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Test Coverage

import eHive.Params

import os
import sys
import json
import numbers
import unittest
import warnings
import traceback

__version__ = "0.2"

__doc__ = """
This module mainly implements python's counterpart of GuestProcess. Read
the later for more information about the JSON protocol used to communicate.

class Job(object):
    """Dummy class to hold job-related information"""

class CompleteEarlyException(Exception):
    """Can be raised by a derived class of BaseRunnable to indicate an early successful termination"""
class JobFailedException(Exception):
    """Can be raised by a derived class of BaseRunnable to indicate an early unsuccessful termination"""
class HiveJSONMessageException(Exception):
    """Raised when we could not parse the JSON message coming from GuestProcess"""
class LostHiveConnectionException(Exception):
    """Raised when the process has lost the communication pipe with the Perl side"""

class BaseRunnable(object):
    """This is the counterpart of GuestProcess. Note that most of the methods
    are private to be hidden in the derived classes.

    This class can be used as a base-class for people to redefine fetch_input(),
    run() and/or write_output() (and/or pre_cleanup(), post_cleanup()).
    Jobs are supposed to raise CompleteEarlyException in case they complete before
    reaching. They can also raise JobFailedException to indicate a general failure

    # Private BaseRunnable interface

    def __init__(self, read_fileno, write_fileno):
        # We need the binary mode to disable the buffering
        self.__read_pipe = os.fdopen(read_fileno, mode='rb', buffering=0)
        self.__write_pipe = os.fdopen(write_fileno, mode='wb', buffering=0)
        self.__pid = os.getpid()
        self.debug = 0

    def __print_debug(self, *args):
        if self.debug > 1:
            print("PYTHON {0}".format(self.__pid), *args, file=sys.stderr)

    # FIXME: we can probably merge __send_message and __send_response

    def __send_message(self, event, content):
        """seralizes the message in JSON and send it to the parent process"""
        def default_json_encoder(o):
            self.__print_debug("Cannot serialize {0} (type {1}) in JSON".format(o, type(o)))
            return 'UNSERIALIZABLE OBJECT'
        j = json.dumps({'event': event, 'content': content}, indent=None, default=default_json_encoder)
        self.__print_debug('__send_message:', j)
        # UTF8 encoding has never been tested. Just hope it works :)
            self.__write_pipe.write(bytes(j+"\n", 'utf-8'))
        except BrokenPipeError as e:
            raise LostHiveConnectionException("__write_pipe") from None

    def __send_response(self, response):
        """Sends a response message to the parent process"""
        self.__print_debug('__send_response:', response)
        # Like above, UTF8 encoding has never been tested. Just hope it works :)
            self.__write_pipe.write(bytes('{"response": "' + str(response) + '"}\n', 'utf-8'))
        except BrokenPipeError as e:
            raise LostHiveConnectionException("__write_pipe") from None

    def __read_message(self):
        """Read a message from the parent and parse it"""
            self.__print_debug("__read_message ...")
            l = self.__read_pipe.readline()
            self.__print_debug(" ... -> ", l[:-1].decode())
            return json.loads(l.decode())
        except BrokenPipeError as e:
            raise LostHiveConnectionException("__read_pipe") from None
        except ValueError as e:
            # HiveJSONMessageException is a more meaningful name than ValueError
            raise HiveJSONMessageException from e

    def __send_message_and_wait_for_OK(self, event, content):
        """Send a message and expects a response to be 'OK'"""
        self.__send_message(event, content)
        response = self.__read_message()
        if response['response'] != 'OK':
            raise HiveJSONMessageException("Received '{0}' instead of OK".format(response))

    def __process_life_cycle(self):
        """Simple loop: wait for job parameters, do the job's life-cycle"""
        self.__send_message_and_wait_for_OK('VERSION', __version__)
        self.__send_message_and_wait_for_OK('PARAM_DEFAULTS', self.param_defaults())
        self.__created_worker_temp_directory = None
        while True:
            self.__print_debug("waiting for instructions")
            config = self.__read_message()
            if 'input_job' not in config:
                self.__print_debug("no params, this is the end of the wrapper")

    def __job_life_cycle(self, config):
        """Job's life-cycle. See GuestProcess for a description of the protocol to communicate with the parent"""

        # Params
        self.__params = eHive.Params.ParamContainer(config['input_job']['parameters'], self.debug > 1)

        # Job attributes
        self.input_job = Job()
        for x in ['dbID', 'input_id', 'retry_count']:
            setattr(self.input_job, x, config['input_job'][x])
        self.input_job.autoflow = True
        self.input_job.lethal_for_worker = False
        self.input_job.transient_error = True

        # Worker attributes
        self.debug = config['debug']

        # Which methods should be run
        steps = [ 'fetch_input', 'run' ]
        if self.input_job.retry_count > 0:
            steps.insert(0, 'pre_cleanup')
        if config['execute_writes']:
        self.__print_debug("steps to run:", steps)

        # The actual life-cycle
        died_somewhere = False
            for s in steps:
        except CompleteEarlyException as e:
            self.warning(e.args[0] if len(e.args) else repr(e), False)
        except LostHiveConnectionException as e:
            # Mothing we can do, let's just exit
            died_somewhere = True
            self.warning( self.__traceback(2), True)

        except LostHiveConnectionException as e:
            # Mothing we can do, let's just exit
            died_somewhere = True
            self.warning( self.__traceback(2), True)

        job_end_structure = {'complete' : not died_somewhere, 'job': {}, 'params': {'substituted': self.__params.param_hash, 'unsubstituted': self.__params.unsubstituted_param_hash}}
        for x in [ 'autoflow', 'lethal_for_worker', 'transient_error' ]:
            job_end_structure['job'][x] = getattr(self.input_job, x)
        self.__send_message_and_wait_for_OK('JOB_END', job_end_structure)

    def __run_method_if_exists(self, method):
        """method is one of "pre_cleanup", "fetch_input", "run", "write_output", "post_cleanup".
        We only the call the method if it exists to save a trip to the database."""
        if hasattr(self, method):
            self.__send_message_and_wait_for_OK('JOB_STATUS_UPDATE', method)
            getattr(self, method)()

    def __traceback(self, skipped_traces):
        """Remove "skipped_traces" lines from the stack trace (the eHive part)"""
        (etype, value, tb) = sys.exc_info()
        s1 = traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)
        l = traceback.extract_tb(tb)[skipped_traces:]
        s2 = traceback.format_list(l)
        return "".join(s1+s2)

    # Public BaseRunnable interface

    def warning(self, message, is_error = False):
        """Store a message in the log_message table with is_error indicating whether the warning is actually an error or not"""
        self.__send_message_and_wait_for_OK('WARNING', {'message': message, 'is_error': is_error})

    def dataflow(self, output_ids, branch_name_or_code = 1):
        """Dataflows the output_id(s) on a given branch (default 1). Returns whatever the Perl side returns"""
        if branch_name_or_code == 1:
            self.input_job.autoflow = False
        self.__send_message('DATAFLOW', {'output_ids': output_ids, 'branch_name_or_code': branch_name_or_code, 'params': {'substituted': self.__params.param_hash, 'unsubstituted': self.__params.unsubstituted_param_hash}})
        return self.__read_message()['response']

    def worker_temp_directory(self):
        """Returns the full path of the temporary directory created by the worker.
        Runnables can implement "worker_temp_directory_name()" to return the name
        they would like to use
        if self.__created_worker_temp_directory is None:
            template_name = self.worker_temp_directory_name() if hasattr(self, 'worker_temp_directory_name') else None
            self.__send_message('WORKER_TEMP_DIRECTORY', template_name)
            self.__created_worker_temp_directory = self.__read_message()['response']
        return self.__created_worker_temp_directory

    # Param interface

    def param_defaults(self):
        """Returns the defaults parameters for this runnable"""
        return {}

    def param_required(self, param_name):
        """Returns the value of the parameter "param_name" or raises an exception
        if anything wrong happens or the value is None. The exception is
        marked as non-transient."""
        t = self.input_job.transient_error
        self.input_job.transient_error = False
        v = self.__params.get_param(param_name)
        if v is None:
            raise eHive.Params.NullParamException(param_name)
        self.input_job.transient_error = t
        return v

    def param(self, param_name, *args):
        """When called as a setter: sets the value of the parameter "param_name".
        When called as a getter: returns the value of the parameter "param_name".
        It does not raise an exception if the parameter (or another one in the
        substitution stack) is undefined"""
        # As a setter
        if len(args):
            return self.__params.set_param(param_name, args[0])

        # As a getter
            return self.__params.get_param(param_name)
        except KeyError as e:
            warnings.warn("parameter '{0}' cannot be initialized because {1} is missing !".format(param_name, e), eHive.Params.ParamWarning, 2)
            return None

    def param_exists(self, param_name):
        """Returns True if the parameter exists and can be successfully
        substituted, None if the substitution fails, False if it is missing"""
        if not self.__params.has_param(param_name):
            return False
            return True
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def param_is_defined(self, param_name):
        """Returns True if the parameter exists and can be successfully
        substituted to a defined value, None if the substitution fails,
        False if it is missing or evaluates as None"""
        e = self.param_exists(param_name)
        if not e:
            # False or None
            return e
            return self.__params.get_param(param_name) is not None
        except KeyError:
            return False

class RunnableTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_job_param(self):
        class FakeRunnableWithParams(BaseRunnable):
            def __init__(self, d):
                self._BaseRunnable__params = eHive.Params.ParamContainer(d)
                self.input_job = Job()
                self.input_job.transient_error = True
        j = FakeRunnableWithParams({
            'a': 3,
            'b': None,
            'c': '#other#',
            'e': '#e#'

        # param_exists
        self.assertIs( j.param_exists('a'), True, '"a" exists' )
        self.assertIs( j.param_exists('b'), True, '"b" exists' )
        self.assertIs( j.param_exists('c'), None, '"c"\'s existence is unclear' )
        self.assertIs( j.param_exists('d'), False, '"d" doesn\'t exist' )
        with self.assertRaises(eHive.Params.ParamInfiniteLoopException):

        # param_is_defined
        self.assertIs( j.param_is_defined('a'), True, '"a" is defined' )
        self.assertIs( j.param_is_defined('b'), False, '"b" is not defined' )
        self.assertIs( j.param_is_defined('c'), None, '"c"\'s defined-ness is unclear' )
        self.assertIs( j.param_is_defined('d'), False, '"d" is not defined (it doesn\'t exist)' )
        with self.assertRaises(eHive.Params.ParamInfiniteLoopException):

        # param
        self.assertIs( j.param('a'), 3, '"a" is 3' )
        self.assertIs( j.param('b'), None, '"b" is None' )
        with self.assertWarns(eHive.Params.ParamWarning):
            self.assertIs( j.param('c'), None, '"c"\'s value is unclear' )
        with self.assertWarns(eHive.Params.ParamWarning):
            self.assertIs( j.param('d'), None, '"d" is not defined (it doesn\'t exist)' )
        with self.assertRaises(eHive.Params.ParamInfiniteLoopException):

        # param_required
        self.assertIs( j.param_required('a'), 3, '"a" is 3' )
        with self.assertRaises(eHive.Params.NullParamException):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
        with self.assertRaises(eHive.Params.ParamInfiniteLoopException):