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 * @file version.js
 * Module for downloading doxygen versions

 * Strict Mode
"use strict";

 * Export downloadVersion function
module.exports.downloadVersion = downloadVersion;

 * Import toArray module
var toArray = require("stream-to-array");

 * Import fs module
var fs = require("fs-extra");

 * Import Promise module
var Promise = require("promise");

 * Import constants
var constants = require("./constants");

 * Import helpers
var helpers = require("./helpers");

 * @ingroup Doxygen
 * Downloads a doxygen version
 * @param version {String}: The version to download
 * @param protocol {String}: The protocol to be used to download the file
 * @param hostName {String}: The host from which to download the doxygen file
 * @param fileRoute {String}: The route from which to download the doxygen file
function downloadVersion(version, protocol, hostName, fileRoute) {
    version = version ? version : constants.default.version;
    protocol = protocol ? protocol : constants.default.downloadProtocol;
    hostName = hostName ? hostName : constants.default.downloadHostName;
    fileRoute = fileRoute ? fileRoute : getFileRoute(version);

    var versionRoute = constants.default.distRoute + "/" + version;

    return downloadVersionUnsafe(versionRoute, protocol, hostName, fileRoute);

 * @ingroup Doxygen
 * Downloads a doxygen version without validating the input parameters
 * @param versionRoute {String}: The route to place the doxygen files
 * @param protocol {String}: The protocol to be used to download the file
 * @param hostName {String}: The host from which to download the doxygen file
 * @param fileRoute {String}: The route from which to download the doxygen file
function downloadVersionUnsafe(versionRoute, protocol, hostName, fileRoute) {

    var dataPromise = getDataPromise(protocol, hostName, fileRoute);

    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            .then(decompressFunction(versionRoute, fileRoute))
            .then(function () {
            .catch(function (error) {

 * @ingroup Doxygen
 * Downloads a doxygen version
 * @param protocol {String} - The protocol to be used to download the file
 * @param hostName {String} - The host from which to download the doxygen file
 * @param fileRoute {String} - The route from which to download the doxygen file
function getDataPromise(protocol, hostName, fileRoute) {
    switch (protocol){
        case "http":
        case "https":
            return helpers.httpDownload(protocol + "://" + hostName + "/" + fileRoute, protocol);
        case "ftp":
            return helpers.ftpDownload(hostName, fileRoute);
            throw constants.error.invalidProtocol;

 * @ingroup Doxygen
 * Returns the file route to obtain the appropiate doxygen file from the official site
 * @param version {String} - The protocol to be used to download the file
 * @returns {String} The file route
function getFileRoute(version) {
    var osInfo;

    switch (process.platform){
        case constants.platform.macOS.identifier:
            osInfo = constants.platform.macOS;
        case constants.platform.linux.identifier:
            osInfo = constants.platform.linux;
        case constants.platform.solaris.identifier:
            osInfo = constants.platform.solaris;
            osInfo =;
            throw constants.error.invalidPlatform;

    return constants.default.downloadFileRoute
        .replace(/%doxygenName%/g, osInfo.doxygenName)
        .replace(/%version%/g, version)
        .replace(/%osPrefix%/g, osInfo.osPrefix)
        .replace(/%x64Prefix%/g, process.arch == "x64" ? osInfo.x64Prefix : "")
        .replace(/%extension%/g, osInfo.extension);

 * @ingroup Doxygen
 * Returns the function to decompress the files
 * @param versionRoute {String}: The route to place the doxygen files
 * @param fileRoute {String}: The route from which to download the doxygen file
 * @returns {Function<Promise<Buffer>>} A buffer
function decompressFunction(versionRoute, fileRoute) {
    return function(buffer) {
        if (fileRoute.endsWith(".dmg")) {
            return decompressDmg(buffer, versionRoute);
        } else {
            return decompressNonDmg(buffer, versionRoute);

 * @ingroup Doxygen
 * Creates a buffer with all the segments of a download
 * @param parts {Object} - The array containing all the segments of the download
 * @returns {Object} A buffer
function arrayToBuffer(parts) {
    var buffers = [];
    for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; ++i) {
        var part = parts[i];
        buffers.push((part instanceof Buffer) ? part : new Buffer(part));
    return Buffer.concat(buffers);

 * @ingroup Doxygen
 * Uncompresses the file contained in the buffer, and copies the results to the route specified
 * @param buffer {Object} - The file downloaded
 * @param destinationPath {String} - The route on which the files must be copied
 * @returns {Promise<File[]>} A promise returning the list of files
function decompressNonDmg(buffer, destinationPath) {
    var decompress = require("decompress");
    return decompress(buffer, destinationPath, {
        filter: function (file) {
            return file.path.endsWith("doxygen") ||
                file.path.endsWith("doxygen.exe") ||
                file.path.endsWith("doxyindexer") ||
                file.path.endsWith("doxyindexer.exe") ||
                file.path.endsWith("doxysearch.cgi.exe") ||
                file.path.endsWith("doxysearch.cgi") ||
        map: function (file) {
            file.path = file.path.substring(file.path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
            return file;

 * @ingroup Doxygen
 * Takes a dmg file from the buffer and copies the files contained to the route specified
 * @param buffer {Object} - The file downloaded
 * @param filePath {String} - The route on which the files must be copied
 * @returns {Promise<File[]>} A promise returning the list of files
function decompressDmg(buffer, filePath) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        fs.writeFile(filePath + "/doxygen.dmg", buffer, "binary", function (error) {
            if (error) {
            } else {
                copyFileFromDmg(filePath + "/doxygen.dmg", filePath + "/")
                    .then(function () {
                    }, function(error){

 * @ingroup Doxygen
 * Uncompresses a dmg file, and copies the results to the route specified
 * @param dmgFilePath {Object} - The route of the dmg file
 * @param destinationPath {String} - The route on which the files must be copied
function copyFileFromDmg(dmgFilePath, destinationPath) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        var dmg = require("dmg");
        dmg.mount(dmgFilePath, function (error, path) {
            if (error) {
            } else {
                try {
                    fs.copySync(path + "/", destinationPath);
                    dmg.unmount(path, function () {
                } catch (error) {
                    rejectCleanup(error, path);


        function rejectCleanup(error, dmgMounted) {
            dmg.unmount(dmgMounted, function () {