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franklin is a library for storing and displaying various metrics aquired through different apis, web-services or scraped contents. Check the [franklin demo page](http://franklin2.marceleichner.de/) for a first impression.

One important ambition for franklin is that all access is made through public available content. No use of any API keys or tokens which makes it easier to setup.

# List of available tests

Checkout the wiki for a complete list of the 35+ tests that can be displayed using franklin: [franklin wiki](https://github.com/Ephigenia/franklin/wiki)

# Running the Tests

    composer install

# Running specific groups of tests

    vendor/bin/phpunit --group=Flipboard 


This Version of franklin is currently in development and should only be used if you’re experienced with the previous version or programming.

# Rewrite

There will be a rewrite of the whole franklin architecture in node.js in 2014. If you want to help me and help to build the next standard open source solution for tracking kpis for everyone please contact me. You can find contact infos on my [github page](https://github.com/Ephigenia)