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=head1 NAME



    A parser for PipeConfig files that understands how and when to substitute $self->o() expressions.

=head1 LICENSE

    Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute
    Copyright [2016-2021] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at


    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
    is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

=head1 CONTACT

  Please subscribe to the Hive mailing list:  http://listserver.ebi.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/ehive-users  to discuss Hive-related questions or to be notified of our updates


package Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DependentOptions;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through no_auto_abbrev);

use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Utils ('stringify');

sub new {
    my $class = shift @_;

    my $self = bless { @_ }, $class;

    return $self;

sub use_cases {      # getter/setter for the list of methods from where $self->o() is called
    my $self    = shift @_;

    if(@_) {
        $self->{_use_cases} = shift @_;
    return $self->{_use_cases} || die "use_cases() has to be set before using";

sub load_cmdline_options {
    my $self        = shift @_;
    my $expected    = shift @_;
    my $target      = shift @_ || {};
    my $check_extra = shift @_;

    local @ARGV = @ARGV;    # make this function reenterable by forbidding it to modify the original parameters

    # Enable passing of long commandline options by file.
    # Example: perl init_pipeline.pl B::E::H::P::Whaterver_conf  @my_file.conf
    # See CPAN Getopt::ArgvFile for more info.
    my $getopt_argvfile_loaded = 0;
    eval {require Getopt::ArgvFile; Getopt::ArgvFile::argvFile(); $getopt_argvfile_loaded = 1; };

    GetOptions( $target,
        map { my $ref_type = ref($expected->{$_}); $_=~m{\!$} ? $_ : ($ref_type eq 'HASH') ? "$_=s%" : ($ref_type eq 'ARRAY') ? "$_=s@" : "$_=s" } keys %$expected

    if ($check_extra && scalar(@ARGV)) {
        warn "These command-line arguments were not used: ", join(" ", @ARGV), "\n";
        if (!$getopt_argvfile_loaded && scalar(grep {$_ =~ /^@/} @ARGV)) {
            die "Getopt:ArgvFile is not installed on your system. Arguments starting with '\@' could not be processed.\n";

    return $target;

sub root {      # getter/setter for the root
    my $self    = shift @_;

    if(@_) {
        $self->{_root} = shift @_;
    return $self->{_root} ||= {};

sub is_fully_substituted_string {
    my $self    = shift @_;
    my $input   = shift @_;

    return (!defined($input) || $input !~ /#\:.+?\:#/);

sub is_fully_substituted_structure {
    my $self    = shift @_;
    my $input   = shift @_;

    unless(my $ref_type = ref($input)) {

        return $self->is_fully_substituted_string($input);

    } elsif($ref_type eq 'HASH') {
        foreach my $value (values %$input) {
            unless($self->is_fully_substituted_structure($value)) {
                return 0;
    } elsif($ref_type eq 'ARRAY') {
        foreach my $element (@$input) {
            unless($self->is_fully_substituted_structure($element)) {
                return 0;
    return 1;

sub hash_leaves {
    my ($self, $hash_to, $source, $prefix) = @_;

    if(ref($source) eq 'HASH') {
        while(my ($key, $value) = each %$source) {
            my $hash_element_prefix = ($prefix ? "$prefix->" : '') . "{'$key'}";

            $self->hash_leaves($hash_to, $value, $hash_element_prefix);
    } elsif(ref($source) eq 'ARRAY') {
        foreach my $index (0..scalar(@$source)-1) {
            my $element = $source->[$index];
            my $array_element_prefix = ($prefix ? "$prefix->" : '') . "[$index]";

            $self->hash_leaves($hash_to, $element, $array_element_prefix);
    } elsif(!$self->is_fully_substituted_string($source)) {
        $source =~ m/#\:subst (.+?)\:#/;
        $hash_to->{$prefix} = $prefix =~ /'$1'/ ? undef : $1;

    return $hash_to;

sub o {
    my $self    = shift @_;

    my $ptr = $self->root();

    my @syll_seen = ();

    while(defined(my $option_syll = shift @_)) {
        push @syll_seen, $option_syll;

        if( exists($ptr->{$option_syll})
        and ((ref($ptr->{$option_syll}) eq 'HASH') or $self->is_fully_substituted_string( $ptr->{$option_syll} ))
        ) {
            $ptr = $ptr->{$option_syll};        # just descend one level
        } elsif(@_) {
            $ptr = $ptr->{$option_syll} = {};   # force intermediate level vivification, even if it overwrites a fully_substituted_string
        } else {
            $ptr = $ptr->{$option_syll} = "#:subst ".join('->',@syll_seen).":#";   # force leaf level vivification
    return $ptr;

sub substitute {
    my $self    = shift @_;
    my $ref     = shift @_;

    my $ref_type = ref($$ref);

    if($ref_type eq 'HASH') {
        foreach my $value (values %$$ref) {
            $self->substitute( \$value );
    } elsif($ref_type eq 'ARRAY') {
        foreach my $value (@$$ref) {
            $self->substitute( \$value );
    } elsif( !$ref_type and defined($$ref) ) {

        if($$ref =~ /^#\:subst ([^:]+)\:#$/) {      # if the given string is one complete substitution, we don't want to force the output into a string
            $$ref = $self->o(split/->/,$1);
        } else {
            $$ref =~ s{(?:#\:subst (.+?)\:#)}{$self->o(split(/->/,$1))}eg;
    return $$ref;

sub merge_from_rules {
    my $self    = shift @_;
    my $from    = shift @_;
    my $top     = shift @_;

    my $ref_type = ref($$top);

    unless($ref_type) {
        $$top = $from;
    } elsif($ref_type eq 'HASH') {
        foreach my $key (keys %$from) {
            $self->merge_from_rules( $from->{$key}, \$$top->{$key} );

sub process_options {
    my $self    = shift @_;

    my $definitely_used_options = $self->root();

        # dry-run of these methods allows us to collect definitely_used_options
    foreach my $method (@{ $self->use_cases() }) {

    my $possibly_used_options = { 'ENV' => \%ENV };
    $self->root( $possibly_used_options );

        # the first run of this method allows us to collect possibly_used_options
    my $rules = $self->default_options();

    $self->load_cmdline_options( { %$definitely_used_options, %$possibly_used_options }, $rules, "check_extra" );

    $self->root( $definitely_used_options );

    my $rules_to_go;
    my $attempts = 32;
    do {
        $rules_to_go = 0;
        foreach my $key (keys %$definitely_used_options) {
            if(exists $rules->{$key}) {
                my $value = $self->substitute( \$rules->{$key} );

                    # it has to be intelligently (recursively, on by-element basis) merged back into the tree under $self->o($key):
                $self->merge_from_rules( $value, \$self->root->{$key} );

                if($self->is_fully_substituted_structure($value)) {
                    #warn "Resolved rule: $key -> ".stringify($value)."\n";
                } else {
                    #warn "Unresolved rule: $key -> ".stringify($value)."\n";
        #warn "=======================[$rules_to_go rules to go; $attempts attempts to go]=================\n\n";
        #warn " definitely_used_options{} contains: ".stringify($definitely_used_options)."\n";
    } while($rules_to_go and $attempts);

    #warn "=======================[out of the substitution loop]=================\n\n";

    my $missing_options = $self->hash_leaves( {}, $self->root, '' );

    if(scalar(keys %$missing_options)) {
        my @missing_keys = grep {!defined $missing_options->{$_}} (keys %$missing_options);
        my @incomplete_keys = grep {defined $missing_options->{$_}} (keys %$missing_options);
        if (@missing_keys) {
            warn "The following options are missing:\n";
            print "\t$_\n" for @missing_keys;
        if (@incomplete_keys) {
            warn "The following options are incomplete:\n";
            print "\t$_ needs '".($missing_options->{$_})."'\n" for @incomplete_keys;
    } else {
        #warn "Done parsing options!\n";
