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namespace EscolaLms\Cart\Contracts;

use EscolaLms\Cart\Models\Product;
use EscolaLms\Cart\Models\ProductProductable;
use EscolaLms\Core\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;

interface Productable
     * This method will filter Productables (Models of buyable things represented by Product) checking if they are buyable by user
    public function scopeBuyableByUser(Builder $query, User $user): Builder;

     * This method will filter Productables (Models of buyable things represented by Product) checking if they are not buyable by user (this defines if Product is not buyable as a whole)
    public function scopeNotBuyableByUser(Builder $query, User $user): Builder;

     * This method will filter Productables (Models of buyable things represented by Product) checking if they are owned by user
    public function scopeOwnedByUser(Builder $query, User $user): Builder;

     * This method will filter Productables (Models of buyable things represented by Product) checking if they are not owned by user
    public function scopeNotOwnedByUser(Builder $query, User $user): Builder;

     * This method will be checked when adding Product to Cart
    public function getBuyableByUserAttribute(?User $user = null): bool;

     * This method will be checked when adding Product to Cart
    public function getOwnedByUserAttribute(?User $user = null): bool;

     * Method for attaching Productable to User (Used when Admin gifts Product/Productable to User and after buying Product)
    public function attachToUser(User $user, int $quantity = 1, ?Product $product = null): void;

     * Method for detaching Productable from User (Used when Admin manually removes Product/Productable from User)
    public function detachFromUser(User $user, int $quantity = 1, ?Product $product = null): void;

     * Get JsonResource representing this Productable (used in listing Products)
    public function toJsonResourceForShop(?ProductProductable $productProductable = null): JsonResource;

     * Get productable name
    public function getName(): string;

     * Get productable name column
    public function getNameColumn(): ?string;

     * Get productable description
    public function getDescription(): ?string;

     * Get productable description
    public function getApiReadUrl(): ?string;

     * Get productable thumbnail
    public function getThumbnail(): ?string;

     * Default Eloquent Model functionality
    public function getTable();

     * Default Eloquent Model functionality
    public function getKey();

     * Default Eloquent Model functionality (required for polymorphic relations and resource listing)
    public function getMorphClass();

     * Get productable Authors collection
    public function getProductableAuthors(): Collection;

     * Get productable duration in seconds
    public function getProductableDuration(): int;

    public static function getMorphClassStatic(): string;