count=semaphore_count+? , "
.( ($self->dbc->driver eq 'pgsql')
? "status = CAST(CASE WHEN semaphore_count>0 THEN 'SEMAPHORED' ELSE 'READY' END AS job_status) "
: "status = CASE WHEN semaphore_count>0 THEN 'SEMAPHORED' ELSE 'READY' END "
)." WHERE job_id=? AND status IN ('SEMAPHORED', 'READY')";
my $find_sth = $self->prepare($find_sql);
my $update_sth = $self->prepare($update_sql);
my $rebalanced_jobs_counter = 0;
while(my ($job_id, $was, $should) = $find_sth->fetchrow_array()) {
my $msg;
if(0<$should and $should<$was) { # we choose not to lower the counter if it's not time to unblock yet
$msg = "Semaphore count may need rebalancing, but it is not critical now, so leaving it on automatic: $was -> $should";
$self->db->get_LogMessageAdaptor->store_job_message( $job_id, $msg, 0 );
} else {
$update_sth->execute($should-$was, $job_id);
$msg = "Semaphore count needed rebalancing now, so performing: $was -> $should";
$self->db->get_LogMessageAdaptor->store_job_message( $job_id, $msg, 1 );
warn "[Job $job_id] $msg\n"; # TODO: integrate the STDERR diagnostic output with LogMessageAdaptor calls in general
return $rebalanced_jobs_counter;
sub fetch_input_ids_for_job_ids {
my ($self, $job_ids_csv, $id_scale, $id_offset) = @_;
$id_scale ||= 1;
$id_offset ||= 0;
my %input_ids = ();
if( $job_ids_csv ) {
my $sql = "SELECT job_id, input_id FROM job WHERE job_id in ($job_ids_csv)";
my $sth = $self->prepare( $sql );
while(my ($job_id, $input_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
if($input_id =~ /^_ext(?:\w+)_data_id (\d+)$/) {
$input_id = $self->db->get_AnalysisDataAdaptor->fetch_by_analysis_data_id_TO_data($1);
$input_ids{$job_id * $id_scale + $id_offset} = $input_id;
return \%input_ids;