import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event";
import { screen } from "@testing-library/react";
import { z } from "zod";
import { SchemaWithEnforcableProps } from "@/components";
type ExtractAttachmentKeys<TSchema extends SchemaWithEnforcableProps> =
TSchema extends z.ZodEffects<infer InnerSchema> // Handle ZodEffects
? InnerSchema extends z.ZodObject<infer Shape> // Check if inner schema is a ZodObject
? Shape["attachments"] extends z.ZodObject<infer AttachmentsShape> // Ensure attachments is a ZodObject
? keyof AttachmentsShape // Extract the keys from attachments' shape
: never
: never
: TSchema extends z.ZodObject<infer Shape> // Handle direct ZodObject case
? Shape["attachments"] extends z.ZodObject<infer AttachmentsShape> // Ensure attachments is a ZodObject
? keyof AttachmentsShape // Extract the keys from attachments' shape
: never
: never;
export const uploadFiles = <TSchema extends SchemaWithEnforcableProps>() => {
type AttachmentKey = ExtractAttachmentKeys<TSchema>;
return async (attachmentKey: AttachmentKey) => {
const EXAMPLE_FILE = new File(["¯\\_(ツ)_/¯"], "proposal.png", {
type: "image/png",
await userEvent.upload(
return screen.getByTestId(`${attachmentKey}-label`);