-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\set expected_version 75
-- warn that we detected the schema version mismatch:
SELECT ('The patch only applies to schema version '
|| CAST(:expected_version AS VARCHAR)
|| ', but the current schema version is '
|| meta_value
|| ', so skipping the rest.') as incompatible_msg
FROM hive_meta WHERE meta_key='hive_sql_schema_version' AND meta_value!=CAST(:expected_version AS VARCHAR);
-- cause division by zero only if current version differs from the expected one:
INSERT INTO hive_meta (meta_key, meta_value)
SELECT 'this_should_never_be_inserted', 1 FROM hive_meta WHERE 1 != 1/CAST( (meta_key!='hive_sql_schema_version' OR meta_value=CAST(:expected_version AS VARCHAR)) AS INTEGER );
SELECT ('The patch seems to be compatible with schema version '
|| CAST(:expected_version AS VARCHAR)
|| ', applying the patch...') AS compatible_msg;
-- ----------------------------------<actual_patch> -------------------------------------------------
-- dropping the UNIQUE constraint from the original dataflow_rule table:
ALTER TABLE dataflow_rule DROP CONSTRAINT dataflow_rule_from_analysis_id_branch_code_funnel_dataflow__key;
-- creating new table to hold the condition + dataflow target parameters:
CREATE TABLE dataflow_target (
source_dataflow_rule_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
on_condition VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL,
input_id_template TEXT DEFAULT NULL,
to_analysis_url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- to be renamed 'target_url'
UNIQUE (source_dataflow_rule_id, on_condition, input_id_template, to_analysis_url)
-- adding a foreign key between targets and rules:
ALTER TABLE dataflow_target ADD FOREIGN KEY (source_dataflow_rule_id) REFERENCES dataflow_rule(dataflow_rule_id);
-- transferring the data:
INSERT INTO dataflow_target (source_dataflow_rule_id, on_condition, input_id_template, to_analysis_url)
SELECT dataflow_rule_id, NULL, input_id_template, to_analysis_url FROM dataflow_rule;
-- removing the duplicated columns:
ALTER TABLE dataflow_rule DROP COLUMN to_analysis_url;
ALTER TABLE dataflow_rule DROP COLUMN input_id_template;
-- ----------------------------------</actual_patch> -------------------------------------------------
-- increase the schema version by one:
UPDATE hive_meta SET meta_value= (CAST(meta_value AS INTEGER) + 1) WHERE meta_key='hive_sql_schema_version';