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Test Coverage

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create   pipeline_wide_parameters instead of meta (to avoid schema conflicts)
-- Copy     all the data from meta to pipeline_wide_parameters
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SET @expected_version = 56;

    -- make MySQL stop immediately after it encounters division by zero:

    -- warn that we detected the schema version mismatch:
SELECT CONCAT(  'The patch only applies to schema version ',
                ', but the current schema version is ',
                ', so skipping the rest.') AS ''
    FROM hive_meta WHERE meta_key='hive_sql_schema_version' AND meta_value<>@expected_version;

    -- cause division by zero only if current version differs from the expected one:
INSERT INTO hive_meta (meta_key, meta_value)
    SELECT 'this_should_never_be_inserted', 1 FROM hive_meta WHERE NOT 1/(meta_key<>'hive_sql_schema_version' OR meta_value=@expected_version);

SELECT CONCAT(  'The patch seems to be compatible with schema version ',
                ', applying the patch...') AS '';

    -- Now undo the change so that we could patch potentially non-TRADITIONAL schema:
SET SESSION sql_mode='';

-- ----------------------------------<actual_patch> -------------------------------------------------

    -- initially duplicate 'meta' table with 'pipeline_wide_parameters':
CREATE TABLE pipeline_wide_parameters (
    param_name              VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    param_value             TEXT,

    KEY value_idx (param_name(255))
) COLLATE=latin1_swedish_ci ENGINE=InnoDB;

    -- there may be a collision from 'patch' entries or similar,
    -- which are normally not used as pipeline_wide_parameters anyway, so ignore them:
INSERT IGNORE INTO pipeline_wide_parameters(param_name, param_value) SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM meta;

-- ----------------------------------</actual_patch> -------------------------------------------------

    -- increase the schema version by one:
UPDATE hive_meta SET meta_value=meta_value+1 WHERE meta_key='hive_sql_schema_version';