import { Link } from "react-router";
import { type ReactNode } from "react";
import { ChevronRight } from "lucide-react";
type BreadCrumbsProps = {
options: BreadCrumbConfig[];
export type BreadCrumbConfig = {
default?: boolean;
order: number;
to: string;
displayText: string;
export const BreadCrumbs = ({ options }: BreadCrumbsProps) => {
const defaultBreadCrumb = options.find((option) => option.default);
return (
{defaultBreadCrumb && (
<BreadCrumb to={} showSeperator={false}>
{/* After this we map over the config and check to see if the breadcrumb needs to be displayed. Proper route paths are important here. It should be hierarchical */}
.filter((option) => !option.default)
.toSorted((option, prevOption) => option.order - prevOption.order)
.map(({ displayText, to }, index, optionsArray) => {
return (
<BreadCrumb key={displayText} to={to} active={index !== optionsArray.length - 1}>
type BreadCrumbProps = {
to: string;
active?: boolean;
showSeperator?: boolean;
seperator?: ReactNode;
export const BreadCrumb = ({
seperator = <BreadCrumbSeperator />,
showSeperator = true,
active = true,
}: React.PropsWithChildren<BreadCrumbProps>) => {
return (
<li className="flex items-center text-sm">
{showSeperator && <span>{seperator}</span>}
{active && (
<Link to={to} className="underline text-sky-700 hover:text-sky-800">
{!active && (
<span className="whitespace-nowrap" aria-disabled>
export const BreadCrumbSeperator = () => <ChevronRight className="w-5 h-5" />;
export const BreadCrumbBar = ({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren) => {
return (
<nav role="navigation" aria-label="breadcrumbs for spa or waiver choices" className="my-4">
<ul className="flex gap-1">{children}</ul>