import { describe, it, expect, vi, beforeEach } from "vitest";
import { APIGatewayEvent } from "aws-lambda";
import { handler } from "./getPackageActions";
import { response } from "libs/handler-lib";
import { getAvailableActions } from "shared-utils";
import { getPackage } from "../libs/api/package/getPackage";
import {
} from "../libs/api/auth/user";
vi.mock("libs/handler-lib", () => ({
response: vi.fn(),
vi.mock("shared-utils", () => ({
getAvailableActions: vi.fn(),
vi.mock("../libs/api/package/getPackage", () => ({
getPackage: vi.fn(),
vi.mock("../libs/api/auth/user", () => ({
getAuthDetails: vi.fn(),
isAuthorizedToGetPackageActions: vi.fn(),
lookupUserAttributes: vi.fn(),
describe("getPackageActions Handler", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it("should return 400 if event body is missing", async () => {
const event = {} as APIGatewayEvent;
await handler(event);
statusCode: 400,
body: { message: "Event body required" },
it("should return 401 if not authorized to view resources from the state", async () => {
const packageData = { found: true, _source: { state: "test-state" } };
(getPackage as vi.Mock).mockResolvedValueOnce(packageData);
(isAuthorizedToGetPackageActions as vi.Mock).mockResolvedValueOnce(false);
const event = {
body: JSON.stringify({ id: "test-id" }),
} as APIGatewayEvent;
await handler(event);
statusCode: 401,
body: { message: "Not authorized to view resources from this state" },
it("should return 200 with available actions if authorized and package is found", async () => {
const packageData = { found: true, _source: { state: "test-state" } };
const userAttributes = { userId: "test-user", poolId: "test-pool" };
const actions = ["action1", "action2"];
(getPackage as vi.Mock).mockResolvedValueOnce(packageData);
(isAuthorizedToGetPackageActions as vi.Mock).mockResolvedValueOnce(true);
(getAuthDetails as vi.Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(userAttributes);
(lookupUserAttributes as vi.Mock).mockResolvedValueOnce(userAttributes);
(getAvailableActions as vi.Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(actions);
const event = {
body: JSON.stringify({ id: "test-id" }),
} as APIGatewayEvent;
await handler(event);
statusCode: 200,
body: { actions },
it("should handle errors during processing", async () => {
(getPackage as vi.Mock).mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error("Test error"));
const event = {
body: JSON.stringify({ id: "test-id" }),
} as APIGatewayEvent;
await handler(event);
statusCode: 500,
body: { message: "Internal server error" },