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1 day
Test Coverage

return [
    'common' => [
        'no-result' => 'No Result.',
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        'no'        => 'No',
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        'can_not_find_content'           => 'Cannot find library with #:id',
        'missing_h5p_identifier'         => 'Missing H5P identifier.',
        'can_not_created'                => 'Can not create.',
        'can_not_updated'                => 'Can not update.',
        'can_not_delete'                 => 'Can not delete.',
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        'destroy'                        => 'Remove',
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        'search-result'                   => 'Total :count',
        'created'                         => 'Library is created.',
        'updated'                         => 'Library is updated.',
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        'can_not_updated'                 => 'Can not update.',
        'destoryed'                       => 'Removed.',
        'clear'                           => 'Clear',
        'can_not_destroy'                 => 'Can not remove.',
        'used_library_can_not_destoroied' => 'This Library is used by content or other libraries and can therefore not be deleted. ',
        'confirm_clear_type_cache'        => 'Are you sure remove a content type cache?',
        'confirm_destroy'                 => 'Are you sure remove a library?',
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        'pageXOfY'                        => 'Page $x of $y',
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        'advancedHelp'          => 'Include this script on your website if you want dynamic sizing of the embedded content:',
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        'copyrightsDescription' => 'View copyright information for this content.',
        'embedDescription'      => 'View the embed code for this content.',
        'h5pDescription'        => 'Visit to check out more cool content.',
        'contentChanged'        => 'This content has changed since you last used it.',
        'startingOver'          => "You'll be starting over.",
        'confirmDialogHeader'   => 'Confirm action',
        'confirmDialogBody'     => 'Please confirm that you wish to proceed. This action is not reversible.',
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