import { FormSchema } from "shared-types";
import { noLeadingTrailingWhitespace } from "shared-utils/regex";
export const v202401: FormSchema = {
"ABP 2b: Voluntary enrollment assurances for eligibility groups other than the “adult” group under Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Act",
formId: "abp2b",
sections: [
title: "Assurances",
sectionId: "addurances",
form: [
slots: [
rhf: "Checkbox",
name: "adult-eligibility-included",
descriptionClassName: "text-black text-base",
descriptionAbove: true,
description: [
text: "These assurances must be made by the state/territory if the Alternative Benefit Plan (ABP) population includes any eligibility groups other than or in addition to the “adult” eligibility group.",
type: "default",
classname: "block pb-4",
text: "When offering voluntary enrollment in an ABP (benchmark or benchmark-equivalent), prior to enrollment, the state/territory will:",
type: "default",
classname: "font-bold block pt-2",
rules: { required: "* Required" },
props: {
options: [
"Inform individuals they are exempt and comply with all requirements related to voluntary enrollment",
styledLabel: [
text: "Effectively inform individuals who voluntarily enroll:",
type: "default",
classname: "block pb-1",
text: "A. That enrollment is voluntary",
type: "default",
classname: "block py-1",
text: "B. That they may disenroll from the ABP at any time and regain immediate access to full standard state/territory plan coverage",
type: "default",
classname: "block py-1",
text: "C. What the process is for disenrolling",
type: "default",
classname: "block pt-1",
styledLabel: [
text: "Inform individuals of:",
type: "default",
classname: "block pb-1",
text: "A. The benefits available under the ABP",
type: "default",
classname: "block py-1",
text: "B. The costs of the different benefit packages and a comparison of how the ABP differs from the approved Medicaid state/territory plan",
type: "default",
classname: "block pt-1",
title: "Delivery of information",
sectionId: "delivery-of-info",
form: [
"How will the state/territory inform individuals about their options for enrollment?",
slots: [
rhf: "Checkbox",
name: "assurances",
rules: { required: "* Required" },
props: {
options: [
label: "Letter",
value: "letter",
label: "Email",
value: "email",
label: "Other",
value: "other",
slots: [
rhf: "Textarea",
name: "describe-other-enrollment",
label: "Describe",
labelClassName: "font-bold",
rules: {
required: "* Required",
pattern: {
value: noLeadingTrailingWhitespace,
"Must not have leading or trailing whitespace.",
rhf: "Upload",
name: "provide-copy",
"Provide a copy of the letter, email, or other communication.",
descriptionAbove: true,
descriptionClassName: "font-bold text-black",
rules: {
required: "* Required",
props: { maxFiles: 3 },
rhf: "Input",
name: "when-to-inform",
descriptionAbove: true,
"When did/will the state/territory inform the individuals?",
rules: {
required: "* Required",
pattern: {
value: /^\S(.*\S)?$/,
message: "Must not have leading or trailing whitespace.",
descriptionClassName: "font-bold text-black",
rhf: "Textarea",
name: "process-for-allow-voluntarily-enrolled-to-disenroll",
descriptionAbove: true,
"What is the state/territory's process for allowing voluntarily enrolled individuals to disenroll?",
descriptionClassName: "font-bold text-black",
rules: {
required: "* Required",
pattern: {
value: noLeadingTrailingWhitespace,
message: "Must not have leading or trailing whitespace.",
rhf: "Checkbox",
name: "state-territory-assures-it-will-document-exempt-individuals",
formItemClassName: "whitespace-pre-wrap",
rules: {
required: "* Required",
props: {
options: [
styledLabel: [
text: "The state/territory assures it will document in the exempt individual's eligibility file that the individual:",
type: "default",
classname: "block pb-1",
text: "A. Was informed in accordance with this section prior to enrollment",
type: "default",
classname: "block py-1",
text: "B. Was given ample time to arrive at an informed choice",
type: "default",
classname: "block py-1",
text: " C. Chose to enroll in ABP coverage subject to Section 1937 requirements or defined as the state/territory's approved Medicaid state plan not subject to Section 1937 requirements",
rhf: "Checkbox",
name: "where-will-info-be-doc",
descriptionAbove: true,
descriptionClassName: "font-bold text-black",
description: "Where will the information be documented?",
rules: {
required: "* Required",
props: {
options: [
label: "In the eligibility system",
value: "in_eligibility_system",
label: "In the hard copy of the case record",
value: "hard_copy_of_case_record",
label: "Other",
value: "other",
slots: [
rhf: "Textarea",
name: "where-will-info-be-doc-describe-other",
label: "Describe",
labelClassName: "font-bold",
rules: {
required: "* Required",
pattern: {
value: noLeadingTrailingWhitespace,
"Must not have leading or trailing whitespace.",
rhf: "Checkbox",
name: "what-docu-will-be-maintained",
descriptionAbove: true,
descriptionClassName: "font-bold text-black",
"What documentation will be maintained in the eligibility file?",
formItemClassName: "pb-6 border-b-[1px] border-[#AEB0B5]",
rules: {
required: "* Required",
props: {
options: [
label: "Copy of correspondence sent to the individual",
value: "copy_of_correspondence_sent_to_the_individual",
"Signed documentation from the individual consenting to enrollment in the ABP",
label: "Other",
slots: [
rhf: "Textarea",
name: "describe-other-maintained",
label: "Describe",
labelClassName: "font-bold",
rules: {
required: "* Required",
pattern: {
value: noLeadingTrailingWhitespace,
"Must not have leading or trailing whitespace.",
rhf: "Checkbox",
name: "state-territory-assures-maintain-data",
rules: {
required: "* Required",
props: {
options: [
"The state/territory assures it will maintain data that tracks the total number of individuals who have voluntarily enrolled in an ABP and the total number who have disenrolled.",
value: "state_territory_assures_it_will_maintain_data",
title: "Additional information",
sectionId: "addtnl-info",
form: [
"Other information about enrollment assurances for voluntary participants (optional)",
slots: [
rhf: "Textarea",
name: "other-info-about-enroll-assurance",
rules: {
pattern: {
value: noLeadingTrailingWhitespace,
message: "Must not have leading or trailing whitespace.",