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import sys
import numbers
import collections

__doc__ = """
This module is an implementation of eHive's Param module.
It defines ParamContainer which is an attribute of BaseRunnable
and not its base class as in eHive's class hierarchy.
All the specific warnings and exceptions inherit from ParamWarning
and ParamException.

class ParamWarning(Warning):
    """Used by Process.BaseRunnable"""

class ParamException(Exception):
    """Base class for parameters-related exceptions"""
class ParamNameException(ParamException):
    """Raised when the parameter name is not a string"""
    def __str__(self):
        return '"{0}" (type {1}) is not a valid parameter name'.format(self.args[0], type(self.args[0]).__name__)
class ParamSubstitutionException(ParamException):
    """Raised when ParamContainer tried to substitute an unexpected structure (only dictionaries and lists are accepted)"""
    def __str__(self):
        return 'Cannot substitute elements in objects of type "{0}"'.format(str(type(self.args[0])))
class ParamInfiniteLoopException(ParamException):
    """Raised when parameters depend on each other, forming a loop"""
    def __str__(self):
        return "Substitution loop has been detected on {0}. Parameter-substitution stack: {1}".format(self.args[0], list(self.args[1].keys()))
class NullParamException(ParamException):
    """Raised when a parameter cannot be required because it is null (None)"""
    def __str__(self):
        return "{0} is None".format(self.args[0])

class ParamContainer(object):
    """Equivalent of eHive's Param module"""

    def __init__(self, unsubstituted_params, debug=False):
        """Constructor. "unsubstituted_params" is a dictionary"""
        self.unsubstituted_param_hash = unsubstituted_params.copy()
        self.param_hash = {}
        self.debug = debug

    # Public methods

    def set_param(self, param_name, value):
        """Setter. Returns the new value"""
        if not self.validate_parameter_name(param_name):
            raise ParamNameException(param_name)
        self.param_hash[param_name] = value
        return value

    def get_param(self, param_name):
        """Getter. Performs the parameter substitution"""
        if not self.validate_parameter_name(param_name):
            raise ParamNameException(param_name)
        self.substitution_in_progress = collections.OrderedDict()
            return self.internal_get_param(param_name)
        except (KeyError, SyntaxError, ParamException) as e:
            # To hide the part of the stack that is in ParamContainer
            raise type(e)(*e.args) from None

    def has_param(self, param_name):
        """Returns a boolean. It checks both substituted and unsubstituted parameters"""
        if not self.validate_parameter_name(param_name):
            raise ParamNameException(param_name)
        return (param_name in self.param_hash) or (param_name in self.unsubstituted_param_hash)

    # Private methods
    def validate_parameter_name(self, param_name):
        """Tells whether "param_name" is a non-empty string"""
        return isinstance(param_name, str) and (param_name != '')

    def debug_print(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Print debug information if the debug flag is turned on (cf constructor)"""
        if self.debug:
            print(*args, **kwargs)

    def internal_get_param(self, param_name):
        """Equivalent of get_param() that assumes "param_name" is a valid parameter name and hence, doesn't have to raise ParamNameException.
        It is only used internally"""
        self.debug_print("internal_get_param", param_name)
        if param_name not in self.param_hash:
            x = self.unsubstituted_param_hash[param_name]
            self.param_hash[param_name] = self.param_substitute(x)
        return self.param_hash[param_name]

    def param_substitute(self, structure):
        Take any structure and replace the pairs of hashes with the values of the parameters / expression they represent
        Compatible types: numbers, strings, lists, dictionaries (otherwise, ParamSubstitutionException is raised)
        self.debug_print("param_substitute", structure)

        if structure is None:
            return None

        elif isinstance(structure, list):
            return [self.param_substitute(_) for _ in structure]

        elif isinstance(structure, dict):
            # NB: In Python, not everything can be hashed and used as a dictionary key.
            #     Perhaps we should check for such errors ?
            return {self.param_substitute(key): self.param_substitute(value) for (key,value) in structure.items()}

        elif isinstance(structure, numbers.Number):
            return structure

        elif isinstance(structure, str):

            # We handle the substitution differently if there is a single reference as we can avoid forcing the result to be a string

            if structure[:6] == '#expr(' and structure[-6:] == ')expr#' and structure.count('#expr(', 6, -6) == 0 and structure.count(')expr#', 6, -6) == 0:
                return self.subst_one_hashpair(structure[1:-1], True)

            if structure[0] == '#' and structure[-1] == '#' and structure.count('#', 1, -1) == 0:
                if len(structure) <= 2:
                    return structure
                return self.subst_one_hashpair(structure[1:-1], False)

            # Fallback to the default parser: all pairs of hashes are substituted
            return self.subst_all_hashpairs(structure, lambda middle_param: self.subst_one_hashpair(middle_param, False) )

            raise ParamSubstitutionException(structure)

    def subst_all_hashpairs(self, structure, callback):
        Parse "structure" and replace all the pairs of hashes by the result of calling callback() on the pair content
        #expr()expr# are treated differently by calling subst_one_hashpair()
        The result is a string (like structure)
        self.debug_print("subst_all_hashpairs", structure)
        # Allow a single literal hash
        if structure.count("#") == 1:
            return structure
        result = []
        while True:
            (head,_,tmp) = structure.partition('#')
            if _ != '#':
                return ''.join(result)
            if tmp.startswith('expr('):
                i = tmp.find(')expr#')
                if i == -1:
                    raise SyntaxError("Unmatched '#expr(' token")
                val = self.subst_one_hashpair(tmp[:i+5], True)
                tail = tmp[i+6:]
                (middle_param,_,tail) = tmp.partition('#')
                if _ != '#':
                    raise SyntaxError("Unmatched '#' token")
                if middle_param == '':
                    val = '##'
                    val = callback(middle_param)
            structure = tail

    def subst_one_hashpair(self, inside_hashes, is_expr):
        Run the parameter substitution for a single pair of hashes.
        Here, we only need to handle #expr()expr#, #func:params# and #param_name#
        as each condition has been parsed in the other methods
        self.debug_print("subst_one_hashpair", inside_hashes, is_expr)

        # Keep track of the substitutions we've made to detect loops
        if inside_hashes in self.substitution_in_progress:
            raise ParamInfiniteLoopException(inside_hashes, self.substitution_in_progress)
        self.substitution_in_progress[inside_hashes] = 1

        # We ask the caller to provide the is_expr tag to avoid checking the string again for the presence of the "expr" tokens
        if is_expr:
            s = self.subst_all_hashpairs(inside_hashes[5:-5].strip(), lambda middle_param: 'self.internal_get_param("{0}")'.format(middle_param))
            val = eval(s)

        elif ':' in inside_hashes:
            (func_name,_,parameters) = inside_hashes.partition(':')
                f = eval(func_name)
                raise SyntaxError("Unknown method: " + func_name)
            if callable(f):
                if parameters:
                    val = f(self.internal_get_param(parameters))
                    val = f()
                raise SyntaxError(func_name + " is not callable")

            val = self.internal_get_param(inside_hashes)

        del self.substitution_in_progress[inside_hashes]
        return val

def __main():
    seed_params = [
        ('alpha' , 2),
        ('beta' , 5),
        ('delta' , '#expr( #alpha#*#beta# )expr#'),

        ('gamma' , [10,20,33,15]),
        ('gamma_prime' , '#expr( #gamma# )expr#'),
        ('gamma_second' , '#expr( list(#gamma#) )expr#'),

        ('age' , { 'Alice' : 17, 'Bob' : 20, 'Chloe' : 21}),
        ('age_prime' , '#expr( #age# )expr#'),
        ('age_second' , '#expr( dict(#age#) )expr#'),

        ('csv' , '[123,456,789]'),
        ('csv_prime' , '#expr( #csv# )expr#'),
        ('listref' , '#expr( eval(#csv#) )expr#'),

        ('null' , None),
        ('ref_null' , '#null#'),
        ('ref2_null' , '#expr( #null# )expr#'),
        ('ref3_null' , '#alpha##null##beta#'),

    p = ParamContainer(collections.OrderedDict(seed_params), False)

    def print_title(title):
        print("*" + title + "*")

    def print_substitution(title, param_string):
        print("\t>", param_string)
        x = p.param_substitute(param_string)

    def print_param_value(x):
        print("\t=", x, type(x), "id=0x{0:012x}".format(id(x)))

    except KeyError as e:
        print("KeyError raised")
        print("KeyError NOT raised")

        p.get_param(0) # should raise ParamNameException
    except ParamNameException as e:
        print("ParamNameException raised")
        print("ParamNameException NOT raised")

        ParamContainer({'a': '#b#', 'b': '#a#'}, True).get_param('a')
    except ParamInfiniteLoopException as e:
        print("ParamInfiniteLoopException raised")
        print("ParamInfiniteLoopException NOT raised")

    print_title('All the parameters')
    for (key,value) in seed_params:
        print("\t>", key, "is seeded as:", value, type(value))
        x = p.get_param(key)

    print_substitution( "Scalar substitutions", "#alpha# and another: #beta# and again one: #alpha# and the other: #beta# . Their product: #delta#" )

    print_substitution( "default stringification of gamma", "#gamma#" )
    print_substitution( "expr-stringification of gamma", "#expr( #gamma#  )expr#" )
    print_substitution( "complex join of gamma", "#expr( '~'.join([str(_) for _ in sorted(#gamma#)])  )expr#" )
    print_substitution( "complex join of gamma_prime", "#expr( '~'.join([str(_) for _ in sorted(#gamma_prime#)])  )expr#" )

    print_title("Global methods")
    print_substitution( "sum(gamma)", "#expr( sum(#gamma#) )expr#" )
    print_substitution( "min(gamma)", "#expr( min(#gamma#) )expr#" )
    print_substitution( "max(gamma)", "#expr( max(#gamma#) )expr#" )

    print_substitution( "default stringification of age", "#age#" )
    print_substitution( "expr-stringification of age", "#expr( #age# )expr#" )
    print_substitution( "complex fold of age", '#expr( "\t".join(["{0} is {1} years old".format(p,a) for (p,a) in #age#.items()]) )expr#' )
    print_substitution( "complex fold of age_prime", '#expr( "\t".join(["{0} is {1} years old".format(p,a) for (p,a) in #age_prime#.items()]) )expr#' )

    print_title("With indexes")
    print_substitution( "adding indexed values", '#expr( #age#["Alice"]+max(#gamma#)+#listref#[0] )expr#' )

    print_title("Modifications of gamma")
    print("\tgamma", p.get_param('gamma'))
    print("\tgamma_prime", p.get_param('gamma_prime'))
    print("\tgamma_second", p.get_param('gamma_second'))

if __name__ == '__main__':