import { Authority } from "shared-types";
import { getPackageChangelog } from "../api/package";
import * as EmailContent from "./content";
export type UserType = "cms" | "state";
export interface EmailTemplate {
to: string[];
cc?: string[];
subject: string;
body: string;
export type EmailTemplateFunction<T> = (variables: T) => Promise<EmailTemplate>;
export type UserTypeOnlyTemplate = {
[U in UserType]: EmailTemplateFunction<any>;
export type AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate = {
[A in Authority]?: { [U in UserType]?: EmailTemplateFunction<any> };
export type EmailTemplates = {
"new-medicaid-submission": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate;
"new-chip-submission": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate;
"temp-extension": UserTypeOnlyTemplate;
"withdraw-package": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate;
"withdraw-rai": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate;
"contracting-initial": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate;
"capitated-initial": AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate;
// Create a type-safe mapping of email templates
const emailTemplates: EmailTemplates = {
"new-medicaid-submission": EmailContent.newSubmission,
"new-chip-submission": EmailContent.newSubmission,
"temp-extension": EmailContent.tempExtention,
"withdraw-package": EmailContent.withdrawPackage,
"withdraw-rai": EmailContent.withdrawRai,
"contracting-initial": EmailContent.newSubmission,
"capitated-initial": EmailContent.newSubmission,
// Create a type-safe lookup function
export function getEmailTemplate(
action: keyof EmailTemplates,
): AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate | UserTypeOnlyTemplate {
// Handle -state suffix variants
const baseAction = action.replace(/-state$/, "") as keyof EmailTemplates;
return emailTemplates[baseAction];
function isAuthorityTemplate(
obj: any,
authority: Authority,
): obj is AuthoritiesWithUserTypesTemplate {
return authority in obj;
// Update the getEmailTemplates function to use the new lookup
export async function getEmailTemplates<T>(
action: keyof EmailTemplates,
authority: Authority,
): Promise<EmailTemplateFunction<T>[] | null> {
const template = getEmailTemplate(action);
if (!template) {
console.log("No template found");
return null;
const emailTemplatesToSend: EmailTemplateFunction<T>[] = [];
if (isAuthorityTemplate(template, authority)) {
emailTemplatesToSend.push(...Object.values(template[authority] as EmailTemplateFunction<T>));
} else {
...Object.values(template as Record<UserType, EmailTemplateFunction<T>>),
console.log("Email templates to send:", JSON.stringify(emailTemplatesToSend, null, 2));
return emailTemplatesToSend;
// I think this needs to be written to handle not finding any matching events and so forth
export async function getLatestMatchingEvent(id: string, actionType: string) {
const item = await getPackageChangelog(id);
const events = item.hits.hits.filter((hit: any) => hit._source.actionType === actionType);
events.sort((a: any, b: any) => b._source.timestamp - a._source.timestamp);
const latestMatchingEvent = events[0]._source;
return latestMatchingEvent;
export * from "./getAllStateUsers";