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3 hrs
Test Coverage
import yargs from "yargs";
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
import LabeledProcessRunner from "./runner.js";
import * as fs from "fs";
import { ServerlessStageDestroyer } from "@stratiformdigital/serverless-stage-destroyer";
import { ServerlessRunningStages } from "@enterprise-cmcs/macpro-serverless-running-stages";
import { SecurityHubJiraSync } from "@enterprise-cmcs/macpro-security-hub-sync";

// load .env

const runner = new LabeledProcessRunner();

function touch(file: string) {
  try {
    const time = new Date();
    fs.utimesSync(file, time, time);
  } catch (err) {
    fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(file, "w"));

async function frozenInstall(runner: LabeledProcessRunner, dir: string) {
  await runner.run_command_and_output(
    `${dir.split("/").slice(-1)} deps`,
    ["yarn", "install", "--frozen-lockfile"],

async function install_deps(runner: LabeledProcessRunner, dir: string) {
  if (process.env.CI == "true") {
    if (!fs.existsSync(`${dir}/node_modules`)) {
      await frozenInstall(runner, dir);
  } else {
    if (
      !fs.existsSync(`${dir}/.yarn_install`) ||
      fs.statSync(`${dir}/.yarn_install`).ctimeMs <
    ) {
      await frozenInstall(runner, dir);

async function install_deps_for_services() {
  var services = getDirectories("src/services");
  for (let service of services) {
    await install_deps(runner, `src/services/${service}`);
  await install_deps(runner, "src/libs");

function getDirectories(path: string) {
  return fs.readdirSync(path).filter(function (file) {
    return fs.statSync(path + "/" + file).isDirectory();

async function refreshOutputs(stage: string) {
  await runner.run_command_and_output(
    `SLS Refresh Outputs`,
    ["sls", "refresh-outputs", "--stage", stage],

  .command("install", "install all service dependencies", {}, async () => {
    await install_deps_for_services();
    "deploy the project",
      stage: { type: "string", demandOption: true },
      service: { type: "string", demandOption: false },
    async (options) => {
      await install_deps_for_services();
      var deployCmd = ["sls", "deploy", "--stage", options.stage];
      if (options.service) {
        await refreshOutputs(options.stage);
        deployCmd = [
      await runner.run_command_and_output(`SLS Deploy`, deployCmd, ".");
    "run any available tests.",
      stage: { type: "string", demandOption: true },
    async (options) => {
      await install_deps_for_services();
      await refreshOutputs(options.stage);
      await runner.run_command_and_output(
        `Unit Tests`,
        ["yarn", "test-ci"],
  .command("test-gui", "open unit-testing gui for vitest.", {}, async () => {
    await install_deps_for_services();
    await runner.run_command_and_output(
      `Unit Tests`,
      ["yarn", "test-gui"],
    "destroy a stage in AWS",
      stage: { type: "string", demandOption: true },
      service: { type: "string", demandOption: false },
      wait: { type: "boolean", demandOption: false, default: true },
      verify: { type: "boolean", demandOption: false, default: true },
    async (options) => {
      let destroyer = new ServerlessStageDestroyer();
      let filters = [
          Key: "PROJECT",
          Value: `${process.env.PROJECT}`,
      if (options.service) {
          Key: "SERVICE",
          Value: `${options.service}`,
      await destroyer.destroy(`${process.env.REGION_A}`, options.stage, {
        wait: options.wait,
        filters: filters,
        verify: options.verify,
    "Prints a connection string that can be run to 'ssh' directly onto the ECS Fargate task",
      stage: { type: "string", demandOption: true },
      service: { type: "string", demandOption: true },
    async (options) => {
      await install_deps_for_services();
      await refreshOutputs(options.stage);
      await runner.run_command_and_output(
        `SLS connect`,
        ["sls", options.service, "connect", "--stage", options.stage],
    "Starts the Jekyll documentation site in a docker container, available on http://localhost:4000.",
      stop: { type: "boolean", demandOption: false, default: false },
    async (options) => {
      // Always clean up first...
      await runner.run_command_and_output(
        `Stop any existing container.`,
        ["docker", "rm", "-f", "jekyll"],

      // If we're starting...
      if (!options.stop) {
        await runner.run_command_and_output(
          `Run docs at http://localhost:4000`,
            "bundle install && bundle exec jekyll serve --force_polling --host",
    "this will update your code to the latest version of the base template",
    async () => {
      const addRemoteCommand = [

      await runner.run_command_and_output(
        "Update from Base | adding remote",
          stderr: true,
          close: true,

      const fetchBaseCommand = ["git", "fetch", "base"];

      await runner.run_command_and_output(
        "Update from Base | fetching base template",

      const mergeCommand = ["git", "merge", "base/production", "--no-ff"];

      await runner.run_command_and_output(
        "Update from Base | merging code from base template",

        "Merge command was performed. You may have conflicts. This is normal behaivor. To complete the update process fix any conflicts, commit, push, and open a PR."
    ["listRunningStages", "runningEnvs", "listRunningEnvs"],
    "Reports on running environments in your currently connected AWS account.",
    async () => {
      await install_deps_for_services();
      for (const region of [process.env.REGION_A]) {
        const runningStages =
          await ServerlessRunningStages.getAllStagesForRegion(region!);
    ["securityHubJiraSync", "securityHubSync", "secHubSync"],
    "Create Jira Issues for Security Hub findings.",
    async () => {
      await install_deps_for_services();
      await new SecurityHubJiraSync({
        customJiraFields: {
          customfield_14117: [{ value: "Platform Team" }],
          customfield_14151: [{ value: "Not Applicable " }],
            "* All findings of this type are resolved or suppressed, indicated by a Workflow Status of Resolved or Suppressed.  (Note:  this ticket will automatically close when the AC is met.)",
  .strict() // This errors and prints help if you pass an unknown command
  .scriptName("run") // This modifies the displayed help menu to show 'run' isntead of 'dev.js'
  .demandCommand(1, "").argv; // this prints out the help if you don't call a subcommand