set -eu -o pipefail
# this is the entrypoint for development. It wraps up compiling and calling run.ts
# all arguments, changes, etc. should be found in src/run.ts
if ! which direnv > /dev/null ; then
echo "direnv not found on the system. See installation and setup instructions at"
exit 1
# check node exists
if ! which node > /dev/null ; then
echo "node not found on the system. Install version in .nvmrc based on instructions in README"
exit 1
# check node version
if ! diff <(cat .nvmrc | tr -d '\n') <(node -v | tr -d '\n') > /dev/null ; then
echo "node version does not match the version required in .nvmrc"
echo "If using nvm, run 'nvm use'"
exit 1
# check yarn exists
if ! which yarn > /dev/null ; then
echo "yarn not found on the system. On macOS, you can install it with 'brew install yarn'"
exit 1
# Ensure packages are up to date. To do it efficiently, we have to use slightly different logic for CI systems and local.
if [ -n "${CI+set}" ] && [ "$CI" == "true" ] ; then # If we're in a CI system, and have no node_modules (cache miss scenario).
if [ ! -d "node_modules" ] ; then
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
elif [ "yarn.lock" -nt ".yarn_install" ]; then # We're local, and the install flag is older than the lockfile
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
touch .yarn_install
# build and run dev.ts
./node_modules/.bin/tsc && node ./build_run/run.js "$@"